Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/sequelize/lib/dialects/abstract/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/sequelize/lib/dialects/abstract/query-generator.js |
'use strict'; const Utils = require('../../utils'); const SqlString = require('../../sql-string'); const Model = require('../../model'); const DataTypes = require('../../data-types'); const util = require('util'); const _ = require('lodash'); const Dottie = require('dottie'); const Association = require('../../associations/base'); const BelongsTo = require('../../associations/belongs-to'); const BelongsToMany = require('../../associations/belongs-to-many'); const HasMany = require('../../associations/has-many'); const Op = require('../../operators'); const uuid = require('uuid'); const semver = require('semver'); const QueryGenerator = { _templateSettings: require('lodash').runInContext().templateSettings, options: {}, extractTableDetails(tableName, options) { options = options || {}; tableName = tableName || {}; return { schema: tableName.schema || options.schema || 'public', tableName: _.isPlainObject(tableName) ? tableName.tableName : tableName, delimiter: tableName.delimiter || options.delimiter || '.' }; }, addSchema(param) { const self = this; if (!param._schema) return param.tableName || param; return { tableName: param.tableName || param, table: param.tableName || param, name: param.name || param, schema: param._schema, delimiter: param._schemaDelimiter || '.', toString() { return self.quoteTable(this); } }; }, dropSchema(tableName, options) { return this.dropTableQuery(tableName, options); }, describeTableQuery(tableName, schema, schemaDelimiter) { const table = this.quoteTable( this.addSchema({ tableName, _schema: schema, _schemaDelimiter: schemaDelimiter }) ); return 'DESCRIBE ' + table + ';'; }, dropTableQuery(tableName) { return `DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${this.quoteTable(tableName)};`; }, renameTableQuery(before, after) { return `ALTER TABLE ${this.quoteTable(before)} RENAME TO ${this.quoteTable(after)};`; }, /* Returns an insert into command. Parameters: table name + hash of attribute-value-pairs. @private */ insertQuery(table, valueHash, modelAttributes, options) { options = options || {}; _.defaults(options, this.options); const modelAttributeMap = {}; const fields = []; const values = []; let query; let valueQuery = '<%= tmpTable %>INSERT<%= ignoreDuplicates %> INTO <%= table %> (<%= attributes %>)<%= output %> VALUES (<%= values %>)<%= onConflictDoNothing %>'; let emptyQuery = '<%= tmpTable %>INSERT<%= ignoreDuplicates %> INTO <%= table %><%= output %><%= onConflictDoNothing %>'; let outputFragment; let identityWrapperRequired = false; let tmpTable = ''; //tmpTable declaration for trigger if (modelAttributes) { _.each(modelAttributes, (attribute, key) => { modelAttributeMap[key] = attribute; if (attribute.field) { modelAttributeMap[attribute.field] = attribute; } }); } if (this._dialect.supports['DEFAULT VALUES']) { emptyQuery += ' DEFAULT VALUES'; } else if (this._dialect.supports['VALUES ()']) { emptyQuery += ' VALUES ()'; } if (this._dialect.supports.returnValues && options.returning) { if (this._dialect.supports.returnValues.returning) { valueQuery += ' RETURNING *'; emptyQuery += ' RETURNING *'; } else if (this._dialect.supports.returnValues.output) { outputFragment = ' OUTPUT INSERTED.*'; //To capture output rows when there is a trigger on MSSQL DB if (modelAttributes && options.hasTrigger && this._dialect.supports.tmpTableTrigger) { let tmpColumns = ''; let outputColumns = ''; tmpTable = 'declare @tmp table (<%= columns %>); '; for (const modelKey in modelAttributes) { const attribute = modelAttributes[modelKey]; if (!(attribute.type instanceof DataTypes.VIRTUAL)) { if (tmpColumns.length > 0) { tmpColumns += ','; outputColumns += ','; } tmpColumns += this.quoteIdentifier(attribute.field) + ' ' + attribute.type.toSql(); outputColumns += 'INSERTED.' + this.quoteIdentifier(attribute.field); } } const replacement = { columns: tmpColumns }; tmpTable = _.template(tmpTable, this._templateSettings)(replacement).trim(); outputFragment = ' OUTPUT ' + outputColumns + ' into @tmp'; const selectFromTmp = ';select * from @tmp'; valueQuery += selectFromTmp; emptyQuery += selectFromTmp; } } } if (this._dialect.supports.EXCEPTION && options.exception) { // Mostly for internal use, so we expect the user to know what he's doing! // pg_temp functions are private per connection, so we never risk this function interfering with another one. if (semver.gte(this.sequelize.options.databaseVersion, '9.2.0')) { // >= 9.2 - Use a UUID but prefix with 'func_' (numbers first not allowed) const delimiter = '$func_' + uuid.v4().replace(/-/g, '') + '$'; options.exception = 'WHEN unique_violation THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS sequelize_caught_exception = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL;'; valueQuery = 'CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_temp.testfunc(OUT response <%= table %>, OUT sequelize_caught_exception text) RETURNS RECORD AS ' + delimiter + ' BEGIN ' + valueQuery + ' INTO response; EXCEPTION ' + options.exception + ' END ' + delimiter + ' LANGUAGE plpgsql; SELECT (testfunc.response).*, testfunc.sequelize_caught_exception FROM pg_temp.testfunc(); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS pg_temp.testfunc()'; } else { options.exception = 'WHEN unique_violation THEN NULL;'; valueQuery = 'CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_temp.testfunc() RETURNS SETOF <%= table %> AS $body$ BEGIN RETURN QUERY ' + valueQuery + '; EXCEPTION ' + options.exception + ' END; $body$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; SELECT * FROM pg_temp.testfunc(); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS pg_temp.testfunc();'; } } if (this._dialect.supports['ON DUPLICATE KEY'] && options.onDuplicate) { valueQuery += ' ON DUPLICATE KEY ' + options.onDuplicate; emptyQuery += ' ON DUPLICATE KEY ' + options.onDuplicate; } valueHash = Utils.removeNullValuesFromHash(valueHash, this.options.omitNull); for (const key in valueHash) { if (valueHash.hasOwnProperty(key)) { const value = valueHash[key]; fields.push(this.quoteIdentifier(key)); // SERIALS' can't be NULL in postgresql, use DEFAULT where supported if (modelAttributeMap && modelAttributeMap[key] && modelAttributeMap[key].autoIncrement === true && !value) { if (!this._dialect.supports.autoIncrement.defaultValue) { fields.splice(-1, 1); } else if (this._dialect.supports.DEFAULT) { values.push('DEFAULT'); } else { values.push(this.escape(null)); } } else { if (modelAttributeMap && modelAttributeMap[key] && modelAttributeMap[key].autoIncrement === true) { identityWrapperRequired = true; } values.push(this.escape(value, modelAttributeMap && modelAttributeMap[key] || undefined, { context: 'INSERT' })); } } } const replacements = { ignoreDuplicates: options.ignoreDuplicates ? this._dialect.supports.IGNORE : '', onConflictDoNothing: options.ignoreDuplicates ? this._dialect.supports.onConflictDoNothing : '', table: this.quoteTable(table), attributes: fields.join(','), output: outputFragment, values: values.join(','), tmpTable }; query = (replacements.attributes.length ? valueQuery : emptyQuery) + ';'; if (identityWrapperRequired && this._dialect.supports.autoIncrement.identityInsert) { query = [ 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT', this.quoteTable(table), 'ON;', query, 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT', this.quoteTable(table), 'OFF;' ].join(' '); } return _.template(query, this._templateSettings)(replacements); }, /* Returns an insert into command for multiple values. Parameters: table name + list of hashes of attribute-value-pairs. @private */ bulkInsertQuery(tableName, fieldValueHashes, options, fieldMappedAttributes) { options = options || {}; fieldMappedAttributes = fieldMappedAttributes || {}; const query = 'INSERT<%= ignoreDuplicates %> INTO <%= table %> (<%= attributes %>) VALUES <%= tuples %><%= onDuplicateKeyUpdate %><%= onConflictDoNothing %><%= returning %>;'; const tuples = []; const serials = {}; const allAttributes = []; let onDuplicateKeyUpdate = ''; for (const fieldValueHash of fieldValueHashes) { _.forOwn(fieldValueHash, (value, key) => { if (allAttributes.indexOf(key) === -1) { allAttributes.push(key); } if ( fieldMappedAttributes[key] && fieldMappedAttributes[key].autoIncrement === true ) { serials[key] = true; } }); } for (const fieldValueHash of fieldValueHashes) { const values = allAttributes.map(key => { if ( this._dialect.supports.bulkDefault && serials[key] === true ) { return fieldValueHash[key] || 'DEFAULT'; } return this.escape(fieldValueHash[key], fieldMappedAttributes[key], { context: 'INSERT' }); }); tuples.push(`(${values.join(',')})`); } if (this._dialect.supports.updateOnDuplicate && options.updateOnDuplicate) { onDuplicateKeyUpdate = ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ' + options.updateOnDuplicate.map(attr => { const key = this.quoteIdentifier(attr); return key + '=VALUES(' + key + ')'; }).join(','); } const replacements = { ignoreDuplicates: options.ignoreDuplicates ? this._dialect.supports.ignoreDuplicates : '', table: this.quoteTable(tableName), attributes: allAttributes.map(attr => this.quoteIdentifier(attr)).join(','), tuples: tuples.join(','), onDuplicateKeyUpdate, returning: this._dialect.supports.returnValues && options.returning ? ' RETURNING *' : '', onConflictDoNothing: options.ignoreDuplicates ? this._dialect.supports.onConflictDoNothing : '' }; return _.template(query, this._templateSettings)(replacements); }, /* Returns an update query. Parameters: - tableName -> Name of the table - values -> A hash with attribute-value-pairs - where -> A hash with conditions (e.g. {name: 'foo'}) OR an ID as integer OR a string with conditions (e.g. 'name="foo"'). If you use a string, you have to escape it on your own. @private */ updateQuery(tableName, attrValueHash, where, options, attributes) { options = options || {}; _.defaults(options, this.options); attrValueHash = Utils.removeNullValuesFromHash(attrValueHash, options.omitNull, options); const values = []; const modelAttributeMap = {}; let query = '<%= tmpTable %>UPDATE <%= table %> SET <%= values %><%= output %> <%= where %>'; let outputFragment; let tmpTable = ''; // tmpTable declaration for trigger let selectFromTmp = ''; // Select statement for trigger if (this._dialect.supports['LIMIT ON UPDATE'] && options.limit) { if (this.dialect !== 'mssql') { query += ' LIMIT ' + this.escape(options.limit) + ' '; } } if (this._dialect.supports.returnValues) { if (this._dialect.supports.returnValues.output) { // we always need this for mssql outputFragment = ' OUTPUT INSERTED.*'; //To capture output rows when there is a trigger on MSSQL DB if (attributes && options.hasTrigger && this._dialect.supports.tmpTableTrigger) { tmpTable = 'declare @tmp table (<%= columns %>); '; let tmpColumns = ''; let outputColumns = ''; for (const modelKey in attributes) { const attribute = attributes[modelKey]; if (!(attribute.type instanceof DataTypes.VIRTUAL)) { if (tmpColumns.length > 0) { tmpColumns += ','; outputColumns += ','; } tmpColumns += this.quoteIdentifier(attribute.field) + ' ' + attribute.type.toSql(); outputColumns += 'INSERTED.' + this.quoteIdentifier(attribute.field); } } const replacement ={ columns: tmpColumns }; tmpTable = _.template(tmpTable, this._templateSettings)(replacement).trim(); outputFragment = ' OUTPUT ' + outputColumns + ' into @tmp'; selectFromTmp = ';select * from @tmp'; query += selectFromTmp; } } else if (this._dialect.supports.returnValues && options.returning) { // ensure that the return output is properly mapped to model fields. options.mapToModel = true; query += ' RETURNING *'; } } if (attributes) { _.each(attributes, (attribute, key) => { modelAttributeMap[key] = attribute; if (attribute.field) { modelAttributeMap[attribute.field] = attribute; } }); } for (const key in attrValueHash) { if (modelAttributeMap && modelAttributeMap[key] && modelAttributeMap[key].autoIncrement === true && !this._dialect.supports.autoIncrement.update) { // not allowed to update identity column continue; } const value = attrValueHash[key]; values.push(this.quoteIdentifier(key) + '=' + this.escape(value, modelAttributeMap && modelAttributeMap[key] || undefined, { context: 'UPDATE' })); } const replacements = { table: this.quoteTable(tableName), values: values.join(','), output: outputFragment, where: this.whereQuery(where, options), tmpTable }; if (values.length === 0) { return ''; } return _.template(query, this._templateSettings)(replacements).trim(); }, /* Returns an update query. Parameters: - operator -> String with the arithmetic operator (e.g. '+' or '-') - tableName -> Name of the table - values -> A hash with attribute-value-pairs - where -> A hash with conditions (e.g. {name: 'foo'}) OR an ID as integer OR a string with conditions (e.g. 'name="foo"'). If you use a string, you have to escape it on your own. @private */ arithmeticQuery(operator, tableName, attrValueHash, where, options, attributes) { options = options || {}; _.defaults(options, { returning: true }); attrValueHash = Utils.removeNullValuesFromHash(attrValueHash, this.options.omitNull); const values = []; let query = 'UPDATE <%= table %> SET <%= values %><%= output %> <%= where %>'; let outputFragment; if (this._dialect.supports.returnValues && options.returning) { if (this._dialect.supports.returnValues.returning) { options.mapToModel = true; query += ' RETURNING *'; } else if (this._dialect.supports.returnValues.output) { outputFragment = ' OUTPUT INSERTED.*'; } } for (const key in attrValueHash) { const value = attrValueHash[key]; values.push(this.quoteIdentifier(key) + '=' + this.quoteIdentifier(key) + operator + ' ' + this.escape(value)); } attributes = attributes || {}; for (const key in attributes) { const value = attributes[key]; values.push(this.quoteIdentifier(key) + '=' + this.escape(value)); } const replacements = { table: this.quoteTable(tableName), values: values.join(','), output: outputFragment, where: this.whereQuery(where) }; return _.template(query, this._templateSettings)(replacements); }, nameIndexes(indexes, rawTablename) { if (typeof rawTablename === 'object') { // don't include schema in the index name rawTablename = rawTablename.tableName; } return _.map(indexes, index => { if (!index.hasOwnProperty('name')) { const onlyAttributeNames = index.fields.map(field => typeof field === 'string' ? field : field.name || field.attribute); index.name = Utils.underscore(rawTablename + '_' + onlyAttributeNames.join('_')); } return index; }); }, /* Returns an add index query. Parameters: - tableName -> Name of an existing table, possibly with schema. - options: - type: UNIQUE|FULLTEXT|SPATIAL - name: The name of the index. Default is <table>_<attr1>_<attr2> - fields: An array of attributes as string or as hash. If the attribute is a hash, it must have the following content: - name: The name of the attribute/column - length: An integer. Optional - order: 'ASC' or 'DESC'. Optional - parser - rawTablename, the name of the table, without schema. Used to create the name of the index @private */ addIndexQuery(tableName, attributes, options, rawTablename) { options = options || {}; if (!Array.isArray(attributes)) { options = attributes; attributes = undefined; } else { options.fields = attributes; } // Backwards compatability if (options.indexName) { options.name = options.indexName; } if (options.indicesType) { options.type = options.indicesType; } if (options.indexType || options.method) { options.using = options.indexType || options.method; } options.prefix = options.prefix || rawTablename || tableName; if (options.prefix && _.isString(options.prefix)) { options.prefix = options.prefix.replace(/\./g, '_'); options.prefix = options.prefix.replace(/(\"|\')/g, ''); } const fieldsSql = options.fields.map(field => { if (typeof field === 'string') { return this.quoteIdentifier(field); } else if (field instanceof Utils.SequelizeMethod) { return this.handleSequelizeMethod(field); } else { let result = ''; if (field.attribute) { field.name = field.attribute; } if (!field.name) { throw new Error('The following index field has no name: ' + util.inspect(field)); } result += this.quoteIdentifier(field.name); if (this._dialect.supports.index.collate && field.collate) { result += ' COLLATE ' + this.quoteIdentifier(field.collate); } if (this._dialect.supports.index.length && field.length) { result += '(' + field.length + ')'; } if (field.order) { result += ' ' + field.order; } return result; } }); if (!options.name) { // Mostly for cases where addIndex is called directly by the user without an options object (for example in migrations) // All calls that go through sequelize should already have a name options = this.nameIndexes([options], options.prefix)[0]; } options = Model._conformIndex(options); if (!this._dialect.supports.index.type) { delete options.type; } if (options.where) { options.where = this.whereQuery(options.where); } if (_.isString(tableName)) { tableName = this.quoteIdentifiers(tableName); } else { tableName = this.quoteTable(tableName); } const concurrently = this._dialect.supports.index.concurrently && options.concurrently ? 'CONCURRENTLY' : undefined; let ind; if (this._dialect.supports.indexViaAlter) { ind = [ 'ALTER TABLE', tableName, concurrently, 'ADD' ]; } else { ind = ['CREATE']; } ind = ind.concat( options.unique ? 'UNIQUE' : '', options.type, 'INDEX', !this._dialect.supports.indexViaAlter ? concurrently : undefined, this.quoteIdentifiers(options.name), this._dialect.supports.index.using === 1 && options.using ? 'USING ' + options.using : '', !this._dialect.supports.indexViaAlter ? 'ON ' + tableName : undefined, this._dialect.supports.index.using === 2 && options.using ? 'USING ' + options.using : '', '(' + fieldsSql.join(', ') + (options.operator ? ' '+options.operator : '') + ')', this._dialect.supports.index.parser && options.parser ? 'WITH PARSER ' + options.parser : undefined, this._dialect.supports.index.where && options.where ? options.where : undefined ); return _.compact(ind).join(' '); }, addConstraintQuery(tableName, options) { options = options || {}; const constraintSnippet = this.getConstraintSnippet(tableName, options); if (typeof tableName === 'string') { tableName = this.quoteIdentifiers(tableName); } else { tableName = this.quoteTable(tableName); } return `ALTER TABLE ${tableName} ADD ${constraintSnippet};`; }, getConstraintSnippet(tableName, options) { let constraintSnippet, constraintName; const fieldsSql = options.fields.map(field => { if (typeof field === 'string') { return this.quoteIdentifier(field); } else if (field._isSequelizeMethod) { return this.handleSequelizeMethod(field); } else { let result = ''; if (field.attribute) { field.name = field.attribute; } if (!field.name) { throw new Error('The following index field has no name: ' + field); } result += this.quoteIdentifier(field.name); return result; } }); const fieldsSqlQuotedString = fieldsSql.join(', '); const fieldsSqlString = fieldsSql.join('_'); switch (options.type.toUpperCase()) { case 'UNIQUE': constraintName = this.quoteIdentifier(options.name || `${tableName}_${fieldsSqlString}_uk`); constraintSnippet = `CONSTRAINT ${constraintName} UNIQUE (${fieldsSqlQuotedString})`; break; case 'CHECK': options.where = this.whereItemsQuery(options.where); constraintName = this.quoteIdentifier(options.name || `${tableName}_${fieldsSqlString}_ck`); constraintSnippet = `CONSTRAINT ${constraintName} CHECK (${options.where})`; break; case 'DEFAULT': if (options.defaultValue === undefined) { throw new Error('Default value must be specifed for DEFAULT CONSTRAINT'); } if (this._dialect.name !