Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/nodemailer/lib/mail-composer/
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Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/nodemailer/lib/mail-composer/index.js

/* eslint no-undefined: 0 */

'use strict';

const MimeNode = require('../mime-node');
const mimeFuncs = require('../mime-funcs');

 * Creates the object for composing a MimeNode instance out from the mail options
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} mail Mail options
class MailComposer {
    constructor(mail) {
        this.mail = mail || {};
        this.message = false;

     * Builds MimeNode instance
    compile() {
        this._alternatives = this.getAlternatives();
        this._htmlNode = this._alternatives.filter(alternative => /^text\/html\b/i.test(alternative.contentType)).pop();
        this._attachments = this.getAttachments(!!this._htmlNode);

        this._useRelated = !!(this._htmlNode && this._attachments.related.length);
        this._useAlternative = this._alternatives.length > 1;
        this._useMixed = this._attachments.attached.length > 1 || (this._alternatives.length && this._attachments.attached.length === 1);

        // Compose MIME tree
        if (this.mail.raw) {
            this.message = new MimeNode().setRaw(this.mail.raw);
        } else if (this._useMixed) {
            this.message = this._createMixed();
        } else if (this._useAlternative) {
            this.message = this._createAlternative();
        } else if (this._useRelated) {
            this.message = this._createRelated();
        } else {
            this.message = this._createContentNode(
                    .concat(this._alternatives || [])
                    .concat(this._attachments.attached || [])
                    .shift() || {
                    contentType: 'text/plain',
                    content: ''

        // Add custom headers
        if (this.mail.headers) {

        // Add headers to the root node, always overrides custom headers
        ['from', 'sender', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'reply-to', 'in-reply-to', 'references', 'subject', 'message-id', 'date'].forEach(header => {
            let key = header.replace(/-(\w)/g, (o, c) => c.toUpperCase());
            if (this.mail[key]) {
                this.message.setHeader(header, this.mail[key]);

        // Sets custom envelope
        if (this.mail.envelope) {

        // ensure Message-Id value

        return this.message;

     * List all attachments. Resulting attachment objects can be used as input for MimeNode nodes
     * @param {Boolean} findRelated If true separate related attachments from attached ones
     * @returns {Object} An object of arrays (`related` and `attached`)
    getAttachments(findRelated) {
        let icalEvent, eventObject;
        let attachments = [].concat(this.mail.attachments || []).map((attachment, i) => {
            let data;
            let isMessageNode = /^message\//i.test(attachment.contentType);

            if (/^data:/i.test(attachment.path || attachment.href)) {
                attachment = this._processDataUrl(attachment);

            data = {
                contentType: attachment.contentType || mimeFuncs.detectMimeType(attachment.filename || attachment.path || attachment.href || 'bin'),
                contentDisposition: attachment.contentDisposition || (isMessageNode ? 'inline' : 'attachment'),
                contentTransferEncoding: 'contentTransferEncoding' in attachment ? attachment.contentTransferEncoding : 'base64'

            if (attachment.filename) {
                data.filename = attachment.filename;
            } else if (!isMessageNode && attachment.filename !== false) {
                data.filename =
                    (attachment.path || attachment.href || '')
                        .shift() || 'attachment-' + (i + 1);
                if (data.filename.indexOf('.') < 0) {
                    data.filename += '.' + mimeFuncs.detectExtension(data.contentType);

            if (/^https?:\/\//i.test(attachment.path)) {
                attachment.href = attachment.path;
                attachment.path = undefined;

            if (attachment.cid) {
                data.cid = attachment.cid;

            if (attachment.raw) {
                data.raw = attachment.raw;
            } else if (attachment.path) {
                data.content = {
                    path: attachment.path
            } else if (attachment.href) {
                data.content = {
                    href: attachment.href,
                    httpHeaders: attachment.httpHeaders
            } else {
                data.content = attachment.content || '';

            if (attachment.encoding) {
                data.encoding = attachment.encoding;

