Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/sequelize/lib/associations/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/sequelize/lib/associations/has-many.js |
'use strict'; const Utils = require('./../utils'); const Helpers = require('./helpers'); const _ = require('lodash'); const Association = require('./base'); const Op = require('../operators'); /** * One-to-many association * * In the API reference below, add the name of the association to the method, e.g. for `User.hasMany(Project)` the getter will be `user.getProjects()`. * If the association is aliased, use the alias instead, e.g. `User.hasMany(Project, { as: 'jobs' })` will be `user.getJobs()`. * * @see {@link Model.hasMany} */ class HasMany extends Association { constructor(source, target, options) { super(source, target, options); this.associationType = 'HasMany'; this.targetAssociation = null; this.sequelize = source.sequelize; this.through = options.through; this.isMultiAssociation = true; this.foreignKeyAttribute = {}; if (this.options.through) { throw new Error('N:M associations are not supported with hasMany. Use belongsToMany instead'); } /* * If self association, this is the target association */ if (this.isSelfAssociation) { this.targetAssociation = this; } if (this.as) { this.isAliased = true; if (_.isPlainObject(this.as)) { this.options.name = this.as; this.as = this.as.plural; } else { this.options.name = { plural: this.as, singular: Utils.singularize(this.as) }; } } else { this.as = this.target.options.name.plural; this.options.name = this.target.options.name; } /* * Foreign key setup */ if (_.isObject(this.options.foreignKey)) { this.foreignKeyAttribute = this.options.foreignKey; this.foreignKey = this.foreignKeyAttribute.name || this.foreignKeyAttribute.fieldName; } else if (this.options.foreignKey) { this.foreignKey = this.options.foreignKey; } if (!this.foreignKey) { this.foreignKey = Utils.camelizeIf( [ Utils.underscoredIf(this.source.options.name.singular, this.source.options.underscored), this.source.primaryKeyAttribute ].join('_'), !this.source.options.underscored ); } if (this.target.rawAttributes[this.foreignKey]) { this.identifierField = this.target.rawAttributes[this.foreignKey].field || this.foreignKey; this.foreignKeyField = this.target.rawAttributes[this.foreignKey].field || this.foreignKey; } this.sourceKey = this.options.sourceKey || this.source.primaryKeyAttribute; if (this.target.rawAttributes[this.sourceKey]) { this.sourceKeyField = this.source.rawAttributes[this.sourceKey].field || this.sourceKey; } else { this.sourceKeyField = this.sourceKey; } if (this.source.fieldRawAttributesMap[this.sourceKey]) { this.sourceKeyAttribute = this.source.fieldRawAttributesMap[this.sourceKey].fieldName; } else { this.sourceKeyAttribute = this.source.primaryKeyAttribute; } this.sourceIdentifier = this.sourceKey; this.associationAccessor = this.as; // Get singular and plural names, trying to uppercase the first letter, unless the model forbids it const plural = Utils.uppercaseFirst(this.options.name.plural); const singular = Utils.uppercaseFirst(this.options.name.singular); this.accessors = { get: 'get' + plural, set: 'set' + plural, addMultiple: 'add' + plural, add: 'add' + singular, create: 'create' + singular, remove: 'remove' + singular, removeMultiple: 'remove' + plural, hasSingle: 'has' + singular, hasAll: 'has' + plural, count: 'count' + plural }; } // the id is in the target table // or in an extra table which connects two tables injectAttributes() { const newAttributes = {}; const constraintOptions = _.clone(this.options); // Create a new options object for use with addForeignKeyConstraints, to avoid polluting this.options in case it is later used for a n:m newAttributes[this.foreignKey] = _.defaults({}, this.foreignKeyAttribute, { type: this.options.keyType || this.source.rawAttributes[this.sourceKeyAttribute].type, allowNull: true }); if (this.options.constraints !== false) { const target = this.target.rawAttributes[this.foreignKey] || newAttributes[this.foreignKey]; constraintOptions.onDelete = constraintOptions.onDelete || (target.allowNull ? 