Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/bcrypt/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/bcrypt/bcrypt.js |
'use strict'; var binary = require('node-pre-gyp'); var path = require('path'); var binding_path = binary.find(path.resolve(path.join(__dirname, './package.json'))); var bindings = require(binding_path); var crypto = require('crypto'); var promises = require('./promises'); /// generate a salt (sync) /// @param {Number} [rounds] number of rounds (default 10) /// @return {String} salt module.exports.genSaltSync = function genSaltSync(rounds, minor) { // default 10 rounds if (!rounds) { rounds = 10; } else if (typeof rounds !== 'number') { throw new Error('rounds must be a number'); } if(!minor) { minor = 'b'; } else if(minor !== 'b' && minor !== 'a') { console.log(minor, typeof minor); throw new Error('minor must be either "a" or "b"'); } return bindings.gen_salt_sync(minor, rounds, crypto.randomBytes(16)); }; /// generate a salt /// @param {Number} [rounds] number of rounds (default 10) /// @param {Function} cb callback(err, salt) module.exports.genSalt = function genSalt(rounds, minor, cb) { var error; // if callback is first argument, then use defaults for others if (typeof arguments[0] === 'function') { // have to set callback first otherwise arguments are overriden cb = arguments[0]; rounds = 10; minor = 'b'; // callback is second argument } else if (typeof arguments[1] === 'function') { // have to set callback first otherwise arguments are overriden cb = arguments[1]; minor = 'b'; } if (!cb) { return promises.promise(genSalt, this, [rounds, minor]); } // default 10 rounds if (!rounds) { rounds = 10; } else if (typeof rounds !== 'number') { // callback error asynchronously error = new Error('rounds must be a number'); return process.nextTick(function() { cb(error); }); } if(!minor) { minor = 'b' } else if(minor !== 'b' && minor !== 'a') { error = new Error('minor must be either "a" or "b"'); return process.nextTick(function() { cb(error); }); } crypto.randomBytes(16, function(error, randomBytes) { if (error) { cb(error); return; } bindings.gen_salt(minor, rounds, randomBytes, cb); }); }; /// hash data using a salt /// @param {String} data the data to encrypt /// @param {String} salt the salt to use when hashing /// @return {String} hash module.exports.hashSync = function hashSync(data, salt) { if (data == null || salt == null) { throw new Error('data and salt arguments required'); } if (typeof data !== 'string' || (typeof salt !== 'string' && typeof salt !== 'number')) { throw new Error('data must be a string and salt must either be a salt string or a number of rounds'); } if (typeof salt === 'number') { salt = module.exports.genSaltSync(salt); } return bindings.encrypt_sync(data, salt); }; /// hash data using a salt /// @param {String} data the data to encrypt /// @param {String} salt the salt to use when hashing /// @param {Function} cb callback(err, hash) module.exports.hash = function hash(data, salt, cb) { var error; if (typeof data === 'function') { error = new Error('data must be a string and salt must either be a salt string or a number of rounds'); return process.nextTick(function() { data(error); }); } if (typeof salt === 'function') { error = new Error('data must be a string and salt must either be a salt string or a number of rounds'); return process.nextTick(function() { salt(error); }); } // cb exists but is not a function // return a rejecting promise if (cb && typeof cb !== 'function') { return promises.reject(new Error('cb must be a function or null to return a Promise')); } if (!cb) { return promises.promise(hash, this, [data, salt]); } if (data == null || salt == null) { error = new Error('data and salt arguments required'); return process.nextTick(function() { cb(error); }); } if (typeof data !== 'string' || (typeof salt !== 'string' && typeof salt !== 'number')) { error = new Error('data must be a string and salt must either be a salt string or a number of rounds'); return process.nextTick(function() { cb(error); }); } if (typeof salt === 'number') { return module.exports.genSalt(salt, function(err, salt) { return bindings.encrypt(data, salt, cb); }); } return bindings.encrypt(data, salt, cb); }; /// compare raw data to hash /// @param {String} data the data to hash and compare /// @param {String} hash expected hash /// @return {bool} true if hashed data matches hash module.exports.compareSync = function compareSync(data, hash) { if (data == null || hash == null) { throw new Error('data and hash arguments required'); } if (typeof data !== 'string' || typeof hash !== 'string') { throw new Error('data and hash must be strings'); } return bindings.compare_sync(data, hash); }; /// compare raw data to hash /// @param {String} data the data to hash and compare /// @param {String} hash expected hash /// @param {Function} cb callback(err, matched) - matched is true if hashed data matches hash module.exports.compare = function compare(data, hash, cb) { var error; if (typeof data === 'function') { error = new Error('data and hash arguments required'); return process.nextTick(function() { data(error); }); } if (typeof hash === 'function') { error = new Error('data and hash arguments required'); return process.nextTick(function() { hash(error); }); } // cb exists but is not a function // return a rejecting promise if (cb && typeof cb !== 'function') { return promises.reject(new Error('cb must be a function or null to return a Promise')); } if (!cb) { return promises.promise(compare, this, [data, hash]); } if (data == null || hash == null) { error = new Error('data and hash arguments required'); return process.nextTick(function() { cb(error); }); } if (typeof data !== 'string' || typeof hash !== 'string') { error = new Error('data and hash must be strings'); return process.nextTick(function() { cb(error); }); } return bindings.compare(data, hash, cb); }; /// @param {String} hash extract rounds from this hash /// @return {Number} the number of rounds used to encrypt a given hash module.exports.getRounds = function getRounds(hash) { if (hash == null) { throw new Error('hash argument required'); } if (typeof hash !== 'string') { throw new Error('hash must be a string'); } return bindings.get_rounds(hash); };