Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/aws-sdk/test/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/aws-sdk/test/service.spec.coffee |
helpers = require('./helpers') AWS = helpers.AWS MockService = helpers.MockService describe 'AWS.Service', -> config = null; service = null retryableError = (error, result) -> expect(service.retryableError(error)).toEqual(result) beforeEach -> config = new AWS.Config() service = new AWS.Service(config) describe 'apiVersions', -> it 'should set apiVersions property', -> CustomService = AWS.Service.defineService('custom', ['2001-01-01', '1999-05-05']) expect(CustomService.apiVersions).toEqual(['1999-05-05', '2001-01-01']) describe 'constructor', -> it 'should use AWS.config copy if no config is provided', -> service = new AWS.Service() expect(service.config).not.toBe(AWS.config) expect(service.config.sslEnabled).toEqual(true) it 'should merge custom options on top of global defaults if config provided', -> service = new AWS.Service(maxRetries: 5) expect(service.config.sslEnabled).toEqual(true) expect(service.config.maxRetries).toEqual(5) it 'merges credential data into config', -> service = new AWS.Service(accessKeyId: 'foo', secretAccessKey: 'bar') expect(service.config.credentials.accessKeyId).toEqual('foo') expect(service.config.credentials.secretAccessKey).toEqual('bar') it 'should allow AWS.config to be object literal', -> cfg = AWS.config AWS.config = maxRetries: 20 service = new AWS.Service({}) expect(service.config.maxRetries).toEqual(20) expect(service.config.sslEnabled).toEqual(true) AWS.config = cfg it 'tries to construct service with latest API version', -> CustomService = AWS.Service.defineService('custom', ['2001-01-01', '1999-05-05']) errmsg = "Could not find API configuration custom-2001-01-01" expect(-> new CustomService()).toThrow(errmsg) it 'tries to construct service with exact API version match', -> CustomService = AWS.Service.defineService('custom', ['2001-01-01', '1999-05-05']) errmsg = "Could not find API configuration custom-1999-05-05" expect(-> new CustomService(apiVersion: '1999-05-05')).toThrow(errmsg) it 'skips any API versions with a * and uses next (future) service', -> CustomService = AWS.Service.defineService('custom', ['1998-01-01', '1999-05-05*', '2001-01-01']) errmsg = "Could not find API configuration custom-2001-01-01" expect(-> new CustomService(apiVersion: '2000-01-01')).toThrow(errmsg) it 'skips multiple API versions with a * and uses next (future) service', -> CustomService = AWS.Service.defineService('custom', ['1998-01-01', '1999-05-05*', '1999-07-07*', '2001-01-01']) errmsg = "Could not find API configuration custom-2001-01-01" expect(-> new CustomService(apiVersion: '1999-05-05')).toThrow(errmsg) it 'tries to construct service with fuzzy API version match', -> CustomService = AWS.Service.defineService('custom', ['2001-01-01', '1999-05-05']) errmsg = "Could not find API configuration custom-1999-05-05" expect(-> new CustomService(apiVersion: '2000-01-01')).toThrow(errmsg) it 'uses global apiVersion value when constructing versioned services', -> AWS.config.apiVersion = '2002-03-04' CustomService = AWS.Service.defineService('custom', ['2001-01-01', '1999-05-05']) errmsg = "Could not find API configuration custom-2001-01-01" expect(-> new CustomService).toThrow(errmsg) AWS.config.apiVersion = null it 'uses global apiVersions value when constructing versioned services', -> AWS.config.apiVersions = {custom: '2002-03-04'} CustomService = AWS.Service.defineService('custom', ['2001-01-01', '1999-05-05']) errmsg = "Could not find API configuration custom-2001-01-01" expect(-> new CustomService).toThrow(errmsg) AWS.config.apiVersions = {} it 'uses service specific apiVersions before apiVersion', -> AWS.config.apiVersions = {custom: '2000-01-01'} AWS.config.apiVersion = '2002-03-04' CustomService = AWS.Service.defineService('custom', ['2001-01-01', '1999-05-05']) errmsg = "Could not find API configuration custom-1999-05-05" expect(-> new CustomService).toThrow(errmsg) AWS.config.apiVersion = null AWS.config.apiVersions = {} it 'tries to construct service with fuzzy API version match', -> CustomService = AWS.Service.defineService('custom', ['2001-01-01', '1999-05-05']) errmsg = "Could not find API configuration custom-1999-05-05" expect(-> new CustomService(apiVersion: '2000-01-01')).toThrow(errmsg) it 'fails if apiVersion matches nothing', -> CustomService = AWS.Service.defineService('custom', ['2001-01-01', '1999-05-05']) errmsg = "Could not find custom API to satisfy version constraint `1998-01-01'" expect(-> new CustomService(apiVersion: '1998-01-01')).toThrow(errmsg) it 'allows construction of services from one-off apiConfig properties', -> service = new AWS.Service apiConfig: operations: operationName: input: {}, output: {} expect(typeof service.operationName).toEqual('function') expect(service.operationName() instanceof AWS.Request).toEqual(true) it 'interpolates endpoint when reading from configuration', -> service = new MockService(endpoint: '{scheme}://{service}.