== 'mssql') { throw new Error('Default constraints are supported only for MSSQL dialect.'); } constraintName = this.quoteIdentifier(options.name || `${tableName}_${fieldsSqlString}_df`); constraintSnippet = `CONSTRAINT ${constraintName} DEFAULT (${this.escape(options.defaultValue)}) FOR ${fieldsSql[0]}`; break; case 'PRIMARY KEY': constraintName = this.quoteIdentifier(options.name || `${tableName}_${fieldsSqlString}_pk`); constraintSnippet = `CONSTRAINT ${constraintName} PRIMARY KEY (${fieldsSqlQuotedString})`; break; case 'FOREIGN KEY': const references = options.references; if (!references || !references.table || !references.field) { throw new Error('references object with table and field must be specified'); } constraintName = this.quoteIdentifier(options.name || `${tableName}_${fieldsSqlString}_${references.table}_fk`); const referencesSnippet = `${this.quoteTable(references.table)} (${this.quoteIdentifier(references.field)})`; constraintSnippet = `CONSTRAINT ${constraintName} `; constraintSnippet += `FOREIGN KEY (${fieldsSqlQuotedString}) REFERENCES ${referencesSnippet}`; if (options.onUpdate) { constraintSnippet += ` ON UPDATE ${options.onUpdate.toUpperCase()}`; } if (options.onDelete) { constraintSnippet += ` ON DELETE ${options.onDelete.toUpperCase()}`; } break; default: throw new Error(`${options.type} is invalid.`); } return constraintSnippet; }, removeConstraintQuery(tableName, constraintName) { return `ALTER TABLE ${this.quoteIdentifiers(tableName)} DROP CONSTRAINT ${this.quoteIdentifiers(constraintName)}`; }, quoteTable(param, as) { let table = ''; if (as === true) { as = param.as || param.name || param; } if (_.isObject(param)) { if (this._dialect.supports.schemas) { if (param.schema) { table += this.quoteIdentifier(param.schema) + '.'; } table += this.quoteIdentifier(param.tableName); } else { if (param.schema) { table += param.schema + (param.delimiter || '.'); } table += param.tableName; table = this.quoteIdentifier(table); } } else { table = this.quoteIdentifier(param); } if (as) { table += ' AS ' + this.quoteIdentifier(as); } return table; }, /* Quote an object based on its type. This is a more general version of quoteIdentifiers Strings: should proxy to quoteIdentifiers Arrays: * Expects array in the form: [<model> (optional), <model> (optional),... String, String (optional)] Each <model> can be a model, or an object {model: Model, as: String}, matching include, or an association object, or the name of an association. * Zero or more models can be included in the array and are used to trace a path through the tree of included nested associations. This produces the correct table name for the ORDER BY/GROUP BY SQL and quotes it. * If a single string is appended to end of array, it is quoted. If two strings appended, the 1st string is quoted, the 2nd string unquoted. Objects: * If raw is set, that value should be returned verbatim, without quoting * If fn is set, the string should start with the value of fn, starting paren, followed by the values of cols (which is assumed to be an array), quoted and joined with ', ', unless they are themselves objects * If direction is set, should be prepended Currently this function is only used for ordering / grouping columns and Sequelize.col(), but it could potentially also be used for other places where we want to be able to call SQL functions (e.g. as default values) @private */ quote(collection, parent, connector) { // init const validOrderOptions = [ 'ASC', 'DESC', 'ASC NULLS LAST', 'DESC NULLS LAST', 'ASC NULLS FIRST', 'DESC NULLS FIRST', 'NULLS FIRST', 'NULLS LAST' ]; // default connector = connector || '.'; // just quote as identifiers if string if (typeof collection === 'string') { return this.quoteIdentifiers(collection); } else if (Array.isArray(collection)) { // iterate through the collection and mutate objects into associations collection.forEach((item, index) => { const previous = collection[index - 1]; let previousAssociation; let previousModel; // set the previous as the parent when previous is undefined or the target of the association if (!previous && parent !== undefined) { previousModel = parent; } else if (previous && previous instanceof Association) { previousAssociation = previous; previousModel = previous.target; } // if the previous item is a model, then attempt getting an association if (previousModel && previousModel.prototype instanceof Model) { let model; let as; if (typeof item === 'function' && item.prototype instanceof Model) { // set model = item; } else if (_.isPlainObject(item) && item.model && item.model.prototype instanceof Model) { // set model = item.model; as = item.as; } if (model) { // set the as to either the through name or the model name if (!as && previousAssociation && previousAssociation instanceof Association && previousAssociation.through && previousAssociation.through.model === model) { // get from previous association item = new Association(previousModel, model, { as: model.name }); } else { // get association from previous model item = previousModel.getAssociationForAlias(model, as); // attempt to use the model name if the item is still null if (!item) { item = previousModel.getAssociationForAlias(model, model.name); } } // make sure we have an association if (!(item instanceof Association)) { throw new Error(util.format('Unable to find a valid association for model, \'%s\'', model.name)); } } } if (typeof item === 'string') { // get order index const orderIndex = validOrderOptions.indexOf(item.toUpperCase()); // see if this is an order if (index > 0 && orderIndex !== -1) { item = this.sequelize.literal(' ' + validOrderOptions[orderIndex]); } else if (previousModel && previousModel.prototype instanceof Model) { // only go down this path if we have preivous model and check only once if (previousModel.associations !== undefined && previousModel.associations[item]) { // convert the item to an association item = previousModel.associations[item]; } else if (previousModel.rawAttributes !== undefined && previousModel.rawAttributes[item] && item !== previousModel.rawAttributes[item].field) { // convert the item attribute from its alias item = previousModel.rawAttributes[item].field; } else if ( item.indexOf('.') !== -1 && previousModel.rawAttributes !== undefined ) { const itemSplit = item.split('.'); if (previousModel.rawAttributes[itemSplit[0]].type instanceof DataTypes.JSON) { // just quote identifiers for now const identifier = this.quoteIdentifiers(previousModel.name + '.' + previousModel.rawAttributes[itemSplit[0]].field); // get path const path = itemSplit.slice(1); // extract path item = this.jsonPathExtractionQuery(identifier, path); // literal because we don't want to append the model name when string item = this.sequelize.literal(item); } } } } collection[index] = item; }, this); // loop through array, adding table names of models to quoted const collectionLength = collection.length; const tableNames = []; let item; let i = 0; for (i = 0; i < collectionLength - 1; i++) { item = collection[i]; if (typeof item === 'string' || item._modelAttribute || item instanceof Utils.SequelizeMethod) { break; } else if (item instanceof Association) { tableNames[i] = item.as; } } // start building sql let sql = ''; if (i > 0) { sql += this.quoteIdentifier(tableNames.join(connector)) + '.'; } else if (typeof collection[0] === 'string' && parent) { sql += this.quoteIdentifier(parent.name) + '.'; } // loop through everything past i and append to the sql collection.slice(i).forEach(collectionItem => { sql += this.quote(collectionItem, parent, connector); }, this); return sql; } else if (collection._modelAttribute) { return this.quoteTable(collection.Model.name) + '.' + this.quoteIdentifier(collection.fieldName); } else if (collection instanceof Utils.SequelizeMethod) { return this.handleSequelizeMethod(collection); } else if (_.isPlainObject(collection) && collection.raw) { // simple objects with raw is no longer supported throw new Error('The `{raw: "..."}` syntax is no longer supported. Use `sequelize.literal` instead.'); } else { throw new Error('Unknown structure passed to order / group: ' + util.inspect(collection)); } }, /* Split an identifier into .-separated tokens and quote each part @private */ quoteIdentifiers(identifiers) { if (identifiers.indexOf('.') !== -1) { identifiers = identifiers.split('.'); return this.quoteIdentifier(identifiers.slice(0, identifiers.length - 1).join('.')) + '.' + this.quoteIdentifier(identifiers[identifiers.length - 1]); } else { return this.quoteIdentifier(identifiers); } }, /* Escape a value (e.g. a string, number or date) @private */ escape(value, field, options) { options = options || {}; if (value !== null && value !