Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/phantomjs-prebuilt/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/phantomjs-prebuilt/install.js |
// Copyright 2012 The Obvious Corporation. /* * This simply fetches the right version of phantom for the current platform. */ 'use strict' var requestProgress = require('request-progress') var progress = require('progress') var extractZip = require('extract-zip') var cp = require('child_process') var fs = require('fs-extra') var helper = require('./lib/phantomjs') var kew = require('kew') var path = require('path') var request = require('request') var url = require('url') var util = require('./lib/util') var which = require('which') var os = require('os') var originalPath = process.env.PATH var checkPhantomjsVersion = util.checkPhantomjsVersion var getTargetPlatform = util.getTargetPlatform var getTargetArch = util.getTargetArch var getDownloadSpec = util.getDownloadSpec var findValidPhantomJsBinary = util.findValidPhantomJsBinary var verifyChecksum = util.verifyChecksum var writeLocationFile = util.writeLocationFile // If the process exits without going through exit(), then we did not complete. var validExit = false process.on('exit', function () { if (!validExit) { console.log('Install exited unexpectedly') exit(1) } }) // NPM adds bin directories to the path, which will cause `which` to find the // bin for this package not the actual phantomjs bin. Also help out people who // put ./bin on their path process.env.PATH = helper.cleanPath(originalPath) var libPath = path.join(__dirname, 'lib') var pkgPath = path.join(libPath, 'phantom') var phantomPath = null // If the user manually installed PhantomJS, we want // to use the existing version. // // Do not re-use a manually-installed PhantomJS with // a different version. // // Do not re-use an npm-installed PhantomJS, because // that can lead to weird circular dependencies between // local versions and global versions. // https://github.com/Obvious/phantomjs/issues/85 // https://github.com/Medium/phantomjs/pull/184 kew.resolve(true) .then(tryPhantomjsInLib) .then(tryPhantomjsOnPath) .then(downloadPhantomjs) .then(extractDownload) .then(function (extractedPath) { return copyIntoPlace(extractedPath, pkgPath) }) .then(function () { var location = getTargetPlatform() === 'win32' ? path.join(pkgPath, 'bin', 'phantomjs.exe') : path.join(pkgPath, 'bin' ,'phantomjs') try { // Ensure executable is executable by all users fs.chmodSync(location, '755') } catch (err) { if (err.code == 'ENOENT') { console.error('chmod failed: phantomjs was not successfully copied to', location) exit(1) } throw err } var relativeLocation = path.relative(libPath, location) writeLocationFile(relativeLocation) console.log('Done. Phantomjs binary available at', location) exit(0) }) .fail(function (err) { console.error('Phantom installation failed', err, err.stack) exit(1) }) function exit(code) { validExit = true process.env.PATH = originalPath process.exit(code || 0) } function findSuitableTempDirectory() { var now = Date.now() var candidateTmpDirs = [ process.env.npm_config_tmp, os.tmpdir(), path.join(process.cwd(), 'tmp') ] for (var i = 0; i < candidateTmpDirs.length; i++) { var candidatePath = candidateTmpDirs[i] if (!candidatePath) continue try { candidatePath = path.join(path.resolve(candidatePath), 'phantomjs') fs.mkdirsSync(candidatePath, '0777') // Make double sure we have 0777 permissions; some operating systems // default umask does not allow write by default. fs.chmodSync(candidatePath, '0777') var testFile = path.join(candidatePath, now + '.tmp') fs.writeFileSync(testFile, 'test') fs.unlinkSync(testFile) return candidatePath } catch (e) { console.log(candidatePath, 'is not writable:', e.message) } } console.error('Can not find a writable tmp directory, please report issue ' + 'on https://github.com/Medium/phantomjs/issues with as much ' + 'information as possible.') exit(1) } function getRequestOptions() { var strictSSL = !!process.env.npm_config_strict_ssl if (process.version == 'v0.10.34') { console.log('Node v0.10.34 detected, turning off strict ssl due to https://github.com/joyent/node/issues/8894') strictSSL = false } var options = { uri: getDownloadUrl(), encoding: null, // Get response as a buffer followRedirect: true, // The default download path redirects to a CDN URL. headers: {}, strictSSL: strictSSL } var proxyUrl = process.env.npm_config_https_proxy || process.env.npm_config_http_proxy || process.env.npm_config_proxy if (proxyUrl) { // Print using proxy var proxy = url.parse(proxyUrl) if (proxy.auth) { // Mask password proxy.auth = proxy.auth.replace(/:.*$/, ':******') } console.log('Using proxy ' + url.format(proxy)) // Enable proxy options.proxy = proxyUrl } // Use the user-agent string from the npm config options.headers['User-Agent'] = process.env.npm_config_user_agent // Use certificate authority settings from npm var ca = process.env.npm_config_ca if (!ca && process.env.npm_config_cafile) { try { ca = fs.readFileSync(process.env.npm_config_cafile, {encoding: 'utf8'}) .split(/\n(?=-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----)/g) // Comments at the beginning of the file result in the first // item not containing a certificate - in this case the // download will fail if (ca.length > 0 && !/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/.test(ca[0])) { ca.shift() } } catch (e) { console.error('Could not read cafile', process.env.npm_config_cafile, e) } } if (ca) { console.log('Using npmconf ca') options.agentOptions = { ca: ca } options.ca = ca } return options } function handleRequestError(error) { if (error && error.stack && error.stack.indexOf('SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN') != -1) { console.error('Error making request, SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN. ' + 'Please read https://github.com/Medium/phantomjs#i-am-behind-a-corporate-proxy-that-uses-self-signed-ssl-certificates-to-intercept-encrypted-traffic') exit(1) } else if (error) { console.error('Error making request.\n' + error.stack + '\n\n' + 'Please report this full log at https://github.com/Medium/phantomjs') exit(1) } else { console.error('Something unexpected happened, please report this full ' + 'log at https://github.com/Medium/phantomjs') exit(1) } } function requestBinary(requestOptions, filePath) { var deferred = kew.defer() var writePath = filePath + '-download-' + Date.now() console.log('Receiving...') var bar = null requestProgress(request(requestOptions, function (error, response, body) { console.log('') if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) { fs.writeFileSync(writePath, body) console.log('Received ' + Math.floor(body.length / 1024) + 'K total.') fs.renameSync(writePath, filePath) deferred.resolve(filePath) } else if (response) { console.error('Error requesting archive.\n' + 'Status: ' + response.statusCode + '\n' + 'Request options: ' + JSON.stringify(requestOptions, null, 2) + '\n' + 'Response headers: ' + JSON.stringify(response.headers, null, 2) + '\n' + 'Make sure your network and proxy settings are correct.\n\n' + 'If you continue to have issues, please report this full log at ' + 'https://github.com/Medium/phantomjs') exit(1) } else { handleRequestError(error) } })).on('progress', function (state) { try { if (!bar) { bar = new progress(' [:bar] :percent', {total: state.size.total, width: 40}) } bar.curr = state.size.transferred bar.tick() } catch (e) { // It doesn't really matter if the progress bar doesn't update. } }) .on('error', handleRequestError) return deferred.promise } function extractDownload(filePath) { var deferred = kew.defer() // extract to a unique directory in case multiple processes are // installing and extracting at once var extractedPath = filePath + '-extract-' + Date.now() var options = {cwd: extractedPath} fs.mkdirsSync(extractedPath, '0777') // Make double sure we have 0777 permissions; some operating systems // default umask does not allow write by default. fs.chmodSync(extractedPath, '0777') if (filePath.substr(-4) === '.zip') { console.log('Extracting zip contents') extractZip(path.resolve(filePath), {dir: extractedPath}, function(err) { if (err) { console.error('Error extracting zip') deferred.reject(err) } else { deferred.resolve(extractedPath) } }) } else { console.log('Extracting tar contents (via spawned process)') cp.execFile('tar', ['jxf', path.resolve(filePath)], options, function (err) { if (err) { console.error('Error extracting archive') deferred.reject(err) } else { deferred.resolve(extractedPath) } }) } return deferred.promise } function copyIntoPlace(extractedPath, targetPath) { console.log('Removing', targetPath) return kew.nfcall(fs.remove, targetPath).then(function () { // Look for the extracted directory, so we can rename it. var files = fs.readdirSync(extractedPath) for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { var file = path.join(extractedPath, files[i]) if (fs.statSync(file).isDirectory() && file.indexOf(helper.version) != -1) { console.log('Copying extracted folder', file, '->', targetPath) return kew.nfcall(fs.move, file, targetPath) } } console.log('Could not find extracted file', files) throw new Error('Could not find extracted file') }) } /** * Check to see if the binary in lib is OK to use. If successful, exit the process. */ function tryPhantomjsInLib() { return kew.fcall(function () { return findValidPhantomJsBinary(path.resolve(__dirname, './lib/location.js')) }).then(function (binaryLocation) { if (binaryLocation) { console.log('PhantomJS is previously installed at', binaryLocation) exit(0) } }).fail(function () { // silently swallow any errors }) } /** * Check to see if the binary on PATH is OK to use. If successful, exit the process. */ function tryPhantomjsOnPath() { if (getTargetPlatform() != process.platform || getTargetArch() != process.arch) { console.log('Building for target platform ' + getTargetPlatform() + '/' + getTargetArch() + '. Skipping PATH search') return kew.resolve(false) } return kew.nfcall(which, 'phantomjs') .then(function (result) { phantomPath = result console.log('Considering PhantomJS found at', phantomPath) // Horrible hack to avoid problems during global install. We check to see if // the file `which` found is our own bin script. if (phantomPath.indexOf(path.join('npm', 'phantomjs')) !== -1) { console.log('Looks like an `npm install -g` on windows; skipping installed version.') return } var contents = fs.readFileSync(phantomPath, 'utf8') if (/NPM_INSTALL_MARKER/.test(contents)) { console.log('Looks like an `npm install -g`') var phantomLibPath = path.resolve(fs.realpathSync(phantomPath), '../../lib/location') return findValidPhantomJsBinary(phantomLibPath) .then(function (binaryLocation) { if (binaryLocation) { writeLocationFile(binaryLocation) console.log('PhantomJS linked at', phantomLibPath) exit(0) } console.log('Could not link global install, skipping...') }) } else { return checkPhantomjsVersion(phantomPath).then(function (matches) { if (matches) { writeLocationFile(phantomPath) console.log('PhantomJS is already installed on PATH at', phantomPath) exit(0) } }) } }, function () { console.log('PhantomJS not found on PATH') }) .fail(function (err) { console.error('Error checking path, continuing', err) return false }) } /** * @return {?string} Get the download URL for phantomjs. * May return null if no download url exists. */ function getDownloadUrl() { var spec = getDownloadSpec() return spec && spec.url } /** * Download phantomjs, reusing the existing copy on disk if available. * Exits immediately if there is no binary to download. * @return {Promise.<string>} The path to the downloaded file. */ function downloadPhantomjs() { var downloadSpec = getDownloadSpec() if (!downloadSpec) { console.error( 'Unexpected platform or architecture: ' + getTargetPlatform() + '/' + getTargetArch() + '\n' + 'It seems there is no binary available for your platform/architecture\n' + 'Try to install PhantomJS globally') exit(1) } var downloadUrl = downloadSpec.url var downloadedFile return kew.fcall(function () { // Can't use a global version so start a download. var tmpPath = findSuitableTempDirectory() var fileName = downloadUrl.split('/').pop() downloadedFile = path.join(tmpPath, fileName) if (fs.existsSync(downloadedFile)) { console.log('Download already available at', downloadedFile) return verifyChecksum(downloadedFile, downloadSpec.checksum) } return false }).then(function (verified) { if (verified) { return downloadedFile } // Start the install. console.log('Downloading', downloadUrl) console.log('Saving to', downloadedFile) return requestBinary(getRequestOptions(), downloadedFile) }) }