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# 3.8.3 (2018-04-29) * Add flags for 201 & 422 responses (Nikhil Fadnis) * Emit progress event while uploading Node `Buffer` via send method (Sergey Akhalkov) * Fixed setting correct cookies for redirects (Damien Clark) * Replace .catch with ['catch'] for IE9 Support (Miguel Stevens) # 3.8.2 (2017-12-09) * Fixed handling of exceptions thrown from callbacks * Stricter matching of `+json` MIME types. # 3.8.1 (2017-11-08) * Clear authorization header on cross-domain redirect # 3.8.0 * Added support for "globally" defined headers and event handlers via `superagent.agent()`. It now remembers default settings for all its requests. * Added optional callback to `.retry()` (Alexander Murphy) * Unified auth args handling in node/browser (Edmundo Alvarez) * Fixed error handling in zlib pipes (Kornel) * Documented that 3xx status codes are errors (Mickey Reiss) # 3.7.0 (2017-10-17) * Limit maximum response size. Prevents zip bombs (Kornel) * Catch and pass along errors in `.ok()` callback (Jeremy Ruppel) * Fixed parsing of XHR headers without a newline (nsf) # 3.6.2 (2017-10-02) * Upgrade MIME type dependency to a newer, secure version * Recognize PDF MIME as binary * Fix for error in subsequent require() calls (Steven de Salas) # 3.6.0 (2017-08-20) * Support disabling TCP_NODELAY option (#1240) (xiamengyu) * Send payload in query string for GET and HEAD shorthand API (Peter Lyons) * Support passphrase with pfx certificate (Paul Westerdale (ABRS Limited)) * Documentation improvements (Peter Lyons) * Fixed duplicated query string params (#1200) (Kornel) # 3.5.1 (2017-03-18) * Allow crossDomain errors to be retried (#1194) (Michael Olson) * Read responseType property from the correct object (Julien Dupouy) * Check for ownProperty before adding header (Lucas Vieira) # 3.5.0 (2017-02-23) * Add errno to distinguish between request timeout and body download timeout (#1184) (Kornel Lesiński) * Warn about bogus timeout options (#1185) (Kornel Lesiński) # 3.4.4 (2017-02-17) * Treat videos like images (Kornel Lesiński) * Avoid renaming module (Kornel Lesiński) # 3.4.3 (2017-02-14) * Fixed being able to define own parsers when their mime type starts with `text/` (Damien Clark) * `withCredentials(false)` (Andy Woods) * Use `formData.on` instead of `.once` (Kornel Lesiński) * Ignore `attach("file",null)` (Kornel Lesiński) # 3.4.1 (2017-01-29) * Allow `retry()` and `retry(0)` (Alexander Pope) * Allow optional body/data in DELETE requests (Alpha Shuro) * Fixed query string on retried requests (Kornel Lesiński) # 3.4.0 (2017-01-25) * New `.retry(n)` method and `err.retries` (Alexander Pope) * Docs for HTTPS request (Jun Wan Goh) # 3.3.1 (2016-12-17) * Fixed "double callback bug" warning on timeouts of gzipped responses # 3.3.0 (2016-12-14) * Added `.ok(callback)` that allows customizing which responses are errors (Kornel Lesiński) * Added `.responseType()` to Node version (Kornel Lesiński) * Added `.parse()` to browser version (jakepearson) * Fixed parse error when using `responseType('blob')` (Kornel Lesiński) # 3.2.0 (2016-12-11) * Added `.timeout({response:ms})`, which allows limiting maximum response time independently from total download time (Kornel Lesiński) * Added warnings when `.end()` is called more than once (Kornel Lesiński) * Added `response.links` to browser version (Lukas Eipert) * `btoa` is no longer required in IE9 (Kornel Lesiński) * Fixed `.sortQuery()` on URLs without query strings (Kornel Lesiński) * Refactored common response code into `ResponseBase` (Lukas Eipert) # 3.1.0 (2016-11-28) * Added `.sortQuery()` (vicanso) * Added support for arrays and bools in `.field()` (Kornel Lesiński) * Made `superagent.Request` subclassable without need to patch all static methods (Kornel Lesiński) # 3.0.0 (2016-11-19) * Dropped support for Node 0.x. Please upgrade to at least Node 4. * Dropped support for componentjs (Damien Caselli) * Removed deprecated `.part()`/`superagent.Part` APIs. * Removed unreliable `.body` property on internal response object used by unbuffered parsers. Note: the normal `response.body` is unaffected. * Multiple `.send()` calls mixing `Buffer`/`Blob` and JSON data are not possible and will now throw instead of messing up the data. * Improved `.send()` data object type check (Fernando Mendes) * Added common prototype for Node and browser versions (Andreas Helmberger) * Added `http+unix:` schema to support Unix sockets (Yuki KAN) * Added full `attach` options parameter in the Node version (Lapo Luchini) * Added `pfx` TLS option with new `pfx()` method. (Reid Burke) * Internally changed `.on` to `.once` to prevent possible memory leaks (Matt Blair) * Made all errors reported as an event (Kornel Lesiński) # 2.3.0 (2016-09-20) * Enabled `.field()` to handle objects (Affan Shahid) * Added authentication with client certificates (terusus) * Added `.catch()` for more Promise-like interface (Maxim Samoilov, Kornel Lesiński) * Silenced errors from incomplete gzip streams for compatibility with web browsers (Kornel Lesiński) * Fixed `event.direction` in uploads (Kornel Lesiński) * Fixed returned value of overwritten response object's `on()` method (Juan Dopazo) # 2.2.0 (2016-08-13) * Added `timedout` property to node Request instance (Alexander Pope) * Unified `null` querystring values in node and browser environments. (George Chung) # 2.1.0 (2016-06-14) * Refactored async parsers. Now the `end` callback waits for async parsers to finish (Kornel Lesiński) * Errors thrown in `.end()` callback don't cause the callback to be called twice (Kornel Lesiński) * Added `headers` to `toJSON()` (Tao) # 2.0.0 (2016-05-29) ## Breaking changes Breaking changes are in rarely used functionality, so we hope upgrade will be smooth for most users. * Browser: The `.parse()` method has been renamed to `.serialize()` for consistency with NodeJS version. * Browser: Query string keys without a value used to be parsed as `'undefined'`, now their value is `''` (empty string) (shura, Kornel Lesiński). * NodeJS: The `redirect` event is called after new query string and headers have been set and is allowed to override the request URL (Kornel Lesiński) * `.then()` returns a real `Promise`. Note that use of superagent with promises now requires a global `Promise` object. If you target Internet Explorer or Node 0.10, you'll need `require('es6-promise').polyfill()` or similar. * Upgraded all dependencies (Peter Lyons) * Renamed properties documented as `@api private` to have `_prefixed` names (Kornel Lesiński) ## Probably not breaking changes: * Extracted common functions to request-base (Peter Lyons) * Fixed race condition in pipe tests (Peter Lyons) * Handle `FormData` error events (scriptype) * Fixed wrong jsdoc of Request#attach (George Chung) * Updated and improved tests (Peter Lyons) * `request.head()` supports `.redirects(5)` call (Kornel Lesiński) * `response` event is also emitted when using `.pipe()` # 1.8.2 (2016-03-20) * Fixed handling of HTTP status 204 with content-encoding: gzip (Andrew Shelton) * Handling of FormData error events (scriptype) * Fixed parsing of `vnd+json` MIME types (Kornel Lesiński) * Aliased browser implementation of `.parse()` as `.serialize()` for forward compatibility # 1.8.1 (2016-03-14) * Fixed form-data incompatibility with IE9 # 1.8.0 (2016-03-09) * Extracted common code into request-base class (Peter Lyons) * It does not affect the public API, but please let us know if you notice any plugins/subclasses breaking! * Added option `{type:'auto'}` to `auth` method, which enables browser-native auth types (Jungle, Askar Yusupov) * Added `responseType()` to set XHR `responseType` (chris) * Switched to form-data for browserify-compatible `FormData` (Peter Lyons) * Added `statusCode` to error response when JSON response is malformed (mattdell) * Prevented TCP port conflicts in all tests (Peter Lyons) * Updated form-data dependency # 1.7.2 (2016-01-26) * Fix case-sensitivity of header fields introduced by a4ddd6a. (Edward J. Jinotti) * bump extend dependency, as former version did not contain any license information (Lukas Eipert) # 1.7.1 (2016-01-21) * Fixed a conflict with express when using npm 3.x (Glenn) * Fixed redirects after a multipart/form-data POST request (cyclist2) # 1.7.0 (2016-01-18) * When attaching files, read default filename from the `File` object (JD Isaacks) * Add `direction` property to `progress` events (Joseph Dykstra) * Update component-emitter & formidable (Kornel Lesiński) * Don't re-encode query string needlessly (Ruben Verborgh) * ensure querystring is appended when doing `stream.pipe(request)` (Keith Grennan) * change set header function, not call `this.request()` until call `this.end()` (vicanso) * Add no-op `withCredentials` to Node API (markdalgleish) * fix `delete` breaking on ie8 (kenjiokabe) * Don't let request error override responses (Clay Reimann) * Increased number