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 * Performs a deep comparison of the two values including support for circular dependencies, prototype, and enumerable properties.
 * @param obj - The value being compared.
 * @param ref - The reference value used for comparison.
 * @return true when the two values are equal, otherwise false.
export function deepEqual(obj: any, ref: any, options?: deepEqual.Options): boolean;

export namespace deepEqual {

    interface Options {

         * Compare functions with difference references by comparing their internal code and properties.
         * @default false
        readonly deepFunction?: boolean;

         * Allow partial match.
         * @default false
        readonly part?: boolean;

         * Compare the objects' prototypes.
         * @default true
        readonly prototype?: boolean;

         * List of object keys to ignore different values of.
         * @default null
        readonly skip?: (string | symbol)[];

         * Compare symbol properties.
         * @default true
        readonly symbols?: boolean;

 * Clone any value, object, or array.
 * @param obj - The value being cloned.
 * @param options - Optional settings.
 * @returns A deep clone of `obj`.
export function clone<T>(obj: T, options?: clone.Options): T;

export namespace clone {

    interface Options {

         * Clone the object's prototype.
         * @default true
        readonly prototype?: boolean;

         * Include symbol properties.
         * @default true
        readonly symbols?: boolean;

         * Shallow clone the specified keys.
         * @default undefined
        readonly shallow?: string[] | string[][] | boolean;

 * Merge all the properties of source into target.
 * @param target - The object being modified.
 * @param source - The object used to copy properties from.
 * @param options - Optional settings.
 * @returns The `target` object.
export function merge<T1 extends object, T2 extends object>(target: T1, source: T2, options?: merge.Options): T1 & T2;

export namespace merge {

    interface Options {

         * When true, null value from `source` overrides existing value in `target`.
         * @default true
        readonly nullOverride?: boolean;

         * When true, array value from `source` is merged with the existing value in `target`.
         * @default false
        readonly mergeArrays?: boolean;

         * Compare symbol properties.
         * @default true
        readonly symbols?: boolean;

 * Apply source to a copy of the defaults.
 * @param defaults - An object with the default values to use of `options` does not contain the same keys.
 * @param source - The source used to override the `defaults`.
 * @param options - Optional settings.
 * @returns A copy of `defaults` with `source` keys overriding any conflicts.
export function applyToDefaults<T extends object>(defaults: Partial<T>, source: Partial<T> | boolean | null, options?: applyToDefaults.Options): Partial<T>;

export namespace applyToDefaults {

    interface Options {

         * When true, null value from `source` overrides existing value in `target`.
         * @default true
        readonly nullOverride?: boolean;

         * Shallow clone the specified keys.
         * @default undefined
        readonly shallow?: string[] | string[][];

 * Find the common unique items in two arrays.
 * @param array1 - The first array to compare.
 * @param array2 - The second array to compare.
 * @param options - Optional settings.
 * @return - An array of the common items. If `justFirst` is true, returns the first common item.
export function intersect<T1, T2>(array1: intersect.Array<T1>, array2: intersect.Array<T2>, options?: intersect.Options): Array<T1 | T2>;
export function intersect<T1, T2>(array1: intersect.Array<T1>, array2: intersect.Array<T2>, options?: intersect.Options): T1 | T2;

export namespace intersect {

    type Array<T> = ArrayLike<T> | Set<T> | null;

    interface Options {

         * When true, return the first overlapping value.
         * @default false
        readonly first?: boolean;

 * Checks if the reference value contains the provided values.
 * @param ref - The reference string, array, or object.
 * @param values - A single or array of values to find within `ref`. If `ref` is an object, `values` can be a key name, an array of key names, or an object with key-value pairs to compare.
 * @return true if the value contains the provided values, otherwise false.
export function contain(ref: string, values: string | string[], options?: contain.Options): boolean;
export function contain(ref: any[], values: any, options?: contain.Options): boolean;
export function contain(ref: object, values: string | string[] | object, options?: Omit<contain.Options, 'once'>): boolean;

export namespace contain {

    interface Options {

         * Perform a deep comparison.
         * @default false
        readonly deep?: boolean;