'SET NULL' : 'CASCADE'); constraintOptions.onUpdate = constraintOptions.onUpdate || 'CASCADE'; } Helpers.addForeignKeyConstraints(newAttributes[this.foreignKey], this.source, this.target, constraintOptions, this.sourceKeyField); Utils.mergeDefaults(this.target.rawAttributes, newAttributes); this.identifierField = this.target.rawAttributes[this.foreignKey].field || this.foreignKey; this.foreignKeyField = this.target.rawAttributes[this.foreignKey].field || this.foreignKey; this.target.refreshAttributes(); this.source.refreshAttributes(); Helpers.checkNamingCollision(this); return this; } mixin(obj) { const methods = ['get', 'count', 'hasSingle', 'hasAll', 'set', 'add', 'addMultiple', 'remove', 'removeMultiple', 'create']; const aliases = { hasSingle: 'has', hasAll: 'has', addMultiple: 'add', removeMultiple: 'remove' }; Helpers.mixinMethods(this, obj, methods, aliases); } /** * Get everything currently associated with this, using an optional where clause. * * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Object} [options.where] An optional where clause to limit the associated models * @param {String|Boolean} [options.scope] Apply a scope on the related model, or remove its default scope by passing false * @param {String} [options.schema] Apply a schema on the related model * @see {@link Model.findAll} for a full explanation of options * @return {Promise<Array<Model>>} */ get(instances, options) { const association = this; const where = {}; let Model = association.target; let instance; let values; if (!Array.isArray(instances)) { instance = instances; instances = undefined; } options = Utils.cloneDeep(options) || {}; if (association.scope) { _.assign(where, association.scope); } if (instances) { values = instances.map(instance => instance.get(association.sourceKey, {raw: true})); if (options.limit && instances.length > 1) { options.groupedLimit = { limit: options.limit, on: association, values }; delete options.limit; } else { where[association.foreignKey] = { [Op.in]: values }; delete options.groupedLimit; } } else { where[association.foreignKey] = instance.get(association.sourceKey, {raw: true}); } options.where = options.where ? {[Op.and]: [where, options.where]} : where; if (options.hasOwnProperty('scope')) { if (!options.scope) { Model = Model.unscoped(); } else { Model = Model.scope(options.scope); } } if (options.hasOwnProperty('schema')) { Model = Model.schema(options.schema, options.schemaDelimiter); } return Model.findAll(options).then(results => { if (instance) return results; const result = {}; for (const instance of instances) { result[instance.get(association.sourceKey, {raw: true})] = []; } for (const instance of results) { result[instance.get(association.foreignKey, {raw: true})].push(instance); } return result; }); } /** * Count everything currently associated with this, using an optional where clause. * * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Object} [options.where] An optional where clause to limit the associated models * @param {String|Boolean} [options.scope] Apply a scope on the related model, or remove its default scope by passing false * @return {Promise<Integer>} */ count(instance, options) { const association = this; const model = association.target; const sequelize = model.sequelize; options = Utils.cloneDeep(options); options.attributes = [ [sequelize.fn('COUNT', sequelize.col(model.name.concat('.', model.primaryKeyField))), 'count'] ]; options.raw = true; options.plain = true; return association.get(instance, options).then(result => parseInt(result.count, 10)); } /** * Check if one or more rows are associated with `this`. * * @param {Model[]|Model|string[]|String|number[]|Number} [instance(s)] * @param {Object} [options] Options passed to getAssociations * @return {Promise} */ has(sourceInstance, targetInstances, options) { const association = this; const where = {}; if (!Array.isArray(targetInstances)) { targetInstances = [targetInstances]; } options = _.assign({}, options, { scope: false, raw: true }); where[Op.or] = targetInstances.map(instance => { if (instance instanceof association.target) { return instance.where(); } else { const _where = {}; _where[association.target.primaryKeyAttribute] = instance; return _where; } }); options.where = { [Op.and]: [ where, options.where ] }; return association.get(sourceInstance, options).then(associatedObjects => associatedObjects.length === targetInstances.length); } /** * Set the associated models by passing an array of persisted instances or their primary keys. Everything that is not in the passed array will be un-associated * * @param {Array<Model|String|Number>} [newAssociations] An array of persisted instances or primary key of instances to associate with this. Pass `null` or `undefined` to remove all associations. * @param {Object} [options] Options passed to `target.findAll` and `update`. * @param {Object} [options.validate] Run validation for the join model * @return {Promise} */ set(sourceInstance, targetInstances, options) { const association = this; if (targetInstances === null) { targetInstances = []; } else { targetInstances = association.toInstanceArray(targetInstances); } return association.get(sourceInstance, _.defaults({scope: false, raw: true}, options)).then(oldAssociations => { const promises = []; const obsoleteAssociations = oldAssociations.filter(old => !