of tests shared between node and client (Kornel Lesiński) # 1.6.0/1.6.1 (2015-12-09) * avoid misleading CORS error message * added 'progress' event on file/form upload in Node (Olivier Lalonde) * return raw response if the response parsing fails (Rei Colina) * parse content-types ending with `+json` as JSON (Eiryyy) * fix to avoid throwing errors on aborted requests (gjurgens) * retain cookies on redirect when hosts match (Tom Conroy) * added Bower manifest (Johnny Freeman) * upgrade to latest cookiejar (Andy Burke) # 1.5.0 (2015-11-30) * encode array values as `key=1&key=2&key=3` etc... (aalpern, Davis Kim) * avoid the error which is omitted from 'socket hang up' * faster JSON parsing, handling of zlib errors (jbellenger) * fix IE11 sends 'undefined' string if data was undefined (Vadim Goncharov) * alias `del()` method as `delete()` (Aaron Krause) * revert Request#parse since it was actually Response#parse # 1.4.0 (2015-09-14) * add Request#parse method to client library * add missing statusCode in client response * don't apply JSON heuristics if a valid parser is found * fix detection of root object for webworkers # 1.3.0 (2015-08-05) * fix incorrect content-length of data set to buffer * serialize request data takes into account charsets * add basic promise support via a `then` function # 1.2.0 (2015-04-13) * add progress events to downlodas * make usable in webworkers * add support for 308 redirects * update node-form-data dependency * update to work in react native * update node-mime dependency # 1.1.0 (2015-03-13) * Fix responseType checks without xhr2 and ie9 tests (rase-) * errors have .status and .response fields if applicable (defunctzombie) * fix end callback called before saving cookies (rase-) 1.0.0 / 2015-03-08 ================== * All non-200 responses are treated as errors now. (The callback is called with an error when the response has a status < 200 or >= 300 now. In previous versions this would not have raised an error and the client would have to check the `res` object. See [#283](https://github.com/visionmedia/superagent/issues/283). * keep timeouts intact across redirects (hopkinsth) * handle falsy json values (themaarten) * fire response events in browser version (Schoonology) * getXHR exported in client version (KidsKilla) * remove arity check on `.end()` callbacks (defunctzombie) * avoid setting content-type for host objects (rexxars) * don't index array strings in querystring (travisjeffery) * fix pipe() with redirects (cyrilis) * add xhr2 file download (vstirbu) * set default response type to text/plain if not specified (warrenseine) 0.21.0 / 2014-11-11 ================== * Trim text before parsing json (gjohnson) * Update tests to express 4 (gaastonsr) * Prevent double callback when error is thrown (pgn-vole) * Fix missing clearTimeout (nickdima) * Update debug (TooTallNate) 0.20.0 / 2014-10-02 ================== * Add toJSON() to request and response instances. (yields) * Prevent HEAD requests from getting parsed. (gjohnson) * Update debug. (TooTallNate) 0.19.1 / 2014-09-24 ================== * Fix basic auth issue when password is falsey value. (gjohnson) 0.19.0 / 2014-09-24 ================== * Add unset() to browser. (shesek) * Prefer XHR over ActiveX. (omeid) * Catch parse errors. (jacwright) * Update qs dependency. (wercker) * Add use() to node. (Financial-Times) * Add response text to errors. (yields) * Don't send empty cookie headers. (undoZen) * Don't parse empty response bodies. (DveMac) * Use hostname when setting cookie host. (prasunsultania) 0.18.2 / 2014-07-12 ================== * Handle parser errors. (kof) * Ensure not to use default parsers when there is a user defined one. (kof) 0.18.1 / 2014-07-05 ================== * Upgrade cookiejar dependency (juanpin) * Support image mime types (nebulade) * Make .agent chainable (kof) * Upgrade debug (TooTallNate) * Fix docs (aheckmann) 0.18.0 / 2014-04-29 =================== * Use "form-data" module for the multipart/form-data implementation. (TooTallNate) * Add basic `field()` and `attach()` functions for HTML5 FormData. (TooTallNate) * Deprecate `part()`. (TooTallNate) * Set default user-agent header. (bevacqua) * Add `unset()` method for removing headers. (bevacqua) * Update cookiejar. (missinglink) * Fix response error formatting. (shesek) 0.17.0 / 2014-03-06 =================== * supply uri malformed error to the callback (yields) * add request event (yields) * allow simple auth (yields) * add