Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/mysql/lib/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/mysql/lib/Connection.js |
var Crypto = require('crypto'); var Events = require('events'); var Net = require('net'); var tls = require('tls'); var ConnectionConfig = require('./ConnectionConfig'); var Protocol = require('./protocol/Protocol'); var SqlString = require('./protocol/SqlString'); var Query = require('./protocol/sequences/Query'); var Util = require('util'); module.exports = Connection; Util.inherits(Connection, Events.EventEmitter); function Connection(options) { Events.EventEmitter.call(this); this.config = options.config; this._socket = options.socket; this._protocol = new Protocol({config: this.config, connection: this}); this._connectCalled = false; this.state = 'disconnected'; this.threadId = null; } Connection.createQuery = function createQuery(sql, values, callback) { if (sql instanceof Query) { return sql; } var cb = wrapCallbackInDomain(null, callback); var options = {}; if (typeof sql === 'function') { cb = wrapCallbackInDomain(null, sql); return new Query(options, cb); } if (typeof sql === 'object') { for (var prop in sql) { options[prop] = sql[prop]; } if (typeof values === 'function') { cb = wrapCallbackInDomain(null, values); } else if (values !== undefined) { options.values = values; } return new Query(options, cb); } options.sql = sql; options.values = values; if (typeof values === 'function') { cb = wrapCallbackInDomain(null, values); options.values = undefined; } if (cb === undefined && callback !== undefined) { throw new TypeError('argument callback must be a function when provided'); } return new Query(options, cb); }; Connection.prototype.connect = function connect(options, callback) { if (!callback && typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } if (!this._connectCalled) { this._connectCalled = true; // Connect either via a UNIX domain socket or a TCP socket. this._socket = (this.config.socketPath) ? Net.createConnection(this.config.socketPath) : Net.createConnection(this.config.port, this.config.host); // Connect socket to connection domain if (Events.usingDomains) { this._socket.domain = this.domain; } var connection = this; this._protocol.on('data', function(data) { connection._socket.write(data); }); this._socket.on('data', wrapToDomain(connection, function (data) { connection._protocol.write(data); })); this._protocol.on('end', function() { connection._socket.end(); }); this._socket.on('end', wrapToDomain(connection, function () { connection._protocol.end(); })); this._socket.on('error', this._handleNetworkError.bind(this)); this._socket.on('connect', this._handleProtocolConnect.bind(this)); this._protocol.on('handshake', this._handleProtocolHandshake.bind(this)); this._protocol.on('initialize', this._handleProtocolInitialize.bind(this)); this._protocol.on('unhandledError', this._handleProtocolError.bind(this)); this._protocol.on('drain', this._handleProtocolDrain.bind(this)); this._protocol.on('end', this._handleProtocolEnd.bind(this)); this._protocol.on('enqueue', this._handleProtocolEnqueue.bind(this)); if (this.config.connectTimeout) { var handleConnectTimeout = this._handleConnectTimeout.bind(this); this._socket.setTimeout(this.config.connectTimeout, handleConnectTimeout); this._socket.once('connect', function() { this.setTimeout(0, handleConnectTimeout); }); } } this._protocol.handshake(options, wrapCallbackInDomain(this, callback)); }; Connection.prototype.changeUser = function changeUser(options, callback) { if (!callback && typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } this._implyConnect(); var charsetNumber = (options.charset) ? ConnectionConfig.getCharsetNumber(options.charset) : this.config.charsetNumber; return this._protocol.changeUser({ user : options.user || this.config.user, password : options.password || this.config.password, database : options.database || this.config.database, timeout : options.timeout, charsetNumber : charsetNumber, currentConfig : this.config }, wrapCallbackInDomain(this, callback)); }; Connection.prototype.beginTransaction = function beginTransaction(options, callback) { if (!callback && typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } options = options || {}; options.sql = 'START TRANSACTION'; options.values = null; return this.query(options, callback); }; Connection.prototype.commit = function commit(options, callback) { if (!callback && typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } options = options || {}; options.sql = 'COMMIT'; options.values = null; return this.query(options, callback); }; Connection.prototype.rollback = function rollback(options, callback) { if (!callback && typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } options = options || {}; options.sql = 'ROLLBACK'; options.values = null; return this.query(options, callback); }; Connection.prototype.query = function query(sql, values, cb) { var query = Connection.createQuery(sql, values, cb); query._connection = this; if (!(typeof sql === 'object' && 'typeCast' in sql)) { query.typeCast = this.config.typeCast; } if (query.sql) { query.sql = this.format(query.sql, query.values); } if (query._callback) { query._callback = wrapCallbackInDomain(this, query._callback); } this._implyConnect(); return this._protocol._enqueue(query); }; Connection.prototype.ping = function ping(options, callback) { if (!callback && typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } this._implyConnect(); this._protocol.ping(options, wrapCallbackInDomain(this, callback)); }; Connection.prototype.statistics = function statistics(options, callback) { if (!callback && typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } this._implyConnect(); this._protocol.stats(options, wrapCallbackInDomain(this, callback)); }; Connection.prototype.end = function end(options, callback) { var cb = callback; var opts = options; if (!callback && typeof options === 'function') { cb = options; opts = null; } // create custom options reference opts = Object.create(opts || null); if (opts.timeout === undefined) { // default timeout of 30 