== undefined) { if (value instanceof Utils.SequelizeMethod) { return this.handleSequelizeMethod(value); } else { if (field && field.type) { if (this.typeValidation && field.type.validate && value) { if (options.isList && Array.isArray(value)) { for (const item of value) { field.type.validate(item, options); } } else { field.type.validate(value, options); } } if (field.type.stringify) { // Users shouldn't have to worry about these args - just give them a function that takes a single arg const simpleEscape = _.partialRight(SqlString.escape, this.options.timezone, this.dialect); value = field.type.stringify(value, { escape: simpleEscape, field, timezone: this.options.timezone, operation: options.operation }); if (field.type.escape === false) { // The data-type already did the required escaping return value; } } } } } return SqlString.escape(value, this.options.timezone, this.dialect); }, /* Returns a query for selecting elements in the table <tableName>. Options: - attributes -> An array of attributes (e.g. ['name', 'birthday']). Default: * - where -> A hash with conditions (e.g. {name: 'foo'}) OR an ID as integer OR a string with conditions (e.g. 'name="foo"'). If you use a string, you have to escape it on your own. - order -> e.g. 'id DESC' - group - limit -> The maximum count you want to get. - offset -> An offset value to start from. Only useable with limit! @private */ selectQuery(tableName, options, model) { options = options || {}; const limit = options.limit; const mainQueryItems = []; const subQueryItems = []; const subQuery = options.subQuery === undefined ? limit && options.hasMultiAssociation : options.subQuery; const attributes = { main: options.attributes && options.attributes.slice(), subQuery: null }; const mainTable = { name: tableName, quotedName: null, as: null, model }; const topLevelInfo = { names: mainTable, options, subQuery }; let mainJoinQueries = []; let subJoinQueries = []; let query; // resolve table name options if (options.tableAs) { mainTable.as = this.quoteIdentifier(options.tableAs); } else if (!Array.isArray(mainTable.name) && mainTable.model) { mainTable.as = this.quoteIdentifier(mainTable.model.name); } mainTable.quotedName = !Array.isArray(mainTable.name) ? this.quoteTable(mainTable.name) : tableName.map(t => { return Array.isArray(t) ? this.quoteTable(t[0], t[1]) : this.quoteTable(t, true); }).join(', '); if (subQuery && attributes.main) { for (const keyAtt of mainTable.model.primaryKeyAttributes) { // Check if mainAttributes contain the primary key of the model either as a field or an aliased field if (!_.find(attributes.main, attr => keyAtt === attr || keyAtt === attr[0] || keyAtt === attr[1])) { attributes.main.push(mainTable.model.rawAttributes[keyAtt].field ? [keyAtt, mainTable.model.rawAttributes[keyAtt].field] : keyAtt); } } } attributes.main = this.escapeAttributes(attributes.main, options, mainTable.as); attributes.main = attributes.main || (options.include ? [`${mainTable.as}.*`] : ['*']); // If subquery, we ad the mainAttributes to the subQuery and set the mainAttributes to select * from subquery if (subQuery || options.groupedLimit) { // We need primary keys attributes.subQuery = attributes.main; attributes.main = [(mainTable.as || mainTable.quotedName) + '.*']; } if (options.include) { for (const include of options.include) { if (include.separate) { continue; } const joinQueries = this.generateInclude(include, { externalAs: mainTable.as, internalAs: mainTable.as }, topLevelInfo); subJoinQueries = subJoinQueries.concat(joinQueries.subQuery); mainJoinQueries = mainJoinQueries.concat(joinQueries.mainQuery); if (joinQueries.attributes.main.length > 0) { attributes.main = attributes.main.concat(joinQueries.attributes.main); } if (joinQueries.attributes.subQuery.length > 0) { attributes.subQuery = attributes.subQuery.concat(joinQueries.attributes.subQuery); } } } if (subQuery) { subQueryItems.push(this.selectFromTableFragment(options, mainTable.model, attributes.subQuery, mainTable.quotedName, mainTable.as)); subQueryItems.push(subJoinQueries.join('')); } else { if (options.groupedLimit) { if (!mainTable.as) { mainTable.as = mainTable.quotedName; } const where = Object.assign({}, options.where); let groupedLimitOrder, whereKey, include, groupedTableName = mainTable.as; if (typeof options.groupedLimit.on === 'string') { whereKey = options.groupedLimit.on; } else if (options.groupedLimit.on instanceof HasMany) { whereKey = options.groupedLimit.on.foreignKeyField; } if (options.groupedLimit.on instanceof BelongsToMany) { // BTM includes needs to join the through table on to check ID groupedTableName = options.groupedLimit.on.manyFromSource.as; const groupedLimitOptions = Model._validateIncludedElements({ include: [{ association: options.groupedLimit.on.manyFromSource, duplicating: false, // The UNION'ed query may contain duplicates, but each sub-query cannot required: true, where: Object.assign({ [Op.placeholder]: true }, options.groupedLimit.through && options.groupedLimit.through.where) }], model }); // Make sure attributes from the join table are mapped back to models options.hasJoin = true; options.hasMultiAssociation = true; options.includeMap = Object.assign(groupedLimitOptions.includeMap, options.includeMap); options.includeNames = groupedLimitOptions.includeNames.concat(options.includeNames || []); include = groupedLimitOptions.include; if (Array.isArray(options.order)) { // We need to make sure the order by attributes are available to the parent query options.order.forEach((order, i) => { if (Array.isArray(order)) { order = order[0]; } let alias = `subquery_order_${i}`; options.attributes.push([order, alias]); // We don't want to prepend model name when we alias the attributes, so quote them here alias = this.sequelize.literal(this.quote(alias)); if (Array.isArray(options.order[i])) { options.order[i][0] = alias; } else { options.order[i] = alias; } }); groupedLimitOrder = options.order; } } else { // Ordering is handled by the subqueries, so ordering the UNION'ed result is not needed groupedLimitOrder = options.order; delete options.order; where[Op.placeholder] = true; } // Caching the base query and splicing the where part into it is consistently > twice // as fast than generating from scratch each time for values.length >= 5 const baseQuery = 'SELECT * FROM (' + this.selectQuery( tableName, { attributes: options.attributes, limit: options.groupedLimit.limit, offset: options.offset, order: groupedLimitOrder, where, include, model }, model ).replace(/;$/, '') + ') AS sub'; // Every derived table must have its own alias const placeHolder = this.whereItemQuery(Op.placeholder, true, { model }); const splicePos = baseQuery.indexOf(placeHolder); mainQueryItems.push(this.selectFromTableFragment(options, mainTable.model, attributes.main, '(' + options.groupedLimit.values.map(value => { let groupWhere; if (whereKey) { groupWhere = { [whereKey]: value }; } if (include) { groupWhere = { [options.groupedLimit.on.foreignIdentifierField]: value }; } return Utils.spliceStr(baseQuery, splicePos, placeHolder.length, this.getWhereConditions(groupWhere, groupedTableName)); }).join( this._dialect.supports['UNION ALL'] ? ' UNION ALL ' : ' UNION ' ) + ')', mainTable.as)); } else { mainQueryItems.push(this.selectFromTableFragment(options, mainTable.model, attributes.main, mainTable.quotedName, mainTable.as)); } mainQueryItems.push(mainJoinQueries.join('')); } // Add WHERE to sub or main query if (options.hasOwnProperty('where') && !options.groupedLimit) { options.where = this.getWhereConditions(options.where, mainTable.as || tableName, model, options); if (options.where) { if (subQuery) { subQueryItems.push(' WHERE ' + options.where); } else { mainQueryItems.push(' WHERE ' + options.where); // Walk the main query to update all selects _.each(mainQueryItems, (value, key) => { if (value.match(/^SELECT/)) { mainQueryItems[key] = this.selectFromTableFragment(options, model, attributes.main, mainTable.quotedName, mainTable.as, options.where); } }); } } } // Add GROUP BY to sub or main query if (options.group) { options.group = Array.isArray(options.group) ? options.group.map(t => this.quote(t, model)).join(', ') : this.quote(options.group, model); if (subQuery) { subQueryItems.push(' GROUP BY ' + options.group); } else { mainQueryItems.push(' GROUP BY ' + options.group); } } // Add HAVING to sub or main query if (options.hasOwnProperty('having')) { options.having = this.getWhereConditions(options.having, tableName, model, options, false); if (options.having) { if (subQuery) { subQueryItems.push(' HAVING ' + options.having); } else { mainQueryItems.push(' HAVING ' + options.having); } } } // Add ORDER to sub or main query if (options.order) { const orders = this.getQueryOrders(options, model, subQuery); if (orders.mainQueryOrder.length) { mainQueryItems.push(' ORDER BY ' + orders.mainQueryOrder.join(', ')); } if (orders.subQueryOrder.length) { subQueryItems.push(' ORDER BY ' + orders.subQueryOrder.join(', ')); } } // Add LIMIT, OFFSET to sub or main query const limitOrder = this.addLimitAndOffset(options, mainTable.model); if (limitOrder && !options.groupedLimit) { if (subQuery) { subQueryItems.push(limitOrder); } else { mainQueryItems.push(limitOrder); } } if (subQuery) { query = `SELECT ${attributes.main.join(', ')} FROM (${subQueryItems.join('')}) AS ${mainTable.as}${mainJoinQueries.join('')}${mainQueryItems.join('')}`; } else { query = mainQueryItems.join(''); } if (options.lock && this._dialect.supports.lock) { let lock = options.lock; if (typeof options.lock === 'object') { lock = options.lock.level; } if (this._dialect.supports.lockKey && (lock === 'KEY SHARE' || lock === 'NO KEY UPDATE')) { query += ' FOR ' + lock; } else if (lock === 'SHARE') { query += ' ' + this._dialect.supports.forShare; } else { query += ' FOR UPDATE'; } if (this._dialect.supports.lockOf && options.lock.of && options.lock.of.prototype instanceof Model) { query += ' OF ' + this.quoteTable(options.lock.of.name); } } return `${query};`; }, escapeAttributes(attributes, options, mainTableAs) { return attributes && attributes.map(attr => { let addTable = true; if (attr instanceof Utils.SequelizeMethod) { return this.handleSequelizeMethod(attr); } if (Array.isArray(attr)) { if (attr.length !