Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/faker/locale/.publish/scripts/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/faker/locale/.publish/scripts/sunlight.js |
/** * Sunlight * Intelligent syntax highlighting * * http://sunlightjs.com/ * * by Tommy Montgomery <http://tmont.com> * Licensed under WTFPL <http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/> */ (function(window, document, undefined){ var //http://webreflection.blogspot.com/2009/01/32-bytes-to-know-if-your-browser-is-ie.html //we have to sniff this because IE requires \r isIe = !+"\v1", EOL = isIe ? "\r" : "\n", EMPTY = function() { return null; }, HIGHLIGHTED_NODE_COUNT = 0, DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = "plaintext", DEFAULT_CLASS_PREFIX = "sunlight-", //global sunlight variables defaultAnalyzer, getComputedStyle, globalOptions = { tabWidth: 4, classPrefix: DEFAULT_CLASS_PREFIX, showWhitespace: false, maxHeight: false }, languages = {}, languageDefaults = {}, events = { beforeHighlightNode: [], beforeHighlight: [], beforeTokenize: [], afterTokenize: [], beforeAnalyze: [], afterAnalyze: [], afterHighlight: [], afterHighlightNode: [] }; defaultAnalyzer = (function() { function defaultHandleToken(suffix) { return function(context) { var element = document.createElement("span"); element.className = context.options.classPrefix + suffix; element.appendChild(context.createTextNode(context.tokens[context.index])); return context.addNode(element) || true; }; } return { handleToken: function(context) { return defaultHandleToken(context.tokens[context.index].name)(context); }, //just append default content as a text node handle_default: function(context) { return context.addNode(context.createTextNode(context.tokens[context.index])); }, //this handles the named ident mayhem handle_ident: function(context) { var evaluate = function(rules, createRule) { var i; rules = rules || []; for (i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) { if (typeof(rules[i]) === "function") { if (rules[i](context)) { return defaultHandleToken("named-ident")(context); } } else if (createRule && createRule(rules[i])(context.tokens)) { return defaultHandleToken("named-ident")(context); } } return false; }; return evaluate(context.language.namedIdentRules.custom) || evaluate(context.language.namedIdentRules.follows, function(ruleData) { return createProceduralRule(context.index - 1, -1, ruleData, context.language.caseInsensitive); }) || evaluate(context.language.namedIdentRules.precedes, function(ruleData) { return createProceduralRule(context.index + 1, 1, ruleData, context.language.caseInsensitive); }) || evaluate(context.language.namedIdentRules.between, function(ruleData) { return createBetweenRule(context.index, ruleData.opener, ruleData.closer, context.language.caseInsensitive); }) || defaultHandleToken("ident")(context); } }; }()); languageDefaults = { analyzer: create(defaultAnalyzer), customTokens: [], namedIdentRules: {}, punctuation: /[^\w\s]/, numberParser: defaultNumberParser, caseInsensitive: false, doNotParse: /\s/, contextItems: {}, embeddedLanguages: {} }; //adapted from http://blargh.tommymontgomery.com/2010/04/get-computed-style-in-javascript/ getComputedStyle = (function() { var func = null; if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { func = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle; } else { func = function(element, anything) { return element["currentStyle"] || {}; }; } return function(element, style) { return func(element, null)[style]; } }()); //----------- //FUNCTIONS //----------- function createCodeReader(text) { var index = 0, line = 1, column = 1, length, EOF = undefined, currentChar, nextReadBeginsLine; text = text.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n").replace(/\r/g, "\n"); //normalize line endings to unix length = text.length; currentChar = length > 0 ? text.charAt(0) : EOF; function getCharacters(count) { var value; if (count === 0) { return ""; } count = count || 1; value = text.substring(index + 1, index + count + 1); return value === "" ? EOF : value; } return { toString: function() { return "length: " + length + ", index: " + index + ", line: " + line + ", column: " + column + ", current: [" + currentChar + "]"; }, peek: function(count) { return getCharacters(count); }, substring: function() { return text.substring(index); }, peekSubstring: function() { return text.substring(index + 1); }, read: function(count) { var value = getCharacters(count), newlineCount, lastChar; if (value === "") { //this is a result of reading/peeking/doing nothing return value; } if (value !== EOF) { //advance index index += value.length; column += value.length; //update line count if (nextReadBeginsLine) { line++; column = 1; nextReadBeginsLine = false; } newlineCount = value.substring(0, value.length - 1).replace(/[^\n]/g, "").length; if (newlineCount > 0) { line += newlineCount; column = 1; } lastChar = last(value); if (lastChar === "\n") { nextReadBeginsLine = true; } currentChar = lastChar; } else { index = length; currentChar = EOF; } return value; }, text: function() { return text; }, getLine: function() { return line; }, getColumn: function() { return column; }, isEof: function() { return index >= length; }, isSol: function() { return column === 1; }, isSolWs: function() { var temp = index, c; if (column === 1) { return true; } //look backward until we find a newline or a non-whitespace character while ((c = text.charAt(--temp)) !== "") { if (c === "\n") { return true; } if (!/\s/.test(c)) { return false; } } return true; }, isEol: function() { return nextReadBeginsLine; }, EOF: EOF, current: function() { return currentChar; } }; } //http://javascript.crockford.com/prototypal.html function create(o) { function F() {} F.prototype = o; return new F(); } function appendAll(parent, children) { var i; for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { parent.appendChild(children[i]); } } //gets the last character in a string or the last element in an array function last(thing) { return thing.charAt ? thing.charAt(thing.length - 1) : thing[thing.length - 1]; } //array.contains() function contains(arr, value, caseInsensitive) { var i; if (arr.indexOf && !caseInsensitive) { return arr.indexOf(value) >= 0; } for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] === value) { return true; } if (caseInsensitive && typeof(arr[i]) === "string" && typeof(value) === "string" && arr[i].toUpperCase() === value.toUpperCase()) { return true; } } return false; } //non-recursively merges one object into the other function merge(defaultObject, objectToMerge) { var key; if (!objectToMerge) { return defaultObject; } for (key in objectToMerge) { defaultObject[key] = objectToMerge[key]; } return defaultObject; } function clone(object) { return merge({}, object); } //http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3561493/is-there-a-regexp-escape-function-in-javascript/3561711#3561711 function regexEscape(s) { return s.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&"); } function createProceduralRule(startIndex, direction, tokenRequirements, caseInsensitive) { tokenRequirements = tokenRequirements.slice(0); return function(tokens) { var tokenIndexStart = startIndex, j, expected, actual; if (direction === 1) { tokenRequirements.reverse(); } for (j = 0; j < tokenRequirements.length; j++) { actual = tokens[tokenIndexStart + (j * direction)]; expected = tokenRequirements[tokenRequirements.length - 1 - j]; if (actual === undefined) { if (expected["optional"] !== undefined && expected.optional) { tokenIndexStart -= direction; } else { return false; } } else if (actual.name === expected.token && (expected["values"] === undefined || contains(expected.values, actual.value, caseInsensitive))) { //derp continue; } else if (expected["optional"] !== undefined && expected.optional) { tokenIndexStart -= direction; //we need to reevaluate against this token again } else { return false; } } return true; }; } function createBetweenRule(startIndex, opener, closer, caseInsensitive) { return function(tokens) { var index = startIndex, token, success = false; //check to the left: if we run into a closer or never run into an opener, fail while ((token = tokens[--index]) !== undefined) { if (token.name === closer.token && contains(closer.values, token.value)) { if (token.name === opener.token && contains(opener.values, token.value, caseInsensitive)) { //if the closer is the same as the opener that's okay success = true; break; } return false; } if (token.name === opener.token && contains(opener.values, token.value, caseInsensitive)) { success = true; break; } } if (!success) { return false; } //check to the right for the closer index = startIndex; while ((token = tokens[++index]) !