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A JavaScript library for arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic.

[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/MikeMcl/bignumber.js.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/MikeMcl/bignumber.js)

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## Features

  - Integers and decimals
  - Simple API but full-featured
  - Faster, smaller, and perhaps easier to use than JavaScript versions of Java's BigDecimal
  - 8 KB minified and gzipped
  - Replicates the `toExponential`, `toFixed`, `toPrecision` and `toString` methods of JavaScript's Number type
  - Includes a `toFraction` and a correctly-rounded `squareRoot` method
  - Supports cryptographically-secure pseudo-random number generation
  - No dependencies
  - Wide platform compatibility: uses JavaScript 1.5 (ECMAScript 3) features only
  - Comprehensive [documentation](http://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js/) and test set


If a smaller and simpler library is required see [big.js](https://github.com/MikeMcl/big.js/).
It's less than half the size but only works with decimal numbers and only has half the methods.
It also does not allow `NaN` or `Infinity`, or have the configuration options of this library.

See also [decimal.js](https://github.com/MikeMcl/decimal.js/), which among other things adds support for non-integer powers, and performs all operations to a specified number of significant digits.

## Load

The library is the single JavaScript file *bignumber.js* (or minified, *bignumber.min.js*).


<script src='path/to/bignumber.js'></script>


$ npm install --save bignumber.js

var BigNumber = require('bignumber.js');

ES6 module (*bignumber.mjs*):

//import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
import {BigNumber} from 'bignumber.js';

AMD loader libraries such as [requireJS](http://requirejs.org/):

require(['bignumber'], function(BigNumber) {
    // Use BigNumber here in local scope. No global BigNumber.

## Use

*In all examples below, `var`, semicolons and `toString` calls are not shown.
If a commented-out value is in quotes it means `toString` has been called on the preceding expression.*

The library exports a single function: `BigNumber`, the constructor of BigNumber instances.

It accepts a value of type Number, String or BigNumber,

x = new BigNumber(123.4567)
y = BigNumber('123456.7e-3')
z = new BigNumber(x)
x.isEqualTo(y) && y.isEqualTo(z) && x.isEqualTo(z)      // true

and a base can be specified.

a = new BigNumber(1011, 2)          // "11"
b = new BigNumber('zz.9', 36)       // "1295.25"
c = x.plus(y)                       // "1306.25"

Note that a BigNumber is created from a Number's decimal `toString()` value not from its underlying binary value. If the latter is required, then pass the Number's `toString(2)` value and specify base 2.

new BigNumber(Number.MAX_VALUE.toString(2), 2)

If the limited precision of Number values is not well understood, **it is recommended to pass String values rather than Number values** to avoid a potential loss of precision.

// Precision loss from using numeric literals with more than 15 significant digits.   
new BigNumber(1.0000000000000001);                 // '1'
new BigNumber(88259496234518.57);                  // '88259496234518.56'
new BigNumber(99999999999999999999);               // '100000000000000000000'

// Precision loss from using numeric literals outside the range of Number values.
new BigNumber(2e+308);                             // 'Infinity'
new BigNumber(1e-324);                             // '0'

// Precision loss from the unexpected result of arithmetic with Number values.
new BigNumber(0.7 + 0.1);                          // '0.7999999999999999' 

A BigNumber is immutable in the sense that it is not changed by its methods.

0.3 - 0.1                           // 0.19999999999999998
x = new BigNumber(0.3)
x.minus(0.1)                        // "0.2"
x                                   // "0.3"

The methods that return a BigNumber can be chained.


Some of the longer method names have a shorter alias.

x.squareRoot().dividedBy(y).exponentiatedBy(3).isEqualTo( x.sqrt().div(y).pow(3) )    // true
x.modulo(y).multipliedBy(z).eq( x.mod(y).times(z) )                                   // true

As with JavaScript's Number type, there are `toExponential`, `toFixed` and `toPrecision` methods

x = new BigNumber(255.5)
x.toExponential(5)                  // "2.55500e+2"
x.toFixed(5)                        // "255.50000"
x.toPrecision(5)                    // "255.50"
x.toNumber()                        //  255.5

 and a base can be specified for `toString`.

 x.toString(16)                     // "ff.8"

There is also a `toFormat` method which may be useful for internationalisation

y = new BigNumber('1234567.898765')
y.toFormat(2)                       // "1,234,567.90"

The maximum number of decimal places of the result of an operation involving division (i.e. a division, square root, base conversion or negative power operation) is set using the `config` method of the `BigNumber` constructor.

The other arithmetic operations always give the exact result.

BigNumber.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 10, ROUNDING_MODE: 4 })

x = new BigNumber(2);
y = new BigNumber(3);
z = x.dividedBy(y)                        // "0.6666666667"
z.squareRoot()                            // "0.8164965809"
z.exponentiatedBy(-3)                     // "3.3749999995"
z.toString(2)                             // "0.1010101011"
z.multipliedBy(z)                         // "0.44444444448888888889"
z.multipliedBy(z).decimalPlaces(10)       // "0.4444444445"

There is a `toFraction` method with an optional *maximum denominator* argument

y = new BigNumber(355)
pi = y.dividedBy(113)               // "3.1415929204"
pi.toFraction()                     // [ "7853982301", "2500000000" ]
pi.toFraction(1000)                 // [ "355", "113" ]

and `isNaN` and `isFinite` methods, as `NaN` and `Infinity` are valid `BigNumber` values.

x = new BigNumber(NaN)                                           // "NaN"
y = new BigNumber(Infinity)                                      // "Infinity"
x.isNaN() && !y.isNaN() && !x.isFinite() && !y.isFinite()        // true

The value of a BigNumber is stored in a decimal floating point format in terms of a coefficient, exponent and sign.

x = new BigNumber(-123.456);
x.c                                 // [ 123, 45600000000000 ]  coefficient (i.e. significand)
x.e                                 // 2                        exponent
x.s                                 // -1                       sign

For advanced usage, multiple BigNumber constructors can be created, each with their own independent configuration which applies to all BigNumber's created from it.

// Set DECIMAL_PLACES for the original BigNumber constructor
BigNumber.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 10 })

// Create another BigNumber constructor, optionally passing in a configuration object
BN = BigNumber.clone({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 5 })

x = new BigNumber(1)
y = new BN(1)

x.div(3)                            // '0.3333333333'
y.div(3)                            // '0.33333'

For futher information see the [API](http://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js/) reference in the *doc* directory.

## Test

The *test/modules* directory contains the test scripts for each method.

The tests can be run with Node.js or a browser. For Node.js use

    $ npm test


    $ node test/test

To test a single method, use, for example

    $ node test/methods/toFraction

For the browser, open *test/test.html*.

## Performance

See the [README](https://github.com/MikeMcl/bignumber.js/tree/master/perf) in the *perf* directory.

## Build

For Node, if [uglify-js](https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2) is installed

    npm install uglify-js -g


    npm run build

will create *bignumber.min.js*.

A source map will also be created in the root directory.

## Feedback

Open an issue, or email


<a href="mailto:M8ch88l@gmail.com">M8ch88l@gmail.com</a>

## Licence

The MIT Licence.

See [LICENCE](https://github.com/MikeMcl/bignumber.js/blob/master/LICENCE).

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0