== 2) { throw new Error(JSON.stringify(attr) + ' is not a valid attribute definition. Please use the following format: [\'attribute definition\', \'alias\']'); } attr = attr.slice(); if (attr[0] instanceof Utils.SequelizeMethod) { attr[0] = this.handleSequelizeMethod(attr[0]); addTable = false; } else if (attr[0].indexOf('(') === -1 && attr[0].indexOf(')') === -1) { attr[0] = this.quoteIdentifier(attr[0]); } else { Utils.deprecate('Use sequelize.fn / sequelize.literal to construct attributes'); } attr = [attr[0], this.quoteIdentifier(attr[1])].join(' AS '); } else { attr = attr.indexOf(Utils.TICK_CHAR) < 0 && attr.indexOf('"') < 0 ? this.quoteIdentifiers(attr) : this.escape(attr); } if (!_.isEmpty(options.include) && attr.indexOf('.') === -1 && addTable) { attr = mainTableAs + '.' + attr; } return attr; }); }, generateInclude(include, parentTableName, topLevelInfo) { const joinQueries = { mainQuery: [], subQuery: [] }; const mainChildIncludes = []; const subChildIncludes = []; let requiredMismatch = false; const includeAs = { internalAs: include.as, externalAs: include.as }; const attributes = { main: [], subQuery: [] }; let joinQuery; topLevelInfo.options.keysEscaped = true; if (topLevelInfo.names.name !== parentTableName.externalAs && topLevelInfo.names.as !== parentTableName.externalAs) { includeAs.internalAs = `${parentTableName.internalAs}->${include.as}`; includeAs.externalAs = `${parentTableName.externalAs}.${include.as}`; } // includeIgnoreAttributes is used by aggregate functions if (topLevelInfo.options.includeIgnoreAttributes !== false) { const includeAttributes = include.attributes.map(attr => { let attrAs = attr; let verbatim = false; if (Array.isArray(attr) && attr.length === 2) { if (attr[0] instanceof Utils.SequelizeMethod && ( attr[0] instanceof Utils.Literal || attr[0] instanceof Utils.Cast || attr[0] instanceof Utils.Fn )) { verbatim = true; } attr = attr.map(attr => attr instanceof Utils.SequelizeMethod ? this.handleSequelizeMethod(attr) : attr); attrAs = attr[1]; attr = attr[0]; } else if (attr instanceof Utils.Literal) { return attr.val; // We trust the user to rename the field correctly } else if (attr instanceof Utils.Cast || attr instanceof Utils.Fn) { throw new Error( 'Tried to select attributes using Sequelize.cast or Sequelize.fn without specifying an alias for the result, during eager loading. ' + 'This means the attribute will not be added to the returned instance' ); } let prefix; if (verbatim === true) { prefix = attr; } else { prefix = `${this.quoteIdentifier(includeAs.internalAs)}.${this.quoteIdentifier(attr)}`; } return `${prefix} AS ${this.quoteIdentifier(`${includeAs.externalAs}.${attrAs}`, true)}`; }); if (include.subQuery && topLevelInfo.subQuery) { for (const attr of includeAttributes) { attributes.subQuery.push(attr); } } else { for (const attr of includeAttributes) { attributes.main.push(attr); } } } //through if (include.through) { joinQuery = this.generateThroughJoin(include, includeAs, parentTableName.internalAs, topLevelInfo); } else { this._generateSubQueryFilter(include, includeAs, topLevelInfo); joinQuery = this.generateJoin(include, topLevelInfo); } // handle possible new attributes created in join if (joinQuery.attributes.main.length > 0) { attributes.main = attributes.main.concat(joinQuery.attributes.main); } if (joinQuery.attributes.subQuery.length > 0) { attributes.subQuery = attributes.subQuery.concat(joinQuery.attributes.subQuery); } if (include.include) { for (const childInclude of include.include) { if (childInclude.separate || childInclude._pseudo) { continue; } const childJoinQueries = this.generateInclude(childInclude, includeAs, topLevelInfo); if (include.required === false && childInclude.required === true) { requiredMismatch = true; } // if the child is a sub query we just give it to the if (childInclude.subQuery && topLevelInfo.subQuery) { subChildIncludes.push(childJoinQueries.subQuery); } if (childJoinQueries.mainQuery) { mainChildIncludes.push(childJoinQueries.mainQuery); } if (childJoinQueries.attributes.main.length > 0) { attributes.main = attributes.main.concat(childJoinQueries.attributes.main); } if (childJoinQueries.attributes.subQuery.length > 0) { attributes.subQuery = attributes.subQuery.concat(childJoinQueries.attributes.subQuery); } } } if (include.subQuery && topLevelInfo.subQuery) { if (requiredMismatch && subChildIncludes.length > 0) { joinQueries.subQuery.push(` ${joinQuery.join} ( ${joinQuery.body}${subChildIncludes.join('')} ) ON ${joinQuery.condition}`); } else { joinQueries.subQuery.push(` ${joinQuery.join} ${joinQuery.body} ON ${joinQuery.condition}`); if (subChildIncludes.length > 0) { joinQueries.subQuery.push(subChildIncludes.join('')); } } joinQueries.mainQuery.push(mainChildIncludes.join('')); } else { if (requiredMismatch && mainChildIncludes.length > 0) { joinQueries.mainQuery.push(` ${joinQuery.join} ( ${joinQuery.body}${mainChildIncludes.join('')} ) ON ${joinQuery.condition}`); } else { joinQueries.mainQuery.push(` ${joinQuery.join} ${joinQuery.body} ON ${joinQuery.condition}`); if (mainChildIncludes.length > 0) { joinQueries.mainQuery.push(mainChildIncludes.join('')); } } joinQueries.subQuery.push(subChildIncludes.join('')); } return { mainQuery: joinQueries.mainQuery.join(''), subQuery: joinQueries.subQuery.join(''), attributes }; }, generateJoin(include, topLevelInfo) { const association = include.association; const parent = include.parent; const parentIsTop = !!parent && !include.parent.association && include.parent.model.name === topLevelInfo.options.model.name; let $parent; let joinWhere; /* Attributes for the left side */ const left = association.source; const attrLeft = association instanceof BelongsTo ? association.identifier : association.sourceKeyAttribute || left.primaryKeyAttribute; const fieldLeft = association instanceof BelongsTo ? association.identifierField : left.rawAttributes[association.sourceKeyAttribute || left.primaryKeyAttribute].field; let asLeft; /* Attributes for the right side */ const right = include.model; const tableRight = right.getTableName(); const fieldRight = association instanceof BelongsTo ? right.rawAttributes[association.targetIdentifier || right.primaryKeyAttribute].field : association.identifierField; let asRight = include.as; while (($parent = $parent && $parent.parent || include.parent) && $parent.association) { if (asLeft) { asLeft = `${$parent.as}->${asLeft}`; } else { asLeft = $parent.as; } } if (!asLeft) asLeft = parent.as || parent.model.name; else asRight = `${asLeft}->${asRight}`; let joinOn = `${this.quoteTable(asLeft)}.${this.quoteIdentifier(fieldLeft)}`; if (topLevelInfo.options.groupedLimit && parentIsTop || topLevelInfo.subQuery && include.parent.subQuery && !include.subQuery) { if (parentIsTop) { // The main model attributes is not aliased to a prefix joinOn = `${this.quoteTable(parent.as || parent.model.name)}.${this.quoteIdentifier(attrLeft)}`; } else { joinOn = this.quoteIdentifier(`${asLeft.replace(/->/g, '.')}.${attrLeft}`); } } joinOn += ` = ${this.quoteIdentifier(asRight)}.${this.quoteIdentifier(fieldRight)}`; if (include.on) { joinOn = this.whereItemsQuery(include.on, { prefix: this.sequelize.literal(this.quoteIdentifier(asRight)), model: include.model }); } if (include.where) { joinWhere = this.whereItemsQuery(include.where, { prefix: this.sequelize.literal(this.quoteIdentifier(asRight)), model: include.model }); if (joinWhere) { if (include.or) { joinOn += ` OR ${joinWhere}`; } else { joinOn += ` AND ${joinWhere}`; } } } return { join: include.required ? 'INNER JOIN' : 'LEFT OUTER JOIN', body: this.quoteTable(tableRight, asRight), condition: joinOn, attributes: { main: [], subQuery: [] } }; }, generateThroughJoin(include, includeAs, parentTableName, topLevelInfo) { const through = include.through; const throughTable = through.model.getTableName(); const throughAs = `${includeAs.internalAs}->${through.as}`; const externalThroughAs = `${includeAs.externalAs}.${through.as}`; const throughAttributes = through.attributes.map(attr => this.quoteIdentifier(throughAs) + '.' + this.quoteIdentifier(Array.isArray(attr) ? attr[0] : attr) + ' AS ' + this.quoteIdentifier(externalThroughAs + '.' + (Array.isArray(attr) ? attr[1] : attr)) ); const association = include.association; const parentIsTop = !include.parent.association && include.parent.model.name === topLevelInfo.options.model.name; const primaryKeysSource = association.source.primaryKeyAttributes; const tableSource = parentTableName; const identSource = association.identifierField; const primaryKeysTarget = association.target.primaryKeyAttributes; const tableTarget = includeAs.internalAs; const identTarget = association.foreignIdentifierField; const attrTarget = association.target.rawAttributes[primaryKeysTarget[0]].field || primaryKeysTarget[0]; const joinType = include.required ? 