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Mini Shell

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Slick Parser
 - originally created by the almighty Thomas Aylott <@subtlegradient> (http://subtlegradient.com)
*/"use strict"

// Notable changes from Slick.Parser 1.0.x

// The parser now uses 2 classes: Expressions and Expression
// `new Expressions` produces an array-like object containing a list of Expression objects
// - Expressions::toString() produces a cleaned up expressions string
// `new Expression` produces an array-like object
// - Expression::toString() produces a cleaned up expression string
// The only exposed method is parse, which produces a (cached) `new Expressions` instance
// parsed.raw is no longer present, use .toString()
// parsed.expression is now useless, just use the indices
// parsed.reverse() has been removed for now, due to its apparent uselessness
// Other changes in the Expressions object:
// - classNames are now unique, and save both escaped and unescaped values
// - attributes now save both escaped and unescaped values
// - pseudos now save both escaped and unescaped values

var escapeRe   = /([-.*+?^${}()|[\]\/\\])/g,
    unescapeRe = /\\/g

var escape = function(string){
    // XRegExp v2.0.0-beta-3
    // « https://github.com/slevithan/XRegExp/blob/master/src/xregexp.js
    return (string + "").replace(escapeRe, '\\$1')

var unescape = function(string){
    return (string + "").replace(unescapeRe, '')

var slickRe = RegExp(
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
puts "\t\t" + DATA.read.gsub(/\(\?x\)|\s+#.*$|\s+|\\$|\\n/,'')
      \\s* ( , ) \\s*               # Separator          \n\
    | \\s* ( <combinator>+ ) \\s*   # Combinator         \n\
    |      ( \\s+ )                 # CombinatorChildren \n\
    |      ( <unicode>+ | \\* )     # Tag                \n\
    | \\#  ( <unicode>+       )     # ID                 \n\
    | \\.  ( <unicode>+       )     # ClassName          \n\
    |                               # Attribute          \n\
    \\[  \
        \\s* (<unicode1>+)  (?:  \
            \\s* ([*^$!~|]?=)  (?:  \
                \\s* (?:\
                    ([\"']?)(.*?)\\9 \
            )  \
        )?  \\s*  \
    \\](?!\\]) \n\
    |   :+ ( <unicode>+ )(?:\
    \\( (?:\
    ) \\)\
    .replace(/<combinator>/, '[' + escape(">+~`!@$%^&={}\\;</") + ']')
    .replace(/<unicode>/g, '(?:[\\w\\u00a1-\\uFFFF-]|\\\\[^\\s0-9a-f])')
    .replace(/<unicode1>/g, '(?:[:\\w\\u00a1-\\uFFFF-]|\\\\[^\\s0-9a-f])')

// Part

var Part = function Part(combinator){
    this.combinator = combinator || " "
    this.tag = "*"

Part.prototype.toString = function(){

    if (!this.raw){

        var xpr = "", k, part

        xpr += this.tag || "*"
        if (this.id) xpr += "#" + this.id
        if (this.classes) xpr += "." + this.classList.join(".")
        if (this.attributes) for (k = 0; part = this.attributes[k++];){
            xpr += "[" + part.name + (part.operator ? part.operator + '"' + part.value + '"' : '') + "]"
        if (this.pseudos) for (k = 0; part = this.pseudos[k++];){
            xpr += ":" + part.name
            if (part.value) xpr += "(" + part.value + ")"

        this.raw = xpr


    return this.raw

// Expression

var Expression = function Expression(){
    this.length = 0

Expression.prototype.toString = function(){

    if (!this.raw){

        var xpr = ""

        for (var j = 0, bit; bit = this[j++];){
            if (j !== 1) xpr += " "
            if (bit.combinator !== " ") xpr += bit.combinator + " "
            xpr += bit

        this.raw = xpr


    return this.raw

var replacer = function(





    var expression, current

    if (separator || !this.length){
        expression = this[this.length++] = new Expression
        if (separator) return ''

    if (!expression) expression = this[this.length - 1]

    if (combinator || combinatorChildren || !expression.length){
        current = expression[expression.length++] = new Part(combinator)

    if (!current) current = expression[expression.length - 1]

    if (tagName){

        current.tag = unescape(tagName)

    } else if (id){

        current.id = unescape(id)

    } else if (className){

        var unescaped = unescape(className)

        var classes = current.classes || (current.classes = {})
        if (!classes[unescaped]){
            classes[unescaped] = escape(className)
            var classList = current.classList || (current.classList = [])

    } else if (pseudoClass){

        pseudoClassValue = pseudoClassValue || pseudoClassQuotedValue

        ;(current.pseudos || (current.pseudos = [])).push({
            type         : pseudoMarker.length == 1 ? 'class' : 'element',
            name         : unescape(pseudoClass),
            escapedName  : escape(pseudoClass),
            value        : pseudoClassValue ? unescape(pseudoClassValue) : null,
            escapedValue : pseudoClassValue ? escape(pseudoClassValue) : null

    } else if (attributeKey){

        attributeValue = attributeValue ? escape(attributeValue) : null

        ;(current.attributes || (current.attributes = [])).push({
            operator     : attributeOperator,
            name         : unescape(attributeKey),
            escapedName  : escape(attributeKey),
            value        : attributeValue ? unescape(attributeValue) : null,
            escapedValue : attributeValue ? escape(attributeValue) : null


    return ''


// Expressions

var Expressions = function Expressions(expression){
    this.length = 0

    var self = this

    var original = expression, replaced

    while (expression){
        replaced = expression.replace(slickRe, function(){
            return replacer.apply(self, arguments)
        if (replaced === expression) throw new Error(original + ' is an invalid expression')
        expression = replaced

Expressions.prototype.toString = function(){
    if (!this.raw){
        var expressions = []
        for (var i = 0, expression; expression = this[i++];) expressions.push(expression)
        this.raw = expressions.join(", ")

    return this.raw

var cache = {}

var parse = function(expression){
    if (expression == null) return null
    expression = ('' + expression).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')
    return cache[expression] || (cache[expression] = new Expressions(expression))

module.exports = parse

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0