== undefined) { if (token.name === opener.token && contains(opener.values, token.value, caseInsensitive)) { if (token.name === closer.token && contains(closer.values, token.value, caseInsensitive)) { //if the closer is the same as the opener that's okay success = true; break; } return false; } if (token.name === closer.token && contains(closer.values, token.value, caseInsensitive)) { success = true; break; } } return success; }; } function matchWord(context, wordMap, tokenName, doNotRead) { var current = context.reader.current(), i, word, peek, line = context.reader.getLine(), column = context.reader.getColumn(); wordMap = wordMap || []; if (context.language.caseInsensitive) { current = current.toUpperCase(); } if (!wordMap[current]) { return null; } wordMap = wordMap[current]; for (i = 0; i < wordMap.length; i++) { word = wordMap[i].value; peek = current + context.reader.peek(word.length); if (word === peek || wordMap[i].regex.test(peek)) { return context.createToken( tokenName, context.reader.current() + context.reader[doNotRead ? "peek" : "read"](word.length - 1), line, column ); } } return null; } //gets the next token in the specified direction while matcher matches the current token function getNextWhile(tokens, index, direction, matcher) { var count = 1, token; direction = direction || 1; while (token = tokens[index + (direction * count++)]) { if (!matcher(token)) { return token; } } return undefined; } //this is crucial for performance function createHashMap(wordMap, boundary, caseInsensitive) { //creates a hash table where the hash is the first character of the word var newMap = { }, i, word, firstChar; for (i = 0; i < wordMap.length; i++) { word = caseInsensitive ? wordMap[i].toUpperCase() : wordMap[i]; firstChar = word.charAt(0); if (!newMap[firstChar]) { newMap[firstChar] = []; } newMap[firstChar].push({ value: word, regex: new RegExp("^" + regexEscape(word) + boundary, caseInsensitive ? "i" : "") }); } return newMap; } function defaultNumberParser(context) { var current = context.reader.current(), number, line = context.reader.getLine(), column = context.reader.getColumn(), allowDecimal = true, peek; if (!/\d/.test(current)) { //is it a decimal followed by a number? if (current !== "." || !/\d/.test(context.reader.peek())) { return null; } //decimal without leading zero number = current + context.reader.read(); allowDecimal = false; } else { number = current; if (current === "0" && context.reader.peek() !== ".") { //hex or octal allowDecimal = false; } } //easy way out: read until it's not a number or letter //this will work for hex (0xef), octal (012), decimal and scientific notation (1e3) //anything else and you're on your own while ((peek = context.reader.peek()) !== context.reader.EOF) { if (!/[A-Za-z0-9]/.test(peek)) { if (peek === "." && allowDecimal && /\d$/.test(context.reader.peek(2))) { number += context.reader.read(); allowDecimal = false; continue; } break; } number += context.reader.read(); } return context.createToken("number", number, line, column); } function fireEvent(eventName, highlighter, eventContext) { var delegates = events[eventName] || [], i; for (i = 0; i < delegates.length; i++) { delegates[i].call(highlighter, eventContext); } } function Highlighter(options) { this.options = merge(clone(globalOptions), options); } Highlighter.prototype = (function() { var parseNextToken = (function() { function isIdentMatch(context) { return context.language.identFirstLetter && context.language.identFirstLetter.test(context.reader.current()); } //token parsing functions function parseKeyword(context) { return matchWord(context, context.language.keywords, "keyword"); } function parseCustomTokens(context) { var tokenName, token; if (context.language.customTokens === undefined) { return null; } for (tokenName in context.language.customTokens) { token = matchWord(context, context.language.customTokens[tokenName], tokenName); if (token !