            if (attachment.headers) {
                data.headers = attachment.headers;

            return data;

        if (this.mail.icalEvent) {
            if (
                typeof this.mail.icalEvent === 'object' &&
                (this.mail.icalEvent.content || this.mail.icalEvent.path || this.mail.icalEvent.href || this.mail.icalEvent.raw)
            ) {
                icalEvent = this.mail.icalEvent;
            } else {
                icalEvent = {
                    content: this.mail.icalEvent

            eventObject = {};
            Object.keys(icalEvent).forEach(key => {
                eventObject[key] = icalEvent[key];

            eventObject.contentType = 'application/ics';
            if (!eventObject.headers) {
                eventObject.headers = {};
            eventObject.filename = eventObject.filename || 'invite.ics';
            eventObject.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment';
            eventObject.headers['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = 'base64';

        if (!findRelated) {
            return {
                attached: attachments.concat(eventObject || []),
                related: []
        } else {
            return {
                attached: attachments.filter(attachment => !attachment.cid).concat(eventObject || []),
                related: attachments.filter(attachment => !!attachment.cid)

     * List alternatives. Resulting objects can be used as input for MimeNode nodes
     * @returns {Array} An array of alternative elements. Includes the `text` and `html` values as well
    getAlternatives() {
        let alternatives = [],

        if (this.mail.text) {
            if (typeof this.mail.text === 'object' && (this.mail.text.content || this.mail.text.path || this.mail.text.href || this.mail.text.raw)) {
                text = this.mail.text;
            } else {
                text = {
                    content: this.mail.text
            text.contentType = 'text/plain' + (!text.encoding && mimeFuncs.isPlainText(text.content) ? '' : '; charset=utf-8');

        if (this.mail.watchHtml) {
            if (
                typeof this.mail.watchHtml === 'object' &&
                (this.mail.watchHtml.content || this.mail.watchHtml.path || this.mail.watchHtml.href || this.mail.watchHtml.raw)
            ) {
                watchHtml = this.mail.watchHtml;
            } else {
                watchHtml = {
                    content: this.mail.watchHtml
            watchHtml.contentType = 'text/watch-html' + (!watchHtml.encoding && mimeFuncs.isPlainText(watchHtml.content) ? '' : '; charset=utf-8');

        if (this.mail.amp) {
            if (typeof this.mail.amp === 'object' && (this.mail.amp.content || this.mail.amp.path || this.mail.amp.href || this.mail.amp.raw)) {
                amp = this.mail.amp;
            } else {
                amp = {
                    content: this.mail.amp
            amp.contentType = 'text/x-amp-html' + (!amp.encoding && mimeFuncs.isPlainText(amp.content) ? '' : '; charset=utf-8');

        // only include the calendar alternative if there are no attachments
        // otherwise you might end up in a blank screen on some clients
        if (this.mail.icalEvent && !(this.mail.attachments && this.mail.attachments.length)) {
            if (
                typeof this.mail.icalEvent === 'object' &&
                (this.mail.icalEvent.content || this.mail.icalEvent.path || this.mail.icalEvent.href || this.mail.icalEvent.raw)
            ) {
                icalEvent = this.mail.icalEvent;
            } else {
                icalEvent = {
                    content: this.mail.icalEvent

            eventObject = {};
            Object.keys(icalEvent).forEach(key => {
                eventObject[key] = icalEvent[key];

            if (eventObject.content && typeof eventObject.content === 'object') {
                // we are going to have the same attachment twice, so mark this to be
                // resolved just once
                eventObject.content._resolve = true;

            eventObject.filename = false;
            eventObject.contentType =
                'text/calendar; charset="utf-8"; method=' +
                (eventObject.method || 'PUBLISH')
            if (!eventObject.headers) {
                eventObject.headers = {};

        if (this.mail.html) {
            if (typeof this.mail.html === 'object' && (this.mail.html.content || this.mail.html.path || this.mail.html.href || this.mail.html.raw)) {
                html = this.mail.html;
            } else {
                html = {
                    content: this.mail.html
            html.contentType = 'text/html' + (!html.encoding && mimeFuncs.isPlainText(html.content) ? '' : '; charset=utf-8');

            .concat(text || [])
            .concat(watchHtml || [])
            .concat(amp || [])
            .concat(html || [])
            .concat(eventObject || [])
            .concat(this.mail.alternatives || [])
            .forEach(alternative => {
                let data;

                if (/^data:/i.test(alternative.path || alternative.href)) {
                    alternative = this._processDataUrl(alternative);

                data = {
                    contentType: alternative.contentType || mimeFuncs.detectMimeType(alternative.filename || alternative.path || alternative.href || 'txt'),
                    contentTransferEncoding: alternative.contentTransferEncoding

                if (alternative.filename) {
                    data.filename = alternative.filename;

                if (/^https?:\/\//i.test(alternative.path)) {
                    alternative.href = alternative.path;
                    alternative.path = undefined;

                if (alternative.raw) {
                    data.raw = alternative.raw;
                } else if (alternative.path) {
                    data.content = {
                        path: alternative.path
                } else if (alternative.href) {
                    data.content = {
                        href: alternative.href
                } else {
                    data.content = alternative.content || '';

                if (alternative.encoding) {
                    data.encoding = alternative.encoding;

                if (alternative.headers) {
                    data.headers = alternative.headers;


        return alternatives;

     * Builds multipart/mixed node. It should always contain different type of elements on the same level
     * eg. text + attachments
     * @param {Object} parentNode Parent for this note. If it does not exist, a root node is created
     * @returns {Object} MimeNode node element
    _createMixed(parentNode) {
        let node;

        if (!parentNode) {
            node = new MimeNode('multipart/mixed', {
                baseBoundary: this.mail.baseBoundary,
                textEncoding: this.mail.textEncoding,
                boundaryPrefix: this.mail.boundaryPrefix,
                disableUrlAccess: this.mail.disableUrlAccess,
                disableFileAccess: this.mail.disableFileAccess,
                normalizeHeaderKey: this.mail.normalizeHeaderKey
        } else {
            node = parentNode.createChild('multipart/mixed', {
                disableUrlAccess: this.mail.disableUrlAccess,
                disableFileAccess: this.mail.disableFileAccess,
                normalizeHeaderKey: this.mail.normalizeHeaderKey

        if (this._useAlternative) {
        } else if (this._useRelated) {

            .concat((!this._useAlternative && this._alternatives) || [])
            .concat(this._attachments.attached || [])
            .forEach(element => {
                // if the element is a html node from related subpart then ignore it
                if (!this._useRelated || element !== this._htmlNode) {
                    this._createContentNode(node, element);

        return node;

     * Builds multipart/alternative node. It should always contain same type of elements on the same level
     * eg. text + html view of the same data
     * @param {Object} parentNode Parent for this note. If it does not exist, a root node is created
     * @returns {Object} MimeNode node element
    _createAlternative(parentNode) {
        let node;

        if (!parentNode) {
            node = new MimeNode('multipart/alternative', {
                baseBoundary: this.mail.baseBoundary,
                textEncoding: this.mail.textEncoding,
                boundaryPrefix: this.mail.boundaryPrefix,
                disableUrlAccess: this.mail.disableUrlAccess,
                disableFileAccess: this.mail.disableFileAccess,
                normalizeHeaderKey: this.mail.normalizeHeaderKey
        } else {
            node = parentNode.createChild('multipart/alternative', {
                disableUrlAccess: this.mail.disableUrlAccess,
                disableFileAccess: this.mail.disableFileAccess,
                normalizeHeaderKey: this.mail.normalizeHeaderKey

        this._alternatives.forEach(alternative => {
            if (this._useRelated && this._htmlNode === alternative) {
            } else {
                this._createContentNode(node, alternative);

        return node;