{region}.domain.tld') expect(service.config.endpoint).toEqual('https://mockservice.mock-region.domain.tld') service = new MockService(sslEnabled: false, endpoint: '{scheme}://{service}.{region}.domain.tld') expect(service.config.endpoint).toEqual('http://mockservice.mock-region.domain.tld') describe 'setEndpoint', -> FooService = null beforeEach -> FooService = AWS.util.inherit AWS.Service, api: endpointPrefix: 'fooservice' it 'uses specified endpoint if provided', -> service = new FooService() service.setEndpoint('notfooservice.amazonaws.com') expect(service.endpoint.host).toEqual('notfooservice.amazonaws.com') describe 'makeRequest', -> it 'it treats params as an optinal parameter', -> helpers.mockHttpResponse(200, {}, ['FOO', 'BAR']) service = new MockService() service.makeRequest 'operationName', (err, data) -> expect(data).toEqual('FOOBAR') it 'yields data to the callback', -> helpers.mockHttpResponse(200, {}, ['FOO', 'BAR']) service = new MockService() req = service.makeRequest 'operation', (err, data) -> expect(err).toEqual(null) expect(data).toEqual('FOOBAR') it 'yields service errors to the callback', -> helpers.mockHttpResponse(500, {}, ['ServiceError']) service = new MockService(maxRetries: 0) req = service.makeRequest 'operation', {}, (err, data) -> expect(err.code).toEqual('ServiceError') expect(err.message).toEqual(null) expect(err.statusCode).toEqual(500) expect(err.retryable).toEqual(true) expect(data).toEqual(null) it 'yields network errors to the callback', -> error = { code: 'NetworkingError' } helpers.mockHttpResponse(error) service = new MockService(maxRetries: 0) req = service.makeRequest 'operation', {}, (err, data) -> expect(err).toEqual(error) expect(data).toEqual(null) it 'does not send the request if a callback function is omitted', -> helpers.mockHttpResponse(200, {}, ['FOO', 'BAR']) httpClient = AWS.HttpClient.getInstance() spyOn(httpClient, 'handleRequest') new MockService().makeRequest('operation') expect(httpClient.handleRequest).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'allows parameter validation to be disabled in config', -> helpers.mockHttpResponse(200, {}, ['FOO', 'BAR']) service = new MockService(paramValidation: false) req = service.makeRequest 'operation', {}, (err, data) -> expect(err).toEqual(null) expect(data).toEqual('FOOBAR') describe 'bound parameters', -> it 'accepts toplevel bound parameters on the service', -> service = new AWS.S3(params: {Bucket: 'bucket', Key: 'key'}) req = service.makeRequest 'getObject' expect(req.params).toEqual(Bucket: 'bucket', Key: 'key') it 'ignores bound parameters not in input members', -> service = new AWS.S3(params: {Bucket: 'bucket', Key: 'key'}) req = service.makeRequest 'listObjects' expect(req.params).toEqual(Bucket: 'bucket') it 'can override bound parameters', -> service = new AWS.S3(params: {Bucket: 'bucket', Key: 'key'}) params = Bucket: 'notBucket' req = service.makeRequest('listObjects', params) expect(params).not.toBe(req.params) expect(req.params).toEqual(Bucket: 'notBucket') describe 'global events', -> it 'adds AWS.events listeners to requests', -> helpers.mockHttpResponse(200, {}, ['FOO', 'BAR']) event = jasmine.createSpy() AWS.events.on('complete', event) new MockService().makeRequest('operation').send() expect(event).toHaveBeenCalled() describe 'retryableError', -> it 'should retry on throttle error', -> retryableError({code: 'ProvisionedThroughputExceededException', statusCode:400}, true) it 'should retry on expired credentials error', -> retryableError({code: 'ExpiredTokenException', statusCode:400}, true) it 'should retry on 500 or above regardless of error', -> retryableError({code: 'Error', statusCode:500 }, true) retryableError({code: 'RandomError', statusCode:505 }, true) it 'should not retry when error is < 500 level status code', -> retryableError({code: 'Error', statusCode:200 }, false) retryableError({code: 'Error', statusCode:302 }, false) retryableError({code: 'Error', statusCode:404 }, false) describe 'numRetries', -> it 'should use config max retry value if defined', -> service.config.maxRetries = 30 expect(service.numRetries()).toEqual(30) it 'should use defaultRetries defined on object if undefined on config', -> service.defaultRetryCount = 13 service.config.maxRetries = undefined expect(service.numRetries()).toEqual(13)