'INNER JOIN' : 'LEFT OUTER JOIN'; let joinBody; let joinCondition; const attributes = { main: [], subQuery: [] }; let attrSource = primaryKeysSource[0]; let sourceJoinOn; let targetJoinOn; let throughWhere; let targetWhere; if (topLevelInfo.options.includeIgnoreAttributes !== false) { // Through includes are always hasMany, so we need to add the attributes to the mainAttributes no matter what (Real join will never be executed in subquery) for (const attr of throughAttributes) { attributes.main.push(attr); } } // Figure out if we need to use field or attribute if (!topLevelInfo.subQuery) { attrSource = association.source.rawAttributes[primaryKeysSource[0]].field; } if (topLevelInfo.subQuery && !include.subQuery && !include.parent.subQuery && include.parent.model !== topLevelInfo.options.mainModel) { attrSource = association.source.rawAttributes[primaryKeysSource[0]].field; } // Filter statement for left side of through // Used by both join and subquery where // If parent include was in a subquery need to join on the aliased attribute if (topLevelInfo.subQuery && !include.subQuery && include.parent.subQuery && !parentIsTop) { sourceJoinOn = `${this.quoteIdentifier(`${tableSource}.${attrSource}`)} = `; } else { sourceJoinOn = `${this.quoteTable(tableSource)}.${this.quoteIdentifier(attrSource)} = `; } sourceJoinOn += `${this.quoteIdentifier(throughAs)}.${this.quoteIdentifier(identSource)}`; // Filter statement for right side of through // Used by both join and subquery where targetJoinOn = `${this.quoteIdentifier(tableTarget)}.${this.quoteIdentifier(attrTarget)} = `; targetJoinOn += `${this.quoteIdentifier(throughAs)}.${this.quoteIdentifier(identTarget)}`; if (through.where) { throughWhere = this.getWhereConditions(through.where, this.sequelize.literal(this.quoteIdentifier(throughAs)), through.model); } if (this._dialect.supports.joinTableDependent) { // Generate a wrapped join so that the through table join can be dependent on the target join joinBody = `( ${this.quoteTable(throughTable, throughAs)} INNER JOIN ${this.quoteTable(include.model.getTableName(), includeAs.internalAs)} ON ${targetJoinOn}`; if (throughWhere) { joinBody += ` AND ${throughWhere}`; } joinBody += ')'; joinCondition = sourceJoinOn; } else { // Generate join SQL for left side of through joinBody = `${this.quoteTable(throughTable, throughAs)} ON ${sourceJoinOn} ${joinType} ${this.quoteTable(include.model.getTableName(), includeAs.internalAs)}`; joinCondition = targetJoinOn; if (throughWhere) { joinCondition += ` AND ${throughWhere}`; } } if (include.where || include.through.where) { if (include.where) { targetWhere = this.getWhereConditions(include.where, this.sequelize.literal(this.quoteIdentifier(includeAs.internalAs)), include.model, topLevelInfo.options); if (targetWhere) { joinCondition += ` AND ${targetWhere}`; } } } this._generateSubQueryFilter(include, includeAs, topLevelInfo); return { join: joinType, body: joinBody, condition: joinCondition, attributes }; }, /* * Generates subQueryFilter - a select nested in the where clause of the subQuery. * For a given include a query is generated that contains all the way from the subQuery * table to the include table plus everything that's in required transitive closure of the * given include. */ _generateSubQueryFilter(include, includeAs, topLevelInfo) { if (!topLevelInfo.subQuery || !include.subQueryFilter) { return; } if (!topLevelInfo.options.where) { topLevelInfo.options.where = {}; } let parent = include; let child = include; let nestedIncludes = this._getRequiredClosure(include).include; let query; while ((parent = parent.parent)) { // eslint-disable-line if (parent.parent && !parent.required) { return; // only generate subQueryFilter if all the parents of this include are required } if (parent.subQueryFilter) { // the include is already handled as this parent has the include on its required closure // skip to prevent duplicate subQueryFilter return; } nestedIncludes = [_.extend({}, child, { include: nestedIncludes, attributes: [] })]; child = parent; } const topInclude = nestedIncludes[0]; const topParent = topInclude.parent; const topAssociation = topInclude.association; topInclude.association = undefined; if (topInclude.through && Object(topInclude.through.model) === topInclude.through.model) { query = this.selectQuery(topInclude.through.model.getTableName(), { attributes: [topInclude.through.model.primaryKeyField], include: Model._validateIncludedElements({ model: topInclude.through.model, include: [{ association: topAssociation.toTarget, required: true, where: topInclude.where, include: topInclude.include }] }).include, model: topInclude.through.model, where: { [Op.and]: [ this.sequelize.asIs([ this.quoteTable(topParent.model.name) + '.' + this.quoteIdentifier(topParent.model.primaryKeyField), this.quoteIdentifier(topInclude.through.model.name) + '.' + this.quoteIdentifier(topAssociation.identifierField) ].join(' = ')), topInclude.through.where ] }, limit: 1, includeIgnoreAttributes: false }, topInclude.through.model); } else { const isBelongsTo = topAssociation.associationType === 'BelongsTo'; const sourceField = isBelongsTo ? topAssociation.identifierField : (topAssociation.sourceKeyField || topParent.model.primaryKeyField); const targetField = isBelongsTo ? (topAssociation.sourceKeyField || topInclude.model.primaryKeyField) : topAssociation.identifierField; const join = [ this.quoteIdentifier(topInclude.as) + '.' + this.quoteIdentifier(targetField), this.quoteTable(topParent.as || topParent.model.name) + '.' + this.quoteIdentifier(sourceField) ].join(' = '); query = this.selectQuery(topInclude.model.getTableName(), { attributes: [targetField], include: Model._validateIncludedElements(topInclude).include, model: topInclude.model, where: { [Op.and]: [ topInclude.where, { [Op.join]: this.sequelize.asIs(join) } ] }, limit: 1, tableAs: topInclude.as, includeIgnoreAttributes: false }, topInclude.model); } if (!topLevelInfo.options.where[Op.and]) { topLevelInfo.options.where[Op.and] = []; } topLevelInfo.options.where[`__${includeAs.internalAs}`] = this.sequelize.asIs([ '(', query.replace(/\;$/, ''), ')', 'IS NOT NULL' ].join(' ')); }, /* * For a given include hierarchy creates a copy of it where only the required includes * are preserved. */ _getRequiredClosure(include) { const copy = _.extend({}, include, {attributes: [], include: []}); if (Array.isArray(include.include)) { copy.include = include.include .filter(i => i.required) .map(inc => this._getRequiredClosure(inc)); } return copy; }, getQueryOrders(options, model, subQuery) { const mainQueryOrder = []; const subQueryOrder = []; if (Array.isArray(options.order)) { for (let order of options.order) { // wrap if not array if (!Array.isArray(order)) { order = [order]; } if ( subQuery && Array.isArray(order) && order[0] && !(order[0] instanceof Association) && !(typeof order[0] === 'function' && order[0].prototype instanceof Model) && !(typeof order[0].model === 'function' && order[0].model.prototype instanceof Model) && !(typeof order[0] === 'string' && model && model.associations !== undefined && model.associations[order[0]]) ) { subQueryOrder.push(this.quote(order, model, '->')); } if (subQuery) { // Handle case where sub-query renames attribute we want to order by, // see https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize/issues/8739 const subQueryAttribute = options.attributes.find(a => Array.isArray(a) && a[0] === order[0] && a[1]); if (subQueryAttribute) { order[0] = new Utils.Col(subQueryAttribute[1]); } } mainQueryOrder.push(this.quote(order, model, '->')); } } else if (options.order instanceof Utils.SequelizeMethod) { const sql = this.quote(options.order, model, '->'); if (subQuery) { subQueryOrder.push(sql); } mainQueryOrder.push(sql); } else { throw new Error('Order must be type of array or instance of a valid sequelize method.'); } return {mainQueryOrder, subQueryOrder}; }, selectFromTableFragment(options, model, attributes, tables, mainTableAs) { let fragment = 'SELECT ' + attributes.join(', ') + ' FROM ' + tables; if (mainTableAs) { fragment += ' AS ' + mainTableAs; } return fragment; }, /** * Returns a query that starts a transaction. * * @param {Boolean} value A boolean that states whether autocommit shall be done or not. * @param {Object} options An object with options. * @return {String} The generated sql query. * @private */ setAutocommitQuery(value, options) { if (options.parent) { return; } // no query when value is not explicitly set if (typeof value === 'undefined' || value === null) { return; } return 'SET autocommit = ' + (value ? 