     * Builds multipart/related node. It should always contain html node with related attachments
     * @param {Object} parentNode Parent for this note. If it does not exist, a root node is created
     * @returns {Object} MimeNode node element
    _createRelated(parentNode) {
        let node;

        if (!parentNode) {
            node = new MimeNode('multipart/related; type="text/html"', {
                baseBoundary: this.mail.baseBoundary,
                textEncoding: this.mail.textEncoding,
                boundaryPrefix: this.mail.boundaryPrefix,
                disableUrlAccess: this.mail.disableUrlAccess,
                disableFileAccess: this.mail.disableFileAccess,
                normalizeHeaderKey: this.mail.normalizeHeaderKey
        } else {
            node = parentNode.createChild('multipart/related; type="text/html"', {
                disableUrlAccess: this.mail.disableUrlAccess,
                disableFileAccess: this.mail.disableFileAccess,
                normalizeHeaderKey: this.mail.normalizeHeaderKey

        this._createContentNode(node, this._htmlNode);

        this._attachments.related.forEach(alternative => this._createContentNode(node, alternative));

        return node;

     * Creates a regular node with contents
     * @param {Object} parentNode Parent for this note. If it does not exist, a root node is created
     * @param {Object} element Node data
     * @returns {Object} MimeNode node element
    _createContentNode(parentNode, element) {
        element = element || {};
        element.content = element.content || '';

        let node;
        let encoding = (element.encoding || 'utf8')
            .replace(/[-_\s]/g, '');

        if (!parentNode) {
            node = new MimeNode(element.contentType, {
                filename: element.filename,
                baseBoundary: this.mail.baseBoundary,
                textEncoding: this.mail.textEncoding,
                boundaryPrefix: this.mail.boundaryPrefix,
                disableUrlAccess: this.mail.disableUrlAccess,
                disableFileAccess: this.mail.disableFileAccess
        } else {
            node = parentNode.createChild(element.contentType, {
                filename: element.filename,
                disableUrlAccess: this.mail.disableUrlAccess,
                disableFileAccess: this.mail.disableFileAccess,
                normalizeHeaderKey: this.mail.normalizeHeaderKey

        // add custom headers
        if (element.headers) {

        if (element.cid) {
            node.setHeader('Content-Id', '<' + element.cid.replace(/[<>]/g, '') + '>');

        if (element.contentTransferEncoding) {
            node.setHeader('Content-Transfer-Encoding', element.contentTransferEncoding);
        } else if (this.mail.encoding && /^text\//i.test(element.contentType)) {
            node.setHeader('Content-Transfer-Encoding', this.mail.encoding);

        if (!/^text\//i.test(element.contentType) || element.contentDisposition) {
            node.setHeader('Content-Disposition', element.contentDisposition || (element.cid ? 'inline' : 'attachment'));

        if (typeof element.content === 'string' && !['utf8', 'usascii', 'ascii'].includes(encoding)) {
            element.content = Buffer.from(element.content, encoding);

        // prefer pregenerated raw content
        if (element.raw) {
        } else {

        return node;

     * Parses data uri and converts it to a Buffer
     * @param {Object} element Content element
     * @return {Object} Parsed element
    _processDataUrl(element) {
        let parts = (element.path || element.href).match(/^data:((?:[^;]*;)*(?:[^,]*)),(.*)$/i);
        if (!parts) {
            return element;

        element.content = /\bbase64$/i.test(parts[1]) ? Buffer.from(parts[2], 'base64') : Buffer.from(decodeURIComponent(parts[2]));

        if ('path' in element) {
            element.path = false;

        if ('href' in element) {
            element.href = false;

        parts[1].split(';').forEach(item => {
            if (/^\w+\/[^/]+$/i.test(item)) {
                element.contentType = element.contentType || item.toLowerCase();

        return element;

module.exports = MailComposer;

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0