seconds opts.timeout = 30000; } this._implyConnect(); this._protocol.quit(opts, wrapCallbackInDomain(this, cb)); }; Connection.prototype.destroy = function() { this.state = 'disconnected'; this._implyConnect(); this._socket.destroy(); this._protocol.destroy(); }; Connection.prototype.pause = function() { this._socket.pause(); this._protocol.pause(); }; Connection.prototype.resume = function() { this._socket.resume(); this._protocol.resume(); }; Connection.prototype.escape = function(value) { return SqlString.escape(value, false, this.config.timezone); }; Connection.prototype.escapeId = function escapeId(value) { return SqlString.escapeId(value, false); }; Connection.prototype.format = function(sql, values) { if (typeof this.config.queryFormat === 'function') { return this.config.queryFormat.call(this, sql, values, this.config.timezone); } return SqlString.format(sql, values, this.config.stringifyObjects, this.config.timezone); }; if (tls.TLSSocket) { // 0.11+ environment Connection.prototype._startTLS = function _startTLS(onSecure) { var connection = this; createSecureContext(this.config, function (err, secureContext) { if (err) { onSecure(err); return; } // "unpipe" connection._socket.removeAllListeners('data'); connection._protocol.removeAllListeners('data'); // socket <-> encrypted var rejectUnauthorized = connection.config.ssl.rejectUnauthorized; var secureEstablished = false; var secureSocket = new tls.TLSSocket(connection._socket, { rejectUnauthorized : rejectUnauthorized, requestCert : true, secureContext : secureContext, isServer : false }); // error handler for secure socket secureSocket.on('_tlsError', function(err) { if (secureEstablished) { connection._handleNetworkError(err); } else { onSecure(err); } }); // cleartext <-> protocol secureSocket.pipe(connection._protocol); connection._protocol.on('data', function(data) { secureSocket.write(data); }); secureSocket.on('secure', function() { secureEstablished = true; onSecure(rejectUnauthorized ? this.ssl.verifyError() : null); }); // start TLS communications secureSocket._start(); }); }; } else { // pre-0.11 environment Connection.prototype._startTLS = function _startTLS(onSecure) { // before TLS: // _socket <-> _protocol // after: // _socket <-> securePair.encrypted <-> securePair.cleartext <-> _protocol var connection = this; var credentials = Crypto.createCredentials({ ca : this.config.ssl.ca, cert : this.config.ssl.cert, ciphers : this.config.ssl.ciphers, key : this.config.ssl.key, passphrase : this.config.ssl.passphrase }); var rejectUnauthorized = this.config.ssl.rejectUnauthorized; var secureEstablished = false; var securePair = tls.createSecurePair(credentials, false, true, rejectUnauthorized); // error handler for secure pair securePair.on('error', function(err) { if (secureEstablished) { connection._handleNetworkError(err); } else { onSecure(err); } }); // "unpipe" this._socket.removeAllListeners('data'); this._protocol.removeAllListeners('data'); // socket <-> encrypted securePair.encrypted.pipe(this._socket); this._socket.on('data', function(data) { securePair.encrypted.write(data); }); // cleartext <-> protocol securePair.cleartext.pipe(this._protocol); this._protocol.on('data', function(data) { securePair.cleartext.write(data); }); // secure established securePair.on('secure', function() { secureEstablished = true; if (!rejectUnauthorized) { onSecure(); return; } var verifyError = this.ssl.verifyError(); var err = verifyError; // node.js 0.6 support if (typeof err === 'string') { err = new Error(verifyError); err.code = verifyError; } onSecure(err); }); // node.js 0.8 bug securePair._cycle = securePair.cycle; securePair.cycle = function cycle() { if (this.ssl && this.ssl.error) { this.error(); } return this._cycle.apply(this, arguments); }; }; } Connection.prototype._handleConnectTimeout = function() { if (this._socket) { this._socket.setTimeout(0); this._socket.destroy(); } var err = new Error('connect ETIMEDOUT'); err.errorno = 'ETIMEDOUT'; err.code = 'ETIMEDOUT'; err.syscall = 'connect'; this._handleNetworkError(err); }; Connection.prototype._handleNetworkError = function(err) { this._protocol.handleNetworkError(err); }; Connection.prototype._handleProtocolError = function(err) { this.state = 'protocol_error'; this.emit('error', err); }; Connection.prototype._handleProtocolDrain = function() { this.emit('drain'); }; Connection.prototype._handleProtocolConnect = function() { this.state = 'connected'; this.emit('connect'); }; Connection.prototype._handleProtocolHandshake = function _handleProtocolHandshake() { this.state = 'authenticated'; }; Connection.prototype._handleProtocolInitialize = function _handleProtocolInitialize(packet) { this.threadId = packet.threadId; }; Connection.prototype._handleProtocolEnd = function(err) { this.state = 'disconnected'; this.emit('end', err); }; Connection.prototype._handleProtocolEnqueue = function _handleProtocolEnqueue(sequence) { this.emit('enqueue', sequence); }; Connection.prototype._implyConnect = function() { if (!this._connectCalled) { this.connect(); } }; function createSecureContext (config, cb) { var context = null; var error = null; try { context = tls.createSecureContext({ ca : config.ssl.ca, cert : config.ssl.cert, ciphers : config.ssl.ciphers, key : config.ssl.key, passphrase : config.ssl.passphrase }); } catch (err) { error = err; } cb(error, context); } function unwrapFromDomain(fn) { return function () { var domains = []; var ret; while (process.domain) { domains.shift(process.domain); process.domain.exit(); } try { ret = fn.apply(this, arguments); } finally { for (var i = 0; i < domains.length; i++) { domains[i].enter(); } } return ret; }; } function wrapCallbackInDomain(ee, fn) { if (typeof fn !== 'function' || fn.domain) { return fn; } var domain = process.domain; if (domain) { return domain.bind(fn); } else if (ee) { return unwrapFromDomain(wrapToDomain(ee, fn)); } else { return fn; } } function wrapToDomain(ee, fn) { return function () { if (Events.usingDomains && ee.domain) { ee.domain.enter(); fn.apply(this, arguments); ee.domain.exit(); } else { fn.apply(this, arguments); } }; }