request event (yields) * switch to component/reduce (visionmedia) * fix part content-disposition (mscdex) * add browser testing via zuul (defunctzombie) * adds request.use() (johntron) 0.16.0 / 2014-01-07 ================== * remove support for 0.6 (superjoe30) * fix CORS withCredentials (wejendorp) * add "test" script (superjoe30) * add request .accept() method (nickl-) * add xml to mime types mappings (nickl-) * fix parse body error on HEAD requests (gjohnson) * fix documentation typos (matteofigus) * fix content-type + charset (bengourley) * fix null values on query parameters (cristiandouce) 0.15.7 / 2013-10-19 ================== * pin should.js to 1.3.0 due to breaking change in 2.0.x * fix browserify regression 0.15.5 / 2013-10-09 ================== * add browser field to support browserify * fix .field() value number support 0.15.4 / 2013-07-09 ================== * node: add a Request#agent() function to set the http Agent to use 0.15.3 / 2013-07-05 ================== * fix .pipe() unzipping on more recent nodes. Closes #240 * fix passing an empty object to .query() no longer appends "?" * fix formidable error handling * update formidable 0.15.2 / 2013-07-02 ================== * fix: emit 'end' when piping. 0.15.1 / 2013-06-26 ================== * add try/catch around parseLinks 0.15.0 / 2013-06-25 ================== * make `Response#toError()` have a more meaningful `message` 0.14.9 / 2013-06-15 ================== * add debug()s to the node client * add .abort() method to node client 0.14.8 / 2013-06-13 ================== * set .agent = false always * remove X-Requested-With. Closes #189 0.14.7 / 2013-06-06 ================== * fix unzip error handling 0.14.6 / 2013-05-23 ================== * fix HEAD unzip bug 0.14.5 / 2013-05-23 ================== * add flag to ensure the callback is __never__ invoked twice 0.14.4 / 2013-05-22 ================== * add superagent.js build output * update qs * update emitter-component * revert "add browser field to support browserify" see GH-221 0.14.3 / 2013-05-18 ================== * add browser field to support browserify 0.14.2/ 2013-05-07 ================== * add host object check to fix serialization of File/Blobs etc as json 0.14.1 / 2013-04-09 ================== * update qs 0.14.0 / 2013-04-02 ================== * add client-side basic auth * fix retaining of .set() header field case 0.13.0 / 2013-03-13 ================== * add progress events to client * add simple example * add res.headers as alias of res.header for browser client * add res.get(field) to node/client 0.12.4 / 2013-02-11 ================== * fix get content-type even if can't get other headers in firefox. fixes #181 0.12.3 / 2013-02-11 ================== * add quick "progress" event support 0.12.2 / 2013-02-04 ================== * add test to check if response acts as a readable stream * add ReadableStream in the Response prototype. * add test to assert correct redirection when the host changes in the location header. * add default Accept-Encoding. Closes #155 * fix req.pipe() return value of original stream for node parity. Closes #171 * remove the host header when cleaning headers to properly follow the redirection. 0.12.1 / 2013-01-10 ================== * add x-domain error handling 0.12.0 / 2013-01-04 ================== * add header persistence on redirects 0.11.0 / 2013-01-02 ================== * add .error Error object. Closes #156 * add forcing of res.text removal for FF HEAD responses. Closes #162 * add reduce component usage. Closes #90 * move better-assert dep to development deps 0.10.0 / 2012-11-14 ================== * add req.timeout(ms) support for the client 0.9.10 / 2012-11-14 ================== * fix client-side .query(str) support 0.9.9 / 2012-11-14 ================== * add .parse(fn) support * fix socket hangup with dates in querystring. Closes #146 * fix socket hangup "error" event when a callback of arity 2 is provided 0.9.8 / 2012-11-03 ================== * add emission of error from `Request#callback()` * add a better fix for nodes weird socket hang up error * add PUT/POST/PATCH data support to client short-hand functions * add .license property to component.json * change client portion to build using component(1) * fix GET body support [guille] 0.9.7 / 2012-10-19 ================== * fix `.buffer()` `res.text` when no parser matches 0.9.6 / 2012-10-17 ================== * change: use `this` when `window` is undefined * update to new component spec [juliangruber] * fix emission of "data" events for compressed responses without encoding. Closes #125 0.9.5 / 2012-10-01 ================== * add field name to .attach() * add text "parser" * refactor isObject() * remove wtf isFunction() helper 0.9.4 / 2012-09-20 ================== * fix `Buffer` responses [TooTallNate] * fix `res.type` when a "type" param is present [TooTallNate] 0.9.3 / 2012-09-18 ================== * remove __GET__ `.send()` == `.query()` special-case (__API__ change !!!) 