== null) { return token; } } return null; } function parseOperator(context) { return matchWord(context, context.language.operators, "operator"); } function parsePunctuation(context) { var current = context.reader.current(); if (context.language.punctuation.test(regexEscape(current))) { return context.createToken("punctuation", current, context.reader.getLine(), context.reader.getColumn()); } return null; } function parseIdent(context) { var ident, peek, line = context.reader.getLine(), column = context.reader.getColumn(); if (!isIdentMatch(context)) { return null; } ident = context.reader.current(); while ((peek = context.reader.peek()) !== context.reader.EOF) { if (!context.language.identAfterFirstLetter.test(peek)) { break; } ident += context.reader.read(); } return context.createToken("ident", ident, line, column); } function parseDefault(context) { if (context.defaultData.text === "") { //new default token context.defaultData.line = context.reader.getLine(); context.defaultData.column = context.reader.getColumn(); } context.defaultData.text += context.reader.current(); return null; } function parseScopes(context) { var current = context.reader.current(), tokenName, specificScopes, j, opener, line, column, continuation, value; for (tokenName in context.language.scopes) { specificScopes = context.language.scopes[tokenName]; for (j = 0; j < specificScopes.length; j++) { opener = specificScopes[j][0]; value = current + context.reader.peek(opener.length - 1); if (opener !== value && (!context.language.caseInsensitive || value.toUpperCase() !== opener.toUpperCase())) { continue; } line = context.reader.getLine(), column = context.reader.getColumn(); context.reader.read(opener.length - 1); continuation = getScopeReaderFunction(specificScopes[j], tokenName); return continuation(context, continuation, value, line, column); } } return null; } function parseNumber(context) { return context.language.numberParser(context); } function parseCustomRules(context) { var customRules = context.language.customParseRules, i, token; if (customRules === undefined) { return null; } for (i = 0; i < customRules.length; i++) { token = customRules[i](context); if (token) { return token; } } return null; } return function(context) { if (context.language.doNotParse.test(context.reader.current())) { return parseDefault(context); } return parseCustomRules(context) || parseCustomTokens(context) || parseKeyword(context) || parseScopes(context) || parseIdent(context) || parseNumber(context) || parseOperator(context) || parsePunctuation(context) || parseDefault(context); } }()); function getScopeReaderFunction(scope, tokenName) { var escapeSequences = scope[2] || [], closerLength = scope[1].length, closer = typeof(scope[1]) === "string" ? new RegExp(regexEscape(scope[1])) : scope[1].regex, zeroWidth = scope[3] || false; //processCurrent indicates that this is being called from a continuation //which means that we need to process the current char, rather than peeking at the next return function(context, continuation, buffer, line, column, processCurrent) { var foundCloser = false; buffer = buffer || ""; processCurrent = processCurrent ? 1 : 0; function process(processCurrent) { //check for escape sequences var peekValue, current = context.reader.current(), i; for (i = 0; i < escapeSequences.length; i++) { peekValue = (processCurrent ? current : "") + context.reader.peek(escapeSequences[i].length - processCurrent); if (peekValue === escapeSequences[i]) { buffer += context.reader.read(peekValue.length - processCurrent); return true; } } peekValue = (processCurrent ? current : "") + context.reader.peek(closerLength - processCurrent); if (closer.test(peekValue)) { foundCloser = true; return false; } buffer += processCurrent ? current : context.reader.read(); return true; }; if (!processCurrent || process(true)) { while (context.reader.peek() !== context.reader.EOF && process(false)) { } } if (processCurrent) { buffer += context.reader.current(); context.reader.read(); } else { buffer += zeroWidth || context.reader.peek() === context.reader.EOF ? "" : context.reader.read(closerLength); } if (!foundCloser) { //we need to signal to the context that this scope was never properly closed //this has significance for partial parses (e.g. for nested languages) context.continuation = continuation; } return context.createToken(tokenName, buffer, line, column); }; } //called before processing the current function switchToEmbeddedLanguageIfNecessary(context) { var i, embeddedLanguage; for (i = 0; i < context.language.embeddedLanguages.length; i++) { if (!languages[context.language.embeddedLanguages[i].language]) { //unregistered language continue; } embeddedLanguage = clone(context.language.embeddedLanguages[i]); if (embeddedLanguage.switchTo(context)) { embeddedLanguage.oldItems = clone(context.items); context.embeddedLanguageStack.push(embeddedLanguage); context.language = languages[embeddedLanguage.language]; context.items = merge(context.items, clone(context.language.contextItems)); break; } } } //called after processing the current function switchBackFromEmbeddedLanguageIfNecessary(context) { var current = last(context.embeddedLanguageStack), lang; if (current && current.switchBack(context)) { context.language = languages[current.parentLanguage]; lang = context.embeddedLanguageStack.pop(); //restore old items context.items = clone(lang.oldItems); lang.oldItems = {}; } } function tokenize(unhighlightedCode, language, partialContext, options) { var tokens = [], context, continuation, token; fireEvent("beforeTokenize", this, { code: unhighlightedCode, language: language }); context = { reader: createCodeReader(unhighlightedCode), language: language, items: clone(language.contextItems), token: function(index) { return tokens[index]; }, getAllTokens: function() { return tokens.slice(0); }, count: function() { return tokens.length; }, options: options, embeddedLanguageStack: [], defaultData: { text: "", line: 1, column: 1 }, createToken: function(name, value, line, column) { return { name: name, line: line, value: isIe ? value.replace(/\n/g, "\r") : value, column: column, language: this.language.name }; } }; //if continuation is given, then we need to pick up where we left off from a previous parse //basically it indicates that a scope was never closed, so we need to continue that scope if (partialContext.continuation) { continuation = partialContext.continuation; partialContext.continuation = null; tokens.push(continuation(context, continuation, "", context.reader.getLine(), context.reader.getColumn(), true)); } while (!context.reader.isEof()) { switchToEmbeddedLanguageIfNecessary(context); token = parseNextToken(context); //flush default data if needed (in pretty much all languages this is just whitespace) if (token !== null) { if (context.defaultData.text !== "") { tokens.push(context.createToken("default", context.defaultData.text, context.defaultData.line, context.defaultData.column)); context.defaultData.text = ""; } if (token[0] !== undefined) { //multiple tokens tokens = tokens.concat(token); } else { //single token tokens.push(token); } } switchBackFromEmbeddedLanguageIfNecessary(context); context.reader.read(); } //append the last default token, if necessary if (context.defaultData.text !== "") { tokens.push(context.createToken("default", context.defaultData.text, context.defaultData.line, context.defaultData.column)); } fireEvent("afterTokenize", this, { code: unhighlightedCode, parserContext: context }); return context; } function createAnalyzerContext(parserContext, partialContext, options) { var nodes = [], prepareText = function() { var nbsp, tab; if (options.showWhitespace) { nbsp = String.fromCharCode(0xB7); tab = new Array(options.tabWidth).join(String.fromCharCode(0x2014)) + String.fromCharCode(0x2192); } else { nbsp = String.fromCharCode(0xA0); tab = new Array(options.tabWidth + 1).join(nbsp); } return function(token) { var value = token.value.split(" ").join(nbsp), tabIndex, lastNewlineColumn, actualColumn, tabLength; //tabstop madness: replace \t with the appropriate number of characters, depending on the tabWidth option and its relative position in the line while ((tabIndex = value.indexOf("\t")) >= 0) { lastNewlineColumn = value.lastIndexOf(EOL, tabIndex); actualColumn = lastNewlineColumn === -1 ? tabIndex : tabIndex - lastNewlineColumn - 1; tabLength = options.tabWidth - (actualColumn % options.tabWidth); //actual length of the TAB character value = value.substring(0, tabIndex) + tab.substring(options.tabWidth - tabLength) + value.substring(tabIndex + 1); } return value; }; }(); return { tokens: (partialContext.tokens || []).concat(parserContext.getAllTokens()), index: partialContext.index ? partialContext.index + 1 : 0, language: null, getAnalyzer: EMPTY, options: options, continuation: parserContext.continuation, addNode: function(node) { nodes.push(node); }, createTextNode: function(token) { return document.createTextNode(prepareText(token)); }, getNodes: function() { return nodes; }, resetNodes: function() { nodes = []; }, items: parserContext.items }; } //partialContext allows us to perform a partial parse, and then pick up where we left off at a later time //this functionality enables nested highlights (language within a language, e.g. PHP within HTML followed by more PHP) function highlightText(unhighlightedCode, languageId, partialContext) { var language = languages[languageId], analyzerContext; partialContext = partialContext || { }; if (language === undefined) { //use default language if one wasn't specified or hasn't been registered language = languages[DEFAULT_LANGUAGE]; } fireEvent("beforeHighlight", this, { code: unhighlightedCode, language: language, previousContext: partialContext }); analyzerContext = createAnalyzerContext( tokenize.call(this, unhighlightedCode, language, partialContext, this.options), partialContext, this.options ); analyze.call(this, analyzerContext, partialContext.index ? partialContext.index + 1 : 0); fireEvent("afterHighlight", this, { analyzerContext: analyzerContext }); return analyzerContext; } function createContainer(ctx) { var container = document.createElement("span"); container.className = ctx.options.classPrefix + ctx.language.name; return container; } function analyze(analyzerContext, startIndex) { var nodes, lastIndex, container, i, tokenName, func, language, analyzer; fireEvent("beforeAnalyze", this, { analyzerContext: analyzerContext }); if (analyzerContext.tokens.length > 0) { analyzerContext.language = languages[analyzerContext.tokens[0].language] || languages[DEFAULT_LANGUAGE];; nodes = []; lastIndex = 0; container = createContainer(analyzerContext); for (i = startIndex; i < analyzerContext.tokens.length; i++) { language = languages[analyzerContext.tokens[i].language] || languages[DEFAULT_LANGUAGE]; if (language.name !== analyzerContext.language.name) { appendAll(container, analyzerContext.getNodes()); analyzerContext.resetNodes(); nodes.push(container); analyzerContext.language = language; container = createContainer(analyzerContext); } analyzerContext.index = i; tokenName = analyzerContext.tokens[i].name; func = "handle_" + tokenName; analyzer = analyzerContext.getAnalyzer.call(analyzerContext) || analyzerContext.language.analyzer; analyzer[func] ? analyzer[func](analyzerContext) : analyzer.handleToken(analyzerContext); } //append the last nodes, and add the final nodes to the context appendAll(container, analyzerContext.getNodes()); nodes.push(container); analyzerContext.resetNodes(); for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { analyzerContext.addNode(nodes[i]); } } fireEvent("afterAnalyze", this, { analyzerContext: analyzerContext }); } return { //matches the language of the node to highlight matchSunlightNode: function() { var regex; return function(node) { if (!regex) { regex = new RegExp("(?:\\s|^)" + this.options.classPrefix + "highlight-(\\S+)(?:\\s|$)"); } return regex.exec(node.className); }; }(), //determines if the node has already been highlighted isAlreadyHighlighted: function() { var regex; return function(node) { if (!regex) { regex = new RegExp("(?:\\s|^)" + this.options.classPrefix + "highlighted(?:\\s|$)"); } return regex.test(node.className); }; }(), //highlights a block of text highlight: function(code, languageId) { return highlightText.call(this, code, languageId); }, //recursively highlights a DOM node highlightNode: function highlightRecursive(node) { var match, languageId, currentNodeCount, j, nodes, k, partialContext, container, codeContainer; if (this.isAlreadyHighlighted(node) || (match = this.matchSunlightNode(node)) === null) { return; } languageId = match[1]; currentNodeCount = 0; fireEvent("beforeHighlightNode", this, { node: node }); for (j = 0; j < node.childNodes.length; j++) { if (node.childNodes[j].nodeType === 3) { //text nodes partialContext = highlightText.call(this, node.childNodes[j].nodeValue, languageId, partialContext); HIGHLIGHTED_NODE_COUNT++; currentNodeCount = currentNodeCount || HIGHLIGHTED_NODE_COUNT; nodes = partialContext.getNodes(); node.replaceChild(nodes[0], node.childNodes[j]); for (k = 1; k < nodes.length; k++) { node.insertBefore(nodes[k], nodes[k - 1].nextSibling); } } else if (node.childNodes[j].nodeType === 1) { //element nodes highlightRecursive.call(this, node.childNodes[j]); } } //indicate that this node has been highlighted node.className += " " + this.options.classPrefix + "highlighted"; //if the node is block level, we put it in a container, otherwise we just leave it alone if (getComputedStyle(node, "display") === "block") { container = document.createElement("div"); container.className = this.options.classPrefix + "container"; codeContainer = document.createElement("div"); codeContainer.className = this.options.classPrefix + "code-container"; //apply max height if specified in options if (this.options.maxHeight !== false) { codeContainer.style.overflowY = "auto"; codeContainer.style.maxHeight = this.options.maxHeight + (/^\d+$/.test(this.options.maxHeight) ? "px" : ""); } container.appendChild(codeContainer); node.parentNode.insertBefore(codeContainer, node); node.parentNode.removeChild(node); codeContainer.appendChild(node); codeContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(container, codeContainer); codeContainer.parentNode.removeChild(codeContainer); container.appendChild(codeContainer); } fireEvent("afterHighlightNode", this, { container: container, codeContainer: codeContainer, node: node, count: currentNodeCount }); } }; }()); //public facing object window.Sunlight = { version: "1.18", Highlighter: Highlighter, createAnalyzer: function() { return create(defaultAnalyzer); }, globalOptions: globalOptions, highlightAll: function(options) { var highlighter = new Highlighter(options), tags = document.getElementsByTagName("*"), i; for (i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { highlighter.highlightNode(tags[i]); } }, registerLanguage: function(languageId, languageData) { var tokenName, embeddedLanguages, languageName; if (!languageId) { throw "Languages must be registered with an identifier, e.g. \"php\" for PHP"; } languageData = merge(merge({}, languageDefaults), languageData); languageData.name = languageId; //transform keywords, operators and custom tokens into a hash map languageData.keywords = createHashMap(languageData.keywords || [], "\\b", languageData.caseInsensitive); languageData.operators = createHashMap(languageData.operators || [], "", languageData.caseInsensitive); for (tokenName in languageData.customTokens) { languageData.customTokens[tokenName] = createHashMap( languageData.customTokens[tokenName].values, languageData.customTokens[tokenName].boundary, languageData.caseInsensitive ); } //convert the embedded language object to an easier-to-use array embeddedLanguages = []; for (languageName in languageData.embeddedLanguages) { embeddedLanguages.push({ parentLanguage: languageData.name, language: languageName, switchTo: languageData.embeddedLanguages[languageName].switchTo, switchBack: languageData.embeddedLanguages[languageName].switchBack }); } languageData.embeddedLanguages = embeddedLanguages; languages[languageData.name] = languageData; }, isRegistered: function(languageId) { return languages[languageId] !== undefined; }, bind: function(event, callback) { if (!events[event]) { throw "Unknown event \"" + event + "\""; } events[event].push(callback); }, util: { last: last, regexEscape: regexEscape, eol: EOL, clone: clone, escapeSequences: ["\\n", "\\t", "\\r", "\\\\", "\\v", "\\f"], contains: contains, matchWord: matchWord, createHashMap: createHashMap, createBetweenRule: createBetweenRule, createProceduralRule: createProceduralRule, getNextNonWsToken: function(tokens, index) { return getNextWhile(tokens, index, 1, function(token) { return token.name === "default"; }); }, getPreviousNonWsToken: function(tokens, index) { return getNextWhile(tokens, index, -1, function(token) { return token.name === "default"; }); }, getNextWhile: function(tokens, index, matcher) { return getNextWhile(tokens, index, 1, matcher); }, getPreviousWhile: function(tokens, index, matcher) { return getNextWhile(tokens, index, -1, matcher); }, whitespace: { token: "default", optional: true }, getComputedStyle: getComputedStyle } }; //register the default language window.Sunlight.registerLanguage(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, { punctuation: /(?!x)x/, numberParser: EMPTY }); }(this, document));