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# readdirp [](http://travis-ci.org/thlorenz/readdirp) [](https://nodei.co/npm/readdirp/) Recursive version of [fs.readdir](http://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/fs.html#fs_fs_readdir_path_callback). Exposes a **stream api**. ```javascript var readdirp = require('readdirp') , path = require('path') , es = require('event-stream'); // print out all JavaScript files along with their size var stream = readdirp({ root: path.join(__dirname), fileFilter: '*.js' }); stream .on('warn', function (err) { console.error('non-fatal error', err); // optionally call stream.destroy() here in order to abort and cause 'close' to be emitted }) .on('error', function (err) { console.error('fatal error', err); }) .pipe(es.mapSync(function (entry) { return { path: entry.path, size: entry.stat.size }; })) .pipe(es.stringify()) .pipe(process.stdout); ``` Meant to be one of the recursive versions of [fs](http://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/fs.html) functions, e.g., like [mkdirp](https://github.com/substack/node-mkdirp). **Table of Contents** *generated with [DocToc](http://doctoc.herokuapp.com/)* - [Installation](#installation) - [API](#api) - [entry stream](#entry-stream) - [options](#options) - [entry info](#entry-info) - [Filters](#filters) - [Callback API](#callback-api) - [allProcessed ](#allprocessed) - [fileProcessed](#fileprocessed) - [More Examples](#more-examples) - [stream api](#stream-api) - [stream api pipe](#stream-api-pipe) - [grep](#grep) - [using callback api](#using-callback-api) - [tests](#tests) # Installation npm install readdirp # API ***var entryStream = readdirp (options)*** Reads given root recursively and returns a `stream` of [entry info](#entry-info)s. ## entry stream Behaves as follows: - `emit('data')` passes an [entry info](#entry-info) whenever one is found - `emit('warn')` passes a non-fatal `Error` that prevents a file/directory from being processed (i.e., if it is inaccessible to the user) - `emit('error')` passes a fatal `Error` which also ends the stream (i.e., when illegal options where passed) - `emit('end')` called when all entries were found and no more will be emitted (i.e., we are done) - `emit('close')` called when the stream is destroyed via `stream.destroy()` (which could be useful if you want to manually abort even on a non fatal error) - at that point the stream is no longer `readable` and no more entries, warning or errors are emitted - to learn more about streams, consult the very detailed [nodejs streams documentation](http://nodejs.org/api/stream.html) or the [stream-handbook](https://github.com/substack/stream-handbook) ## options - **root**: path in which to start reading and recursing into subdirectories - **fileFilter**: filter to include/exclude files found (see [Filters](#filters) for more) - **directoryFilter**: filter to include/exclude directories found and to recurse into (see [Filters](#filters) for more) - **depth**: depth at which to stop recursing even if more subdirectories are found - **entryType**: determines if data events on the stream should be emitted for `'files'`, `'directories'`, `'both'`, or `'all'`. Setting to `'all'` will also include entries for other types of file descriptors like character devices, unix sockets and named pipes. Defaults to `'files'`. - **lstat**: if `true`, readdirp uses `fs.lstat` instead of `fs.stat` in order to stat files and includes symlink entries in the stream along with files. ## entry info Has the following properties: - **parentDir** : directory in which entry was found (relative to given root) - **fullParentDir** : full path to parent directory - **name** : name of the file/directory - **path** : path to the file/directory (relative to given root) - **fullPath** : full path to the file/directory found - **stat** : built in [stat object](http://nodejs.org/docs/v0.4.9/api/fs.html#fs.Stats) - **Example**: (assuming root was `/User/dev/readdirp`) parentDir : 'test/bed/root_dir1', fullParentDir : '/User/dev/readdirp/test/bed/root_dir1', name : 'root_dir1_subdir1', path : 'test/bed/root_dir1/root_dir1_subdir1', fullPath : '/User/dev/readdirp/test/bed/root_dir1/root_dir1_subdir1', stat : [ ... ] ## Filters There are three different ways to specify filters for files and directories respectively. - **function**: a function that takes an entry info as a parameter and returns true to include or false to exclude the entry - **glob string**: a string (e.g., `*.js`) which is matched using [minimatch](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch), so go there for more information. Globstars (`**`) are not supported since specifying a recursive pattern for an already recursive function doesn't make sense. Negated globs (as explained in the minimatch documentation) are allowed, e.g., `!*.txt` matches everything but text files. - **array of glob strings**: either need to be all inclusive or all exclusive (negated) patterns otherwise an error is thrown. `[ '*.json', '*.js' ]` includes all JavaScript and Json files. `[ '!.git', '!node_modules' ]` includes all directories except the '.git' and 'node_modules'. Directories that do not pass a filter will not be recursed into. ## Callback API Although the stream api is recommended, readdirp also exposes a callback based api. ***readdirp (options, callback1 [, callback2])*** If callback2 is given, callback1 functions as the **fileProcessed** callback, and callback2 as the **allProcessed** callback. If only callback1 is given, it functions as the **allProcessed** callback. ### allProcessed - function with err and res parameters, e.g., `function (err, res) { ... }` - **err**: array of errors that occurred during the operation, **res may still be present, even if errors occurred** - **res**: collection of file/directory [entry infos](#entry-info) ### fileProcessed - function with [entry info](#entry-info) parameter e.g., `function (entryInfo) { ... }` # More Examples `on('error', ..)`, `on('warn', ..)` and `on('end', ..)` handling omitted for brevity ```javascript var readdirp = require('readdirp'); // Glob file filter readdirp({ root: './test/bed', fileFilter: '*.js' }) .on('data', function (entry) { // do something with each JavaScript file entry }); // Combined glob file filters readdirp({ root: './test/bed', fileFilter: [ '*.js', '*.json' ] }) .on('data', function (entry) { // do something with each JavaScript and Json file entry }); // Combined negated directory filters readdirp({ root: './test/bed', directoryFilter: [ '!.git', '!*modules' ] }) .on('data', function (entry) { // do something with each file entry found outside '.git' or any modules directory }); // Function directory filter readdirp({ root: './test/bed', directoryFilter: function (di) { return di.name.length === 9; } }) .on('data', function (entry) { // do something with each file entry found inside directories whose name has length 9 }); // Limiting depth readdirp({ root: './test/bed', depth: 1 }) .on('data', function (entry) { // do something with each file entry found up to 1 subdirectory deep }); // callback api readdirp({ root: '.' }, function(fileInfo) { // do something with file entry here }, function (err, res) { // all done, move on or do final step for all file entries here }); ``` Try more examples by following [instructions](https://github.com/paulmillr/readdirp/blob/master/examples/Readme.md) on how to get going. ## tests The [readdirp tests](https://github.com/paulmillr/readdirp/blob/master/test/readdirp.js) also will give you a good idea on how things work.