0.9.2 / 2012-09-17 ================== * add `.aborted` prop * add `.abort()`. Closes #115 0.9.1 / 2012-09-07 ================== * add `.forbidden` response property * add component.json * change emitter-component to 0.0.5 * fix client-side tests 0.9.0 / 2012-08-28 ================== * add `.timeout(ms)`. Closes #17 0.8.2 / 2012-08-28 ================== * fix pathname relative redirects. Closes #112 0.8.1 / 2012-08-21 ================== * fix redirects when schema is specified 0.8.0 / 2012-08-19 ================== * add `res.buffered` flag * add buffering of text/*, json and forms only by default. Closes #61 * add `.buffer(false)` cancellation * add cookie jar support [hunterloftis] * add agent functionality [hunterloftis] 0.7.0 / 2012-08-03 ================== * allow `query()` to be called after the internal `req` has been created [tootallnate] 0.6.0 / 2012-07-17 ================== * add `res.send('foo=bar')` default of "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" 0.5.1 / 2012-07-16 ================== * add "methods" dep * add `.end()` arity check to node callbacks * fix unzip support due to weird node internals 0.5.0 / 2012-06-16 ================== * Added "Link" response header field parsing, exposing `res.links` 0.4.3 / 2012-06-15 ================== * Added 303, 305 and 307 as redirect status codes [slaskis] * Fixed passing an object as the url 0.4.2 / 2012-06-02 ================== * Added component support * Fixed redirect data 0.4.1 / 2012-04-13 ================== * Added HTTP PATCH support * Fixed: GET / HEAD when following redirects. Closes #86 * Fixed Content-Length detection for multibyte chars 0.4.0 / 2012-03-04 ================== * Added `.head()` method [browser]. Closes #78 * Added `make test-cov` support * Added multipart request support. Closes #11 * Added all methods that node supports. Closes #71 * Added "response" event providing a Response object. Closes #28 * Added `.query(obj)`. Closes #59 * Added `res.type` (browser). Closes #54 * Changed: default `res.body` and `res.files` to {} * Fixed: port existing query-string fix (browser). Closes #57 0.3.0 / 2012-01-24 ================== * Added deflate/gzip support [guillermo] * Added `res.type` (Content-Type void of params) * Added `res.statusCode` to mirror node * Added `res.headers` to mirror node * Changed: parsers take callbacks * Fixed optional schema support. Closes #49 0.2.0 / 2012-01-05 ================== * Added url auth support * Added `.auth(username, password)` * Added basic auth support [node]. Closes #41 * Added `make test-docs` * Added guillermo's EventEmitter. Closes #16 * Removed `Request#data()` for SS, renamed to `send()` * Removed `Request#data()` from client, renamed to `send()` * Fixed array support. [browser] * Fixed array support. Closes #35 [node] * Fixed `EventEmitter#emit()` 0.1.3 / 2011-10-25 ================== * Added error to callback * Bumped node dep for 0.5.x 0.1.2 / 2011-09-24 ================== * Added markdown documentation * Added `request(url[, fn])` support to the client * Added `qs` dependency to package.json * Added options for `Request#pipe()` * Added support for `request(url, callback)` * Added `request(url)` as shortcut for `request.get(url)` * Added `Request#pipe(stream)` * Added inherit from `Stream` * Added multipart support * Added ssl support (node) * Removed Content-Length field from client * Fixed buffering, `setEncoding()` to utf8 [reported by stagas] * Fixed "end" event when piping 0.1.1 / 2011-08-20 ================== * Added `res.redirect` flag (node) * Added redirect support (node) * Added `Request#redirects(n)` (node) * Added `.set(object)` header field support * Fixed `Content-Length` support 0.1.0 / 2011-08-09 ================== * Added support for multiple calls to `.data()` * Added support for `.get(uri, obj)` * Added GET `.data()` querystring support * Added IE{6,7,8} support [alexyoung] 0.0.1 / 2011-08-05 ================== * Initial commit