1 : 0) + ';'; }, /** * Returns a query that sets the transaction isolation level. * * @param {String} value The isolation level. * @param {Object} options An object with options. * @return {String} The generated sql query. * @private */ setIsolationLevelQuery(value, options) { if (options.parent) { return; } return 'SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL ' + value + ';'; }, generateTransactionId() { return uuid.v4(); }, /** * Returns a query that starts a transaction. * * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {Object} options An object with options. * @return {String} The generated sql query. * @private */ startTransactionQuery(transaction) { if (transaction.parent) { // force quoting of savepoint identifiers for postgres return 'SAVEPOINT ' + this.quoteIdentifier(transaction.name, true) + ';'; } return 'START TRANSACTION;'; }, /** * Returns a query that defers the constraints. Only works for postgres. * * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {Object} options An object with options. * @return {String} The generated sql query. * @private */ deferConstraintsQuery() {}, setConstraintQuery() {}, setDeferredQuery() {}, setImmediateQuery() {}, /** * Returns a query that commits a transaction. * * @param {Object} options An object with options. * @return {String} The generated sql query. * @private */ commitTransactionQuery(transaction) { if (transaction.parent) { return; } return 'COMMIT;'; }, /** * Returns a query that rollbacks a transaction. * * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {Object} options An object with options. * @return {String} The generated sql query. * @private */ rollbackTransactionQuery(transaction) { if (transaction.parent) { // force quoting of savepoint identifiers for postgres return 'ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT ' + this.quoteIdentifier(transaction.name, true) + ';'; } return 'ROLLBACK;'; }, /** * Returns an SQL fragment for adding result constraints * * @param {Object} options An object with selectQuery options. * @param {Object} options The model passed to the selectQuery. * @return {String} The generated sql query. * @private */ addLimitAndOffset(options) { let fragment = ''; /* eslint-disable */ if (options.offset != null && options.limit == null) { fragment += ' LIMIT ' + this.escape(options.offset) + ', ' + 10000000000000; } else if (options.limit != null) { if (options.offset != null) { fragment += ' LIMIT ' + this.escape(options.offset) + ', ' + this.escape(options.limit); } else { fragment += ' LIMIT ' + this.escape(options.limit); } } /* eslint-enable */ return fragment; }, handleSequelizeMethod(smth, tableName, factory, options, prepend) { let result; if (this.OperatorMap.hasOwnProperty(smth.comparator)) { smth.comparator = this.OperatorMap[smth.comparator]; } if (smth instanceof Utils.Where) { let value = smth.logic; let key; if (smth.attribute instanceof Utils.SequelizeMethod) { key = this.getWhereConditions(smth.attribute, tableName, factory, options, prepend); } else { key = this.quoteTable(smth.attribute.Model.name) + '.' + this.quoteIdentifier(smth.attribute.field || smth.attribute.fieldName); } if (value && value instanceof Utils.SequelizeMethod) { value = this.getWhereConditions(value, tableName, factory, options, prepend); result = value === 'NULL' ? key + ' IS NULL' : [key, value].join(smth.comparator); } else if (_.isPlainObject(value)) { result = this.whereItemQuery(smth.attribute, value, { model: factory }); } else { if (typeof value === 'boolean') { value = this.booleanValue(value); } else { value = this.escape(value); } result = value === 'NULL' ? key + ' IS NULL' : [key, value].join(' ' + smth.comparator + ' '); } } else if (smth instanceof Utils.Literal) { result = smth.val; } else if (smth instanceof Utils.Cast) { if (smth.val instanceof Utils.SequelizeMethod) { result = this.handleSequelizeMethod(smth.val, tableName, factory, options, prepend); } else if (_.isPlainObject(smth.val)) { result = this.whereItemsQuery(smth.val); } else { result = this.escape(smth.val); } result = 'CAST(' + result + ' AS ' + smth.type.toUpperCase() + ')'; } else if (smth instanceof Utils.Fn) { result = smth.fn + '(' + smth.args.map(arg => { if (arg instanceof Utils.SequelizeMethod) { return this.handleSequelizeMethod(arg, tableName, factory, options, prepend); } else if (_.isPlainObject(arg)) { return this.whereItemsQuery(arg); } else { return this.escape(arg); } }).join(', ') + ')'; } else if (smth instanceof Utils.Col) { if (Array.isArray(smth.col)) { if (!factory) { throw new Error('Cannot call Sequelize.col() with array outside of order / group clause'); } } else if (smth.col.indexOf('*') === 0) { return '*'; } return this.quote(smth.col, factory); } else { result = smth.toString(this, factory); } return result; }, whereQuery(where, options) { const query = this.whereItemsQuery(where, options); if (query && query.length) { return 'WHERE '+query; } return ''; }, whereItemsQuery(where, options, binding) { if ( where === null || where === undefined || Utils.getComplexSize(where) === 0 ) { // NO OP return ''; } if (_.isString(where)) { throw new Error('Support for `{where: \'raw query\'}` has been removed.'); } const items = []; binding = binding || 'AND'; if (binding.substr(0, 1) !== ' ') binding = ' '+binding+' '; if (_.isPlainObject(where)) { Utils.getComplexKeys(where).forEach(prop => { const item = where[prop]; items.push(this.whereItemQuery(prop, item, options)); }); } else { items.push(this.whereItemQuery(undefined, where, options)); } return items.length && items.filter(item => item && item.length).join(binding) || ''; }, OperatorMap: { [Op.eq]: '=', [Op.ne]: '!=', [Op.gte]: '>=', [Op.gt]: '>', [Op.lte]: '<=', [Op.lt]: '<', [Op.not]: 'IS NOT', [Op.is]: 'IS', [Op.in]: 'IN', [Op.notIn]: 'NOT IN', [Op.like]: 'LIKE', [Op.notLike]: 'NOT LIKE', [Op.iLike]: 'ILIKE', [Op.notILike]: 'NOT ILIKE', [Op.regexp]: '~', [Op.notRegexp]: '!~', [Op.iRegexp]: '~*', [Op.notIRegexp]: '!~*', [Op.between]: 'BETWEEN', [Op.notBetween]: 'NOT BETWEEN', [Op.overlap]: '&&', [Op.contains]: '@>', [Op.contained]: '<@', [Op.adjacent]: '-|-', [Op.strictLeft]: '<<', [Op.strictRight]: '>>', [Op.noExtendRight]: '&<', [Op.noExtendLeft]: '&>', [Op.any]: 'ANY', [Op.all]: 'ALL', [Op.and]: ' AND ', [Op.or]: ' OR ', [Op.col]: 'COL', [Op.placeholder]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$', [Op.raw]: 'DEPRECATED' //kept here since we still throw an explicit error if operator being used remove by v5, }, OperatorsAliasMap: {}, setOperatorsAliases(aliases) { if (!aliases || _.isEmpty(aliases)) { this.OperatorsAliasMap = false; } else { this.OperatorsAliasMap = _.assign({}, aliases); } }, whereItemQuery(key, value, options) { options = options || {}; if (key && typeof key === 'string' && key.indexOf('.') !== -1 && options.model) { const keyParts = key.split('.'); if (options.model.rawAttributes[keyParts[0]] && options.model.rawAttributes[keyParts[0]].type instanceof DataTypes.JSON) { const tmp = {}; const field = options.model.rawAttributes[keyParts[0]]; Dottie.set(tmp, keyParts.slice(1), value); return this.whereItemQuery(field.field || keyParts[0], tmp, Object.assign({field}, options)); } } const field = this._findField(key, options); const fieldType = field && field.type || options.type; const isPlainObject = _.isPlainObject(value); const isArray = !isPlainObject && Array.isArray(value); key = this.OperatorsAliasMap && this.OperatorsAliasMap[key] || key; if (isPlainObject) { value = this._replaceAliases(value); } const valueKeys = isPlainObject && Utils.getComplexKeys(value); if (key === undefined) { if (typeof value === 'string') { return value; } if (isPlainObject && valueKeys.length === 1) { return this.whereItemQuery(valueKeys[0], value[valueKeys[0]], options); } } if (!value) { return this._joinKeyValue(key, this.escape(value, field), value === null ? this.OperatorMap[Op.is] : this.OperatorMap[Op.eq], options.prefix); } if (value instanceof Utils.SequelizeMethod && !(key !== undefined && value instanceof Utils.Fn)) { return this.handleSequelizeMethod(value); } // Convert where: [] to Op.and if possible, else treat as literal/replacements if (key === undefined && isArray) { if (Utils.canTreatArrayAsAnd(value)) { key = Op.and; } else { throw new Error('Support for literal replacements in the `where` object has been removed.'); } } if (key === Op.or || key === Op.and || key === Op.not) { return this._whereGroupBind(key, value, options); } if (value[Op.or]) { return this._whereBind(this.OperatorMap[Op.or], key, value[Op.or], options); } if (value[Op.and]) { return this._whereBind(this.OperatorMap[Op.and], key, value[Op.and], options); } if (isArray && fieldType instanceof DataTypes.ARRAY) { return this._joinKeyValue(key, this.escape(value, field), this.OperatorMap[Op.eq], options.prefix); } if (isPlainObject && fieldType instanceof DataTypes.JSON && options.json !== false) { return this._whereJSON(key, value, options); } // If multiple keys we combine the different logic conditions if (isPlainObject && valueKeys.length > 1) { return this._whereBind(this.OperatorMap[Op.and], key, value, options); } if (isArray) { return this._whereParseSingleValueObject(key, field, Op.in, value, options); } if (isPlainObject) { if (this.OperatorMap[valueKeys[0]]) { return this._whereParseSingleValueObject(key, field, valueKeys[0], value[valueKeys[0]], options); } else { return this._whereParseSingleValueObject(key, field, this.OperatorMap[Op.eq], value, options); } } if (key === Op.placeholder) { return this._joinKeyValue(this.OperatorMap[key], this.escape(value, field), this.OperatorMap[Op.eq], options.prefix); } return this._joinKeyValue(key, this.escape(value, field), this.OperatorMap[Op.eq], options.prefix); }, _findField(key, options) { if (options.field) { return options.field; } if (options.model && options.model.rawAttributes && options.model.rawAttributes[key]) { return options.model.rawAttributes[key]; } if (options.model && options.model.fieldRawAttributesMap && options.model.fieldRawAttributesMap[key]) { return options.model.fieldRawAttributesMap[key]; } }, _replaceAliases(orig) { const obj = {}; if (!this.OperatorsAliasMap) { return orig; } Utils.getOperators(orig).forEach(op => { const item = orig[op]; if (_.isPlainObject(item)) { obj[op] = this._replaceAliases(item); } else { obj[op] = item; } }); _.forOwn(orig, (item, prop) => { prop = this.OperatorsAliasMap[prop] || prop; if (_.isPlainObject(item)) { item = this._replaceAliases(item); } obj[prop] = item; }); return obj; }, // OR/AND/NOT grouping logic _whereGroupBind(key, value, options) { const binding = key === Op.or ? this.OperatorMap[Op.or] : this.OperatorMap[Op.and]; const outerBinding = key === Op.not ? 