Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/generic-pool/lib/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/generic-pool/lib/Pool.js |
"use strict"; const EventEmitter = require("events").EventEmitter; const factoryValidator = require("./factoryValidator"); const PoolOptions = require("./PoolOptions"); const ResourceRequest = require("./ResourceRequest"); const ResourceLoan = require("./ResourceLoan"); const PooledResource = require("./PooledResource"); const DefaultEvictor = require("./DefaultEvictor"); const Deque = require("./Deque"); const Deferred = require("./Deferred"); const PriorityQueue = require("./PriorityQueue"); const DequeIterator = require("./DequeIterator"); const reflector = require("./utils").reflector; /** * TODO: move me */ const FACTORY_CREATE_ERROR = "factoryCreateError"; const FACTORY_DESTROY_ERROR = "factoryDestroyError"; class Pool extends EventEmitter { /** * Generate an Object pool with a specified `factory` and `config`. * * @param {typeof DefaultEvictor} Evictor * @param {typeof Deque} Deque * @param {typeof PriorityQueue} PriorityQueue * @param {Object} factory * Factory to be used for generating and destroying the items. * @param {Function} factory.create * Should create the item to be acquired, * and call it's first callback argument with the generated item as it's argument. * @param {Function} factory.destroy * Should gently close any resources that the item is using. * Called before the items is destroyed. * @param {Function} factory.validate * Test if a resource is still valid .Should return a promise that resolves to a boolean, true if resource is still valid and false * If it should be removed from pool. * @param {Object} options */ constructor(Evictor, Deque, PriorityQueue, factory, options) { super(); factoryValidator(factory); this._config = new PoolOptions(options); // TODO: fix up this ugly glue-ing this._Promise = this._config.Promise; this._factory = factory; this._draining = false; this._started = false; /** * Holds waiting clients * @type {PriorityQueue} */ this._waitingClientsQueue = new PriorityQueue(this._config.priorityRange); /** * Collection of promises for resource creation calls made by the pool to factory.create * @type {Set} */ this._factoryCreateOperations = new Set(); /** * Collection of promises for resource destruction calls made by the pool to factory.destroy * @type {Set} */ this._factoryDestroyOperations = new Set(); /** * A queue/stack of pooledResources awaiting acquisition * TODO: replace with LinkedList backed array * @type {Deque} */ this._availableObjects = new Deque(); /** * Collection of references for any resource that are undergoing validation before being acquired * @type {Set} */ this._testOnBorrowResources = new Set(); /** * Collection of references for any resource that are undergoing validation before being returned * @type {Set} */ this._testOnReturnResources = new Set(); /** * Collection of promises for any validations currently in process * @type {Set} */ this._validationOperations = new Set(); /** * All objects associated with this pool in any state (except destroyed) * @type {Set} */ this._allObjects = new Set(); /** * Loans keyed by the borrowed resource * @type {Map} */ this._resourceLoans = new Map(); /** * Infinitely looping iterator over available object * @type {DequeIterator} */ this._evictionIterator = this._availableObjects.iterator(); this._evictor = new Evictor(); /** * handle for setTimeout for next eviction run * @type {(number|null)} */ this._scheduledEviction = null; // create initial resources (if factory.min > 0) if (this._config.autostart === true) { this.start(); } } _destroy(pooledResource) { // FIXME: do we need another state for "in destruction"? pooledResource.invalidate(); this._allObjects.delete(pooledResource); // NOTE: this maybe very bad promise usage? const destroyPromise = this._factory.destroy(pooledResource.obj); const wrappedDestroyPromise = this._Promise.resolve(destroyPromise); this._trackOperation( wrappedDestroyPromise, this._factoryDestroyOperations ).catch(reason => { this.emit(FACTORY_DESTROY_ERROR, reason); }); // TODO: maybe ensuring minimum pool size should live outside here this._ensureMinimum(); } /** * Attempt to move an available resource into test and then onto a waiting client * @return {Boolean} could we move an available resource into test */ _testOnBorrow() { if (this._availableObjects.length < 1) { return false; } const pooledResource = this._availableObjects.shift(); // Mark the resource as in test