Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/resolve/test/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/resolve/test/resolver_sync.js |
var path = require('path'); var test = require('tape'); var resolve = require('../'); test('foo', function (t) { var dir = path.join(__dirname, 'resolver'); t.equal( resolve.sync('./foo', { basedir: dir }), path.join(dir, 'foo.js') ); t.equal( resolve.sync('./foo.js', { basedir: dir }), path.join(dir, 'foo.js') ); t.equal( resolve.sync('./foo.js', { basedir: dir, filename: path.join(dir, 'bar.js') }), path.join(dir, 'foo.js') ); t.throws(function () { resolve.sync('foo', { basedir: dir }); }); // Test that filename is reported as the "from" value when passed. t.throws( function () { resolve.sync('foo', { basedir: dir, filename: path.join(dir, 'bar.js') }); }, { name: 'Error', message: "Cannot find module 'foo' from '" + path.join(dir, 'bar.js') + "'" } ); t.end(); }); test('bar', function (t) { var dir = path.join(__dirname, 'resolver'); t.equal( resolve.sync('foo', { basedir: path.join(dir, 'bar') }), path.join(dir, 'bar/node_modules/foo/index.js') ); t.end(); }); test('baz', function (t) { var dir = path.join(__dirname, 'resolver'); t.equal( resolve.sync('./baz', { basedir: dir }), path.join(dir, 'baz/quux.js') ); t.end(); }); test('biz', function (t) { var dir = path.join(__dirname, 'resolver/biz/node_modules'); t.equal( resolve.sync('./grux', { basedir: dir }), path.join(dir, 'grux/index.js') ); t.equal( resolve.sync('tiv', { basedir: path.join(dir, 'grux') }), path.join(dir, 'tiv/index.js') ); t.equal( resolve.sync('grux', { basedir: path.join(dir, 'tiv') }), path.join(dir, 'grux/index.js') ); t.end(); }); test('normalize', function (t) { var dir = path.join(__dirname, 'resolver/biz/node_modules/grux'); t.equal( resolve.sync('../grux', { basedir: dir }), path.join(dir, 'index.js') ); t.end(); }); test('cup', function (t) { var dir = path.join(__dirname, 'resolver'); t.equal( resolve.sync('./cup', { basedir: dir, extensions: ['.js', '.coffee'] }), path.join(dir, 'cup.coffee') ); t.equal( resolve.sync('./cup.coffee', { basedir: dir }), path.join(dir, 'cup.coffee') ); t.throws(function () { resolve.sync('./cup', { basedir: dir, extensions: ['.js'] }); }); t.end(); }); test('mug', function (t) { var dir = path.join(__dirname, 'resolver'); t.equal( resolve.sync('./mug', { basedir: dir }), path.join(dir, 'mug.js') ); t.equal( resolve.sync('./mug', { basedir: dir, extensions: ['.coffee', '.js'] }), path.join(dir, 'mug.coffee') ); t.equal( resolve.sync('./mug', { basedir: dir, extensions: ['.js', '.coffee'] }), path.join(dir, 'mug.js') ); t.end(); }); test('other path', function (t) { var resolverDir = path.join(__dirname, 'resolver'); var dir = path.join(resolverDir, 'bar'); var otherDir = path.join(resolverDir, 'other_path'); t.equal( resolve.sync('root', { basedir: dir, paths: [otherDir] }), path.join(resolverDir, 'other_path/root.js') ); t.equal( resolve.sync('lib/other-lib', { basedir: dir, paths: [otherDir] }), path.join(resolverDir, 'other_path/lib/other-lib.js') ); t.throws(function () { resolve.sync('root', { basedir: dir }); }); t.throws(function () { resolve.sync('zzz', { basedir: dir, paths: [otherDir] }); }); t.end(); }); test('incorrect main', function (t) { var resolverDir = path.join(__dirname, 'resolver'); var dir = path.join(resolverDir, 'incorrect_main'); t.equal( resolve.sync('./incorrect_main', { basedir: resolverDir }), path.join(dir, 'index.js') ); t.end(); }); var stubStatSync = function stubStatSync(fn) { var fs = require('fs'); var statSync = fs.statSync; try { fs.statSync = function () { throw new EvalError('Unknown Error'); }; return fn(); } finally { fs.statSync = statSync; } }; test('#79 - re-throw non ENOENT errors from stat', function (t) { var dir = path.join(__dirname, 'resolver'); stubStatSync(function () { t.throws(function () { resolve.sync('foo', { basedir: dir }); }, /Unknown Error/); }); t.end(); }); test('#52 - incorrectly resolves module-paths like "./someFolder/" when there is a file of the same name', function (t) { var dir = path.join(__dirname, 'resolver'); t.equal( resolve.sync('./foo', { basedir: path.join(dir, 'same_names') }), path.join(dir, 'same_names/foo.js') ); t.equal( resolve.sync('./foo/', { basedir: path.join(dir, 'same_names') }), path.join(dir, 'same_names/foo/index.js') ); t.end(); }); test('sync: #121 - treating an existing file as a dir when no basedir', function (t) { var testFile = path.basename(__filename); t.test('sanity check', function (st) { st.equal( resolve.sync('./' + testFile), __filename, 'sanity check' ); st.end(); }); t.test('with a fake directory', function (st) { function run() { return resolve.sync('./' + testFile + '/blah'); } st.throws(run, 'throws an error'); try { run(); } catch (e) { st.equal(e.code, 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND', 'error code matches require.resolve'); st.equal( e.message, 'Cannot find module \'./' + testFile + '/blah\' from \'' + __dirname + '\'', 'can not find nonexistent module' ); } st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('sync dot main', function (t) { var start = new Date(); t.equal(resolve.sync('./resolver/dot_main'), path.join(__dirname, 'resolver/dot_main/index.js')); t.ok(new Date() - start < 50, 'resolve.sync timedout'); t.end(); }); test('sync dot slash main', function (t) { var start = new Date(); t.equal(resolve.sync('./resolver/dot_slash_main'), path.join(__dirname, 'resolver/dot_slash_main/index.js')); t.ok(new Date() - start < 50, 'resolve.sync timedout'); t.end(); }); test('not a directory', function (t) { var path = './foo'; try { resolve.sync(path, { basedir: __filename }); t.fail(); } catch (err) { t.ok(err, 'a non-directory errors'); t.equal(err && err.message, 'Cannot find module \'' + path + "' from '" + __filename + "'"); t.equal(err && err.code, 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'); } t.end(); }); test('non-string "main" field in package.json', function (t) { var dir = path.join(__dirname, 'resolver'); try { var result = resolve.sync('./invalid_main', { basedir: dir }); t.equal(result, undefined, 'result should not exist'); t.fail('should not get here'); } catch (err) { t.ok(err, 'errors on non-string main'); t.equal(err.message, 'package “invalid main” `main` must be a string'); t.equal(err.code, 'INVALID_PACKAGE_MAIN'); } t.end(); }); test('non-string "main" field in package.json', function (t) { var dir = path.join(__dirname, 'resolver'); try { var result = resolve.sync('./invalid_main', { basedir: dir }); t.equal(result, undefined, 'result should not exist'); t.fail('should not get here'); } catch (err) { t.ok(err, 'errors on non-string main'); t.equal(err.message, 'package “invalid main” `main` must be a string'); t.equal(err.code, 'INVALID_PACKAGE_MAIN'); } t.end(); }); test('browser field in package.json', function (t) { var dir = path.join(__dirname, 'resolver'); var res = resolve.sync('./browser_field', { basedir: dir, packageFilter: function packageFilter(pkg) { if (pkg.browser) { pkg.main = pkg.browser; delete pkg.browser; } return pkg; } }); t.equal(res, path.join(dir, 'browser_field', 'b.js')); t.end(); });