Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/i18n/node_modules/.bin/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/i18n/node_modules/.bin/mustache |
#!/usr/bin/env node var fs = require('fs'), path = require('path'); var Mustache = require('..'); var pkg = require('../package'); var partials = {}; var partialsPaths = []; var partialArgIndex = -1; while ((partialArgIndex = process.argv.indexOf('-p')) > -1) { partialsPaths.push(process.argv.splice(partialArgIndex, 2)[1]); } var viewArg = process.argv[2]; var templateArg = process.argv[3]; var outputArg = process.argv[4]; if (hasVersionArg()) { return console.log(pkg.version); } if (!templateArg || !viewArg) { console.error('Syntax: mustache <view> <template> [output]'); process.exit(1); } run(readPartials, readView, readTemplate, render, toStdout); /** * Runs a list of functions as a waterfall. * Functions are runned one after the other in order, providing each * function the returned values of all the previously invoked functions. * Each function is expected to exit the process if an error occurs. */ function run (/*args*/) { var values = []; var fns = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); function invokeNextFn (val) { values.unshift(val); if (fns.length === 0) return; invoke(fns.shift()); } function invoke (fn) { fn.apply(null, [invokeNextFn].concat(values)); } invoke(fns.shift()); } function readView (cb) { var view; if (isJsFile(viewArg)) { view = require(path.join(process.cwd(),viewArg)); cb(view); } else { if (isStdin(viewArg)) { view = process.openStdin(); } else { view = fs.createReadStream(viewArg); } streamToStr(view, function onDone (str) { cb(parseView(str)); }); } } function parseView (str) { try { return JSON.parse(str); } catch (ex) { console.error( 'Shooot, could not parse view as JSON.\n' + 'Tips: functions are not valid JSON and keys / values must be surround with double quotes.\n\n' + ex.stack); process.exit(1); } } function readPartials (cb) { if (!partialsPaths.length) return cb(); var partialPath = partialsPaths.pop(); var partial = fs.createReadStream(partialPath); streamToStr(partial, function onDone (str) { partials[getPartialName(partialPath)] = str; readPartials(cb); }); } function readTemplate (cb) { var template = fs.createReadStream(templateArg); streamToStr(template, cb); } function render (cb, templateStr, jsonView) { cb(Mustache.render(templateStr, jsonView, partials)); } function toStdout (cb, str) { if (outputArg) { cb(fs.writeFileSync(outputArg, str)); } else { cb(process.stdout.write(str)); } } function streamToStr (stream, cb) { var data = ''; stream.on('data', function onData (chunk) { data += chunk; }).once('end', function onEnd () { cb(data.toString()); }).on('error', function onError (err) { if (wasNotFound(err)) { console.error('Could not find file:', err.path); } else { console.error('Error while reading file:', err.message); } process.exit(1); }); } function isStdin (view) { return view === '-'; } function isJsFile (view) { return path.extname(view) === '.js'; } function wasNotFound (err) { return err.code && err.code === 'ENOENT'; } function hasVersionArg () { return ['--version', '-v'].some(function matchInArgs (opt) { return process.argv.indexOf(opt) > -1; }); } function getPartialName (filename) { return path.basename(filename, '.mustache'); }