         * Allow only one occurrence of each value.
         * @default false
        readonly once?: boolean;

         * Allow only values explicitly listed.
         * @default false
        readonly only?: boolean;

         * Allow partial match.
         * @default false
        readonly part?: boolean;

         * Include symbol properties.
         * @default true
        readonly symbols?: boolean;

 * Flatten an array with sub arrays
 * @param array - an array of items or other arrays to flatten.
 * @param target - if provided, an array to shallow copy the flattened `array` items to
 * @return a flat array of the provided values (appended to `target` is provided).
export function flatten<T>(array: ArrayLike<T | ReadonlyArray<T>>, target?: ArrayLike<T | ReadonlyArray<T>>): T[];

 * Convert an object key chain string to reference.
 * @param obj - the object from which to look up the value.
 * @param chain - the string path of the requested value. The chain string is split into key names using `options.separator`, or an array containing each individual key name. A chain including negative numbers will work like a negative index on an array.
 * @return The value referenced by the chain if found, otherwise undefined. If chain is null, undefined, or false, the object itself will be returned.
export function reach(obj: object | null, chain: string | (string | number)[] | false | null | undefined, options?: reach.Options): any;

export namespace reach {

    interface Options {

         * String to split chain path on. Defaults to '.'.
         * @default false
        readonly separator?: string;

         * Value to return if the path or value is not present. No default value.
         * @default false
        readonly default?: any;

         * If true, will throw an error on missing member in the chain. Default to false.
         * @default false
        readonly strict?: boolean;

         * If true, allows traversing functions for properties. false will throw an error if a function is part of the chain.
         * @default true
        readonly functions?: boolean;

         * If true, allows traversing Set and Map objects for properties. false will return undefined regardless of the Set or Map passed.
         * @default false
        readonly iterables?: boolean;

 * Replace string parameters (using format "{path.to.key}") with their corresponding object key values using `Hoek.reach()`.
 * @param obj - the object from which to look up the value.
 * @param template - the string containing {} enclosed key paths to be replaced.
 * @return The template string with the {} enclosed keys replaced with looked-up values.
export function reachTemplate(obj: object | null, template: string, options?: reach.Options): string;

 * Throw an error if condition is falsy.
 * @param condition - If `condition` is not truthy, an exception is thrown.
 * @param error - The error thrown if the condition fails.
 * @return Does not return a value but throws if the `condition` is falsy.
export function assert(condition: any, error: Error): void;

 * Throw an error if condition is falsy.
 * @param condition - If `condition` is not truthy, an exception is thrown.
 * @param args - Any number of values, concatenated together (space separated) to create the error message.
 * @return Does not return a value but throws if the `condition` is falsy.
export function assert(condition: any, ...args: any): void;

 * A benchmarking timer, using the internal node clock for maximum accuracy.
export class Bench {


    /** The starting timestamp expressed in the number of milliseconds since the epoch. */
    ts: number;

    /** The time in milliseconds since the object was created. */
    elapsed(): number;

    /** Reset the `ts` value to now. */
    reset(): void;

    /** The current time in milliseconds since the epoch. */
    static now(): number;

 * Escape string for Regex construction by prefixing all reserved characters with a backslash.
 * @param string - The string to be escaped.
 * @return The escaped string.
export function escapeRegex(string: string): string;

 * Escape string for usage as an attribute value in HTTP headers.
 * @param attribute - The string to be escaped.
 * @return The escaped string. Will throw on invalid characters that are not supported to be escaped.
export function escapeHeaderAttribute(attribute: string): string;

 * Escape string for usage in HTML.
 * @param string - The string to be escaped.
 * @return The escaped string.
export function escapeHtml(string: string): string;

 * Escape string for usage in JSON.
 * @param string - The string to be escaped.
 * @return The escaped string.
export function escapeJson(string: string): string;

 * Wraps a function to ensure it can only execute once.
 * @param method - The function to be wrapped.
 * @return The wrapped function.
export function once<T extends Function>(method: T): T;

 * A reusable no-op function.
export function ignore(...ignore: any): void;

 * Converts a JavaScript value to a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) string with protection against thrown errