Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/isexe/test/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/isexe/test/basic.js |
var t = require('tap') var fs = require('fs') var path = require('path') var fixture = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures') var meow = fixture + '/meow.cat' var mine = fixture + '/mine.cat' var ours = fixture + '/ours.cat' var fail = fixture + '/fail.false' var noent = fixture + '/enoent.exe' var mkdirp = require('mkdirp') var rimraf = require('rimraf') var isWindows = process.platform === 'win32' var hasAccess = typeof fs.access === 'function' var winSkip = isWindows && 'windows' var accessSkip = !hasAccess && 'no fs.access function' var hasPromise = typeof Promise === 'function' var promiseSkip = !hasPromise && 'no global Promise' function reset () { delete require.cache[require.resolve('../')] return require('../') } t.test('setup fixtures', function (t) { rimraf.sync(fixture) mkdirp.sync(fixture) fs.writeFileSync(meow, '#!/usr/bin/env cat\nmeow\n') fs.chmodSync(meow, parseInt('0755', 8)) fs.writeFileSync(fail, '#!/usr/bin/env false\n') fs.chmodSync(fail, parseInt('0644', 8)) fs.writeFileSync(mine, '#!/usr/bin/env cat\nmine\n') fs.chmodSync(mine, parseInt('0744', 8)) fs.writeFileSync(ours, '#!/usr/bin/env cat\nours\n') fs.chmodSync(ours, parseInt('0754', 8)) t.end() }) t.test('promise', { skip: promiseSkip }, function (t) { var isexe = reset() t.test('meow async', function (t) { isexe(meow).then(function (is) { t.ok(is) t.end() }) }) t.test('fail async', function (t) { isexe(fail).then(function (is) { t.notOk(is) t.end() }) }) t.test('noent async', function (t) { isexe(noent).catch(function (er) { t.ok(er) t.end() }) }) t.test('noent ignore async', function (t) { isexe(noent, { ignoreErrors: true }).then(function (is) { t.notOk(is) t.end() }) }) t.end() }) t.test('no promise', function (t) { global.Promise = null var isexe = reset() t.throws('try to meow a promise', function () { isexe(meow) }) t.end() }) t.test('access', { skip: accessSkip || winSkip }, function (t) { runTest(t) }) t.test('mode', { skip: winSkip }, function (t) { delete fs.access delete fs.accessSync var isexe = reset() t.ok(isexe.sync(ours, { uid: 0, gid: 0 })) t.ok(isexe.sync(mine, { uid: 0, gid: 0 })) runTest(t) }) t.test('windows', function (t) { global.TESTING_WINDOWS = true var pathExt = '.EXE;.CAT;.CMD;.COM' t.test('pathExt option', function (t) { runTest(t, { pathExt: '.EXE;.CAT;.CMD;.COM' }) }) t.test('pathExt env', function (t) { process.env.PATHEXT = pathExt runTest(t) }) t.test('no pathExt', function (t) { // with a pathExt of '', any filename is fine. // so the "fail" one would still pass. runTest(t, { pathExt: '', skipFail: true }) }) t.test('pathext with empty entry', function (t) { // with a pathExt of '', any filename is fine. // so the "fail" one would still pass. runTest(t, { pathExt: ';' + pathExt, skipFail: true }) }) t.end() }) t.test('cleanup', function (t) { rimraf.sync(fixture) t.end() }) function runTest (t, options) { var isexe = reset() var optionsIgnore = Object.create(options || {}) optionsIgnore.ignoreErrors = true if (!options || !options.skipFail) { t.notOk(isexe.sync(fail, options)) } t.notOk(isexe.sync(noent, optionsIgnore)) if (!options) { t.ok(isexe.sync(meow)) } else { t.ok(isexe.sync(meow, options)) } t.ok(isexe.sync(mine, options)) t.ok(isexe.sync(ours, options)) t.throws(function () { isexe.sync(noent, options) }) t.test('meow async', function (t) { if (!options) { isexe(meow, function (er, is) { if (er) { throw er } t.ok(is) t.end() }) } else { isexe(meow, options, function (er, is) { if (er) { throw er } t.ok(is) t.end() }) } }) t.test('mine async', function (t) { isexe(mine, options, function (er, is) { if (er) { throw er } t.ok(is) t.end() }) }) t.test('ours async', function (t) { isexe(ours, options, function (er, is) { if (er) { throw er } t.ok(is) t.end() }) }) if (!options || !options.skipFail) { t.test('fail async', function (t) { isexe(fail, options, function (er, is) { if (er) { throw er } t.notOk(is) t.end() }) }) } t.test('noent async', function (t) { isexe(noent, options, function (er, is) { t.ok(er) t.notOk(is) t.end() }) }) t.test('noent ignore async', function (t) { isexe(noent, optionsIgnore, function (er, is) { if (er) { throw er } t.notOk(is) t.end() }) }) t.test('directory is not executable', function (t) { isexe(__dirname, options, function (er, is) { if (er) { throw er } t.notOk(is) t.end() }) }) t.end() }