_.find(targetInstances, obj => obj[association.target.primaryKeyAttribute] === old[association.target.primaryKeyAttribute] ) ); const unassociatedObjects = targetInstances.filter(obj => !_.find(oldAssociations, old => obj[association.target.primaryKeyAttribute] === old[association.target.primaryKeyAttribute] ) ); let updateWhere; let update; if (obsoleteAssociations.length > 0) { update = {}; update[association.foreignKey] = null; updateWhere = {}; updateWhere[association.target.primaryKeyAttribute] = obsoleteAssociations.map(associatedObject => associatedObject[association.target.primaryKeyAttribute] ); promises.push(association.target.unscoped().update( update, _.defaults({ where: updateWhere }, options) )); } if (unassociatedObjects.length > 0) { updateWhere = {}; update = {}; update[association.foreignKey] = sourceInstance.get(association.sourceKey); _.assign(update, association.scope); updateWhere[association.target.primaryKeyAttribute] = unassociatedObjects.map(unassociatedObject => unassociatedObject[association.target.primaryKeyAttribute] ); promises.push(association.target.unscoped().update( update, _.defaults({ where: updateWhere }, options) )); } return Utils.Promise.all(promises).return(sourceInstance); }); } /** * Associate one or more target rows with `this`. This method accepts a Model / string / number to associate a single row, * or a mixed array of Model / string / numbers to associate multiple rows. * * @param {Model[]|Model|string[]|string|number[]|number} [newAssociation(s)] * @param {Object} [options] Options passed to `target.update`. * @return {Promise} */ add(sourceInstance, targetInstances, options) { if (!targetInstances) return Utils.Promise.resolve(); const association = this; const update = {}; const where = {}; options = options || {}; targetInstances = association.toInstanceArray(targetInstances); update[association.foreignKey] = sourceInstance.get(association.sourceKey); _.assign(update, association.scope); where[association.target.primaryKeyAttribute] = targetInstances.map(unassociatedObject => unassociatedObject.get(association.target.primaryKeyAttribute) ); return association.target.unscoped().update(update, _.defaults({where}, options)).return(sourceInstance); } /** * Un-associate one or several target rows. * * @param {Model[]|Model|String[]|string|Number[]|number} [oldAssociatedInstance(s)] * @param {Object} [options] Options passed to `target.update` * @return {Promise} */ remove(sourceInstance, targetInstances, options) { const association = this; const update = {}; const where = {}; options = options || {}; targetInstances = association.toInstanceArray(targetInstances); update[association.foreignKey] = null; where[association.foreignKey] = sourceInstance.get(association.sourceKey); where[association.target.primaryKeyAttribute] = targetInstances.map(targetInstance => targetInstance.get(association.target.primaryKeyAttribute) ); return association.target.unscoped().update(update, _.defaults({where}, options)).return(this); } /** * Create a new instance of the associated model and associate it with this. * * @param {Object} [values] * @param {Object} [options] Options passed to `target.create`. * @return {Promise} */ create(sourceInstance, values, options) { const association = this; options = options || {}; if (Array.isArray(options)) { options = { fields: options }; } if (values === undefined) { values = {}; } if (association.scope) { for (const attribute of Object.keys(association.scope)) { values[attribute] = association.scope[attribute]; if (options.fields) options.fields.push(attribute); } } values[association.foreignKey] = sourceInstance.get(association.sourceKey); if (options.fields) options.fields.push(association.foreignKey); return association.target.create(values, options); } } module.exports = HasMany; module.exports.HasMany = HasMany; module.exports.default = HasMany;