'NOT ': ''; if (Array.isArray(value)) { value = value.map(item => { let itemQuery = this.whereItemsQuery(item, options, this.OperatorMap[Op.and]); if (itemQuery && itemQuery.length && (Array.isArray(item) || _.isPlainObject(item)) && Utils.getComplexSize(item) > 1) { itemQuery = '('+itemQuery+')'; } return itemQuery; }).filter(item => item && item.length); value = value.length && value.join(binding); } else { value = this.whereItemsQuery(value, options, binding); } // Op.or: [] should return no data. // Op.not of no restriction should also return no data if ((key === Op.or || key === Op.not) && !value) { return '0 = 1'; } return value ? outerBinding + '('+value+')' : undefined; }, _whereBind(binding, key, value, options) { if (_.isPlainObject(value)) { value = Utils.getComplexKeys(value).map(prop => { const item = value[prop]; return this.whereItemQuery(key, {[prop]: item}, options); }); } else { value = value.map(item => this.whereItemQuery(key, item, options)); } value = value.filter(item => item && item.length); return value.length ? '('+value.join(binding)+')' : undefined; }, _whereJSON(key, value, options) { const items = []; let baseKey = this.quoteIdentifier(key); if (options.prefix) { if (options.prefix instanceof Utils.Literal) { baseKey = `${this.handleSequelizeMethod(options.prefix)}.${baseKey}`; } else { baseKey = `${this.quoteTable(options.prefix)}.${baseKey}`; } } Utils.getOperators(value).forEach(op => { const where = {}; where[op] = value[op]; items.push(this.whereItemQuery(key, where, _.assign({}, options, {json: false}))); }); _.forOwn(value, (item, prop) => { this._traverseJSON(items, baseKey, prop, item, [prop]); }); const result = items.join(this.OperatorMap[Op.and]); return items.length > 1 ? '('+result+')' : result; }, _traverseJSON(items, baseKey, prop, item, path) { let cast; if (path[path.length - 1].indexOf('::') > -1) { const tmp = path[path.length - 1].split('::'); cast = tmp[1]; path[path.length - 1] = tmp[0]; } const pathKey = this.jsonPathExtractionQuery(baseKey, path); if (_.isPlainObject(item)) { Utils.getOperators(item).forEach(op => { const value = this._toJSONValue(item[op]); items.push(this.whereItemQuery(this._castKey(pathKey, value, cast), {[op]: value})); }); _.forOwn(item, (value, itemProp) => { this._traverseJSON(items, baseKey, itemProp, value, path.concat([itemProp])); }); return; } item = this._toJSONValue(item); items.push(this.whereItemQuery(this._castKey(pathKey, item, cast), {[Op.eq]: item})); }, _toJSONValue(value) { return value; }, _castKey(key, value, cast, json) { cast = cast || this._getJsonCast(Array.isArray(value) ? value[0] : value); if (cast) { return new Utils.Literal(this.handleSequelizeMethod(new Utils.Cast(new Utils.Literal(key), cast, json))); } return new Utils.Literal(key); }, _getJsonCast(value) { if (typeof value === 'number') { return 'double precision'; } if (value instanceof Date) { return 'timestamptz'; } if (typeof value === 'boolean') { return 'boolean'; } return; }, _joinKeyValue(key, value, comparator, prefix) { if (!key) { return value; } if (comparator === undefined) { throw new Error(`${key} and ${value} has no comparator`); } key = this._getSafeKey(key, prefix); return [key, value].join(' '+comparator+' '); }, _getSafeKey(key, prefix) { if (key instanceof Utils.SequelizeMethod) { key = this.handleSequelizeMethod(key); return this._prefixKey(this.handleSequelizeMethod(key), prefix); } if (Utils.isColString(key)) { key = key.substr(1, key.length - 2).split('.'); if (key.length > 2) { key = [ // join the tables by -> to match out internal namings key.slice(0, -1).join('->'), key[key.length - 1] ]; } return key.map(identifier => this.quoteIdentifier(identifier)).join('.'); } return this._prefixKey(this.quoteIdentifier(key), prefix); }, _prefixKey(key, prefix) { if (prefix) { if (prefix instanceof Utils.Literal) { return [this.handleSequelizeMethod(prefix), key].join('.'); } return [this.quoteTable(prefix), key].join('.'); } return key; }, _whereParseSingleValueObject(key, field, prop, value, options) { if (prop === Op.not) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { prop = Op.notIn; } else if ([null, true, false].indexOf(value) < 0) { prop = Op.ne; } } let comparator = this.OperatorMap[prop] || this.OperatorMap[Op.eq]; switch (prop) { case Op.in: case Op.notIn: if (value instanceof Utils.Literal) { return this._joinKeyValue(key, value.val, comparator, options.prefix); } if (value.length) { return this._joinKeyValue(key, `(${value.map(item => this.escape(item, field)).join(', ')})`, comparator, options.prefix); } if (comparator === this.OperatorMap[Op.in]) { return this._joinKeyValue(key, '(NULL)', comparator, options.prefix); } return ''; case Op.any: case Op.all: comparator = `${this.OperatorMap[Op.eq]} ${comparator}`; if (value[Op.values]) { return this._joinKeyValue(key, `(VALUES ${value[Op.values].map(item => `(${this.escape(item)})`).join(', ')})`, comparator, options.prefix); } return this._joinKeyValue(key, `(${this.escape(value, field)})`, comparator, options.prefix); case Op.between: case Op.notBetween: return this._joinKeyValue(key, `${this.escape(value[0])} AND ${this.escape(value[1])}`, comparator, options.prefix); case Op.raw: throw new Error('The `$raw` where property is no longer supported. Use `sequelize.literal` instead.'); case Op.col: comparator = this.OperatorMap[Op.eq]; value = value.split('.'); if (value.length > 2) { value = [ // join the tables by -> to match out internal namings value.slice(0, -1).join('->'), value[value.length - 1] ]; } return this._joinKeyValue(key, value.map(identifier => this.quoteIdentifier(identifier)).join('.'), comparator, options.prefix); } const escapeOptions = { acceptStrings: comparator.indexOf(this.OperatorMap[Op.like]) !== -1 }; if (_.isPlainObject(value)) { if (value[Op.col]) { return this._joinKeyValue(key, this.whereItemQuery(null, value), comparator, options.prefix); } if (value[Op.any]) { escapeOptions.isList = true; return this._joinKeyValue(key, `(${this.escape(value[Op.any], field, escapeOptions)})`, `${comparator} ${this.OperatorMap[Op.any]}`, options.prefix); } if (value[Op.all]) { escapeOptions.isList = true; return this._joinKeyValue(key, `(${this.escape(value[Op.all], field, escapeOptions)})`, `${comparator} ${this.OperatorMap[Op.all]}`, options.prefix); } } if (value === null && comparator === this.OperatorMap[Op.eq]) { return this._joinKeyValue(key, this.escape(value, field, escapeOptions), this.OperatorMap[Op.is], options.prefix); } else if (value === null && comparator === this.OperatorMap[Op.ne]) { return this._joinKeyValue(key, this.escape(value, field, escapeOptions), this.OperatorMap[Op.not], options.prefix); } return this._joinKeyValue(key, this.escape(value, field, escapeOptions), comparator, options.prefix); }, /* Takes something and transforms it into values of a where condition. @private */ getWhereConditions(smth, tableName, factory, options, prepend) { let result = null; const where = {}; if (Array.isArray(tableName)) { tableName = tableName[0]; if (Array.isArray(tableName)) { tableName = tableName[1]; } } options = options || {}; if (typeof prepend === 'undefined') { prepend = true; } if (smth && smth instanceof Utils.SequelizeMethod) { // Checking a property is cheaper than a lot of instanceof calls result = this.handleSequelizeMethod(smth, tableName, factory, options, prepend); } else if (_.isPlainObject(smth)) { return this.whereItemsQuery(smth, { model: factory, prefix: prepend && tableName }); } else if (typeof smth === 'number') { let primaryKeys = factory ? Object.keys(factory.primaryKeys) : []; if (primaryKeys.length > 0) { // Since we're just a number, assume only the first key primaryKeys = primaryKeys[0]; } else { primaryKeys = 'id'; } where[primaryKeys] = smth; return this.whereItemsQuery(where, { model: factory, prefix: prepend && tableName }); } else if (typeof smth === 'string') { return this.whereItemsQuery(smth, { model: factory, prefix: prepend && tableName }); } else if (Buffer.isBuffer(smth)) { result = this.escape(smth); } else if (Array.isArray(smth)) { if (smth.length === 0 || smth.length > 0 && smth[0].length === 0) return '1=1'; if (Utils.canTreatArrayAsAnd(smth)) { const _smth = { [Op.and]: smth }; result = this.getWhereConditions(_smth, tableName, factory, options, prepend); } else { throw new Error('Support for literal replacements in the `where` object has been removed.'); } } else if (smth === null) { return this.whereItemsQuery(smth, { model: factory, prefix: prepend && tableName }); } return result ? result : '1=1'; }, // A recursive parser for nested where conditions parseConditionObject(conditions, path) { path = path || []; return _.reduce(conditions, (result, value, key) => { if (_.isObject(value)) { result = result.concat(this.parseConditionObject(value, path.concat(key))); // Recursively parse objects } else { result.push({ path: path.concat(key), value }); } return result; }, []); }, isIdentifierQuoted(string) { return /^\s*(?:([`"'])(?:(?!\1).|\1{2})*\1\.?)+\s*$/i.test(string); }, booleanValue(value) { return value; } }; module.exports = QueryGenerator;