Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/aws-sdk/features/extra/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/aws-sdk/features/extra/hooks.js |
var realExit = process.exit; module.exports = function () { var world = require("./world.js").WorldInstance; this.World = require("./world.js").World; world.cleanupTasks = new world.AWS.SequentialExecutor(); process.exit = function(code) { var finalCallback = function() { realExit(code); }; world.cleanupTasks.emit('cleanup', [], finalCallback); }; this.AfterAll = function(callback) { world.cleanupTasks.onAsync('cleanup', callback.bind(world)); } this.Before(function(callback) { this.params = {}; callback(); }); /* Global error code steps */ this.Then(/^the error code should be "([^"]*)"$/, function(code, callback) { this.assert.ok(this.error, 'Response does not contain an error'); this.assert.equal(this.error.code, code); callback(); }); this.Then(/^the error message should (be|equal|match|contain):$/, function(matcher, message, callback) { if (matcher === 'be') matcher = 'equal'; if (matcher === 'contain') matcher = 'match'; this.assert.ok(this.error, 'Response does not contain an error'); this.assert[matcher](this.error.message, message); callback(); }); this.Then(/^the status code should be (\d+)$/, function(status, callback) { this.assert.equal(this.response.httpResponse.statusCode, parseInt(status)); callback(); }); this.Then(/^I should get the error:$/, function(table, callback) { var err = table.hashes()[0] this.assert.equal(this.error.code, err.code); this.assert.equal(this.error.message, err.message); callback(); }); this.Given(/^I have a "([^"]*)" service in the "([^"]*)" region$/, function(svc, region, callback) { this.service = new this.AWS[svc]({ region: region }); callback(); }); this.Given(/^I paginate the "([^"]*)" operation with limit (\d+)(?: and max pages (\d+))?$/, function(operation, limit, maxPages, callback) { limit = parseInt(limit); if (maxPages) maxPages = parseInt(maxPages); var world = this; this.numPages = 0; this.numMarkers = 0 this.operation = operation; this.paginationConfig = this.service.paginationConfig(operation); this.params = this.params || {}; var marker = this.paginationConfig.outputToken; if (this.paginationConfig.limitKey) { this.params[this.paginationConfig.limitKey] = limit; } this.service[operation](this.params).eachPage(function (err, data) { if (err) callback.fail(err); else if (data === null) callback(); else if (maxPages && world.numPages === maxPages) { callback(); return false; } else { if (data[marker]) world.numMarkers++; world.numPages++; world.data = data; } }); }); this.Then(/^I should get more than one page$/, function(callback) { this.assert.compare(this.numPages, '>', 1); callback(); }); this.Then(/^I should get (\d+) pages$/, function(numPages, callback) { this.assert.equal(this.numPages, parseInt(numPages)); callback(); }); this.Then(/^I should get numPages - 1 markers$/, function(callback) { this.assert.equal(this.numMarkers, this.numPages - 1); callback(); }); this.Then(/^the last page should not contain a marker$/, function(callback) { var marker = this.paginationConfig.outputToken; this.assert.equal(this.data[marker], null); callback(); }); };