pooledResource.test(); this._testOnBorrowResources.add(pooledResource); const validationPromise = this._factory.validate(pooledResource.obj); const wrappedValidationPromise = this._Promise.resolve(validationPromise); this._trackOperation( wrappedValidationPromise, this._validationOperations ).then(isValid => { this._testOnBorrowResources.delete(pooledResource); if (isValid === false) { pooledResource.invalidate(); this._destroy(pooledResource); this._dispense(); return; } this._dispatchPooledResourceToNextWaitingClient(pooledResource); }); return true; } /** * Attempt to move an available resource to a waiting client * @return {Boolean} [description] */ _dispatchResource() { if (this._availableObjects.length < 1) { return false; } const pooledResource = this._availableObjects.shift(); this._dispatchPooledResourceToNextWaitingClient(pooledResource); return false; } /** * Attempt to resolve an outstanding resource request using an available resource from * the pool, or creating new ones * * @private */ _dispense() { /** * Local variables for ease of reading/writing * these don't (shouldn't) change across the execution of this fn */ const numWaitingClients = this._waitingClientsQueue.length; // If there aren't any waiting requests then there is nothing to do // so lets short-circuit if (numWaitingClients < 1) { return; } const resourceShortfall = numWaitingClients - this._potentiallyAllocableResourceCount; const actualNumberOfResourcesToCreate = Math.min( this.spareResourceCapacity, resourceShortfall ); for (let i = 0; actualNumberOfResourcesToCreate > i; i++) { this._createResource(); } // If we are doing test-on-borrow see how many more resources need to be moved into test // to help satisfy waitingClients if (this._config.testOnBorrow === true) { // how many available resources do we need to shift into test const desiredNumberOfResourcesToMoveIntoTest = numWaitingClients - this._testOnBorrowResources.size; const actualNumberOfResourcesToMoveIntoTest = Math.min( this._availableObjects.length, desiredNumberOfResourcesToMoveIntoTest ); for (let i = 0; actualNumberOfResourcesToMoveIntoTest > i; i++) { this._testOnBorrow(); } } // if we aren't testing-on-borrow then lets try to allocate what we can if (this._config.testOnBorrow === false) { const actualNumberOfResourcesToDispatch = Math.min( this._availableObjects.length, numWaitingClients ); for (let i = 0; actualNumberOfResourcesToDispatch > i; i++) { this._dispatchResource(); } } } /** * Dispatches a pooledResource to the next waiting client (if any) else * puts the PooledResource back on the available list * @param {PooledResource} pooledResource [description] * @return {Boolean} [description] */ _dispatchPooledResourceToNextWaitingClient(pooledResource) { const clientResourceRequest = this._waitingClientsQueue.dequeue(); if ( clientResourceRequest === undefined || clientResourceRequest.state !== Deferred.PENDING ) { // While we were away either all the waiting clients timed out // or were somehow fulfilled. put our pooledResource back. this._addPooledResourceToAvailableObjects(pooledResource); // TODO: do need to trigger anything before we leave? return false; } const loan = new ResourceLoan(pooledResource, this._Promise); this._resourceLoans.set(pooledResource.obj, loan); pooledResource.allocate(); clientResourceRequest.resolve(pooledResource.obj); return true; } /** * tracks on operation using given set * handles adding/removing from the set and resolve/rejects the value/reason * @param {Promise} operation * @param {Set} set Set holding operations * @return {Promise} Promise that resolves once operation has been removed from set */ _trackOperation(operation, set) { set.add(operation); return operation.then( v => { set.delete(operation); return this._Promise.resolve(v); }, e => { set.delete(operation); return this._Promise.reject(e); } ); } /** * @private */ _createResource() { // An attempt to create a resource const factoryPromise = this._factory.create(); const wrappedFactoryPromise = this._Promise.resolve(factoryPromise); this._trackOperation(wrappedFactoryPromise, this._factoryCreateOperations) .then(resource => { this._handleNewResource(resource); return null; }) .catch(reason => { this.emit(FACTORY_CREATE_ERROR, reason); this._dispense(); }); } _handleNewResource(resource) { const pooledResource = new PooledResource(resource); this._allObjects.add(pooledResource); // TODO: check we aren't exceding our maxPoolSize before doing this._dispatchPooledResourceToNextWaitingClient(pooledResource); } /** * @private */ _ensureMinimum() { if (this._draining === true) { return; } const minShortfall = this._config.min - this._count; for (let i = 0; i < minShortfall; i++) { this._createResource(); } } _evict() { const testsToRun = Math.min( this._config.numTestsPerEvictionRun, this._availableObjects.length ); const evictionConfig = { softIdleTimeoutMillis: this._config.softIdleTimeoutMillis, idleTimeoutMillis: this._config.idleTimeoutMillis, min: this._config.min }; for (let testsHaveRun = 0; testsHaveRun < testsToRun; ) { const iterationResult = this._evictionIterator.next(); // Safety check incase we could get stuck in infinite loop because we // somehow emptied the array after chekcing it's length if (iterationResult.done === true && this._availableObjects.length < 1) { this._evictionIterator.reset(); return; } // if this happens it should just mean we reached the end of the // list and can reset the cursor. if (iterationResult.done === true && this._availableObjects.length > 0) { this._evictionIterator.reset(); continue; } const resource = iterationResult.value; const shouldEvict = this._evictor.evict( evictionConfig, resource, this._availableObjects.length ); testsHaveRun++; if (shouldEvict === true) { // take it out of the _availableObjects list this._evictionIterator.remove(); this._destroy(resource); } } } _scheduleEvictorRun() { // Start eviction if set if (this._config.evictionRunIntervalMillis > 0) { // @ts-ignore this._scheduledEviction = setTimeout(() => { this._evict(); this._scheduleEvictorRun(); }, this._config.evictionRunIntervalMillis); } } _descheduleEvictorRun() { if (this._scheduledEviction) { clearTimeout(this._scheduledEviction); } this._scheduledEviction = null; } start() { if (this._draining === true) { return; } if (this._started === true) { return; } this._started = true; this._scheduleEvictorRun(); this._ensureMinimum(); } /** * Request a new resource. The callback will be called, * when a new resource is available, passing the resource to the callback. * TODO: should we add a seperate "acquireWithPriority" function * * @param {Number} [priority=0] * Optional. Integer between 0 and (priorityRange - 1). Specifies the priority * of the caller if there are no available resources. Lower numbers mean higher * priority. * * @returns {Promise} */ acquire(priority) { if (this._started === false && this._config.autostart === false) { this.start(); } if (this._draining) { return this._Promise.reject( new Error("pool is draining and cannot accept work") ); } // TODO: should we defer this check till after this event loop incase "the situation" changes in the meantime if ( this.spareResourceCapacity < 1 && this._availableObjects.length < 1 && this._config.maxWaitingClients !== undefined && this._waitingClientsQueue.length >= this._config.maxWaitingClients ) { return this._Promise.reject( new Error("max waitingClients count exceeded") ); } const resourceRequest = new ResourceRequest( this._config.acquireTimeoutMillis, this._Promise ); this._waitingClientsQueue.enqueue(resourceRequest, priority); this._dispense(); return resourceRequest.promise; } /** * [use method, aquires a resource, passes the resource to a user supplied function and releases it] * @param {Function} fn [a function that accepts a resource and returns a promise that resolves/rejects once it has finished using the resource] * @return {Promise} [resolves once the resource is released to the pool] */ use(fn) { return this.acquire().then(resource => { return fn(resource).then( result => { this.release(resource); return result; }, err => { this.release(resource); throw err; } ); }); } /** * Check if resource is currently on loan from the pool * * @param {Function} resource * Resource for checking. * * @returns {Boolean} * True if resource belongs to this pool and false otherwise */ isBorrowedResource(resource) { return this._resourceLoans.has(resource); } /** * Return the resource to the pool when it is no longer required. * * @param {Object} resource * The acquired object to be put back to the pool. */ release(resource) { // check for an outstanding loan const loan = this._resourceLoans.get(resource); if (loan === undefined) { return this._Promise.reject( new Error("Resource not currently part of this pool") ); } this._resourceLoans.delete(resource); loan.resolve(); const pooledResource = loan.pooledResource; pooledResource.deallocate(); this._addPooledResourceToAvailableObjects(pooledResource); this._dispense(); return this._Promise.resolve(); } /** * Request the resource to be destroyed. The factory's destroy handler * will also be called. * * This should be called within an acquire() block as an alternative to release(). * * @param {Object} resource * The acquired resource to be destoyed. */ destroy(resource) { // check for an outstanding loan const loan = this._resourceLoans.get(resource); if (loan === undefined) { return this._Promise.reject( new Error("Resource not currently part of this pool") ); } this._resourceLoans.delete(resource); loan.resolve(); const pooledResource = loan.pooledResource; pooledResource.deallocate(); this._destroy(pooledResource); this._dispense(); return this._Promise.resolve(); } _addPooledResourceToAvailableObjects(pooledResource) { pooledResource.idle(); if (this._config.fifo === true) { this._availableObjects.push(pooledResource); } else { this._availableObjects.unshift(pooledResource); } } /** * Disallow any new acquire calls and let the request backlog dissapate. * The Pool will no longer attempt to maintain a "min" number of resources * and will only make new resources on demand. * Resolves once all resource requests are fulfilled and all resources are returned to pool and available... * Should probably be called "drain work" * @returns {Promise} */ drain() { this._draining = true; return this.__allResourceRequestsSettled() .then(() => { return this.__allResourcesReturned(); }) .then(() => { this._descheduleEvictorRun(); }); } __allResourceRequestsSettled() { if (this._waitingClientsQueue.length > 0) { // wait for last waiting client to be settled // FIXME: what if they can "resolve" out of order....? return reflector(this._waitingClientsQueue.tail.promise); } return this._Promise.resolve(); } // FIXME: this is a horrific mess __allResourcesReturned() { const ps = Array.from(this._resourceLoans.values()) .map(loan => loan.promise) .map(reflector); return this._Promise.all(ps); } /** * Forcibly destroys all available resources regardless of timeout. Intended to be * invoked as part of a drain. Does not prevent the creation of new * resources as a result of subsequent calls to acquire. * * Note that if factory.min > 0 and the pool isn't "draining", the pool will destroy all idle resources * in the pool, but replace them with newly created resources up to the * specified factory.min value. If this is not desired, set factory.min * to zero before calling clear() * */ clear() { const reflectedCreatePromises = Array.from( this._factoryCreateOperations ).map(reflector); // wait for outstanding factory.create to complete return this._Promise.all(reflectedCreatePromises).then(() => { // Destroy existing resources // @ts-ignore for (const resource of this._availableObjects) { this._destroy(resource); } const reflectedDestroyPromises = Array.from( this._factoryDestroyOperations ).map(reflector); return this._Promise.all(reflectedDestroyPromises); }); } /** * How many resources are available to allocated * (includes resources that have not been tested and may faul validation) * NOTE: internal for now as the name is awful and might not be useful to anyone * @return {Number} number of resources the pool has to allocate */ get _potentiallyAllocableResourceCount() { return ( this._availableObjects.length + this._testOnBorrowResources.size + this._testOnReturnResources.size + this._factoryCreateOperations.size ); } /** * The combined count of the currently created objects and those in the * process of being created * Does NOT include resources in the process of being destroyed * sort of legacy... * @return {Number} */ get _count() { return this._allObjects.size + this._factoryCreateOperations.size; } /** * How many more resources does the pool have room for * @return {Number} number of resources the pool could create before hitting any limits */ get spareResourceCapacity() { return ( this._config.max - (this._allObjects.size + this._factoryCreateOperations.size) ); } /** * see _count above * @return {Number} [description] */ get size() { return this._count; } /** * number of available resources * @return {Number} [description] */ get available() { return this._availableObjects.length; } /** * number of resources that are currently acquired * @return {Number} [description] */ get borrowed() { return this._resourceLoans.size; } /** * number of waiting acquire calls * @return {Number} [description] */ get pending() { return this._waitingClientsQueue.length; } /** * maximum size of the pool * @return {Number} [description] */ get max() { return this._config.max; } /** * minimum size of the pool * @return {Number} [description] */ get min() { return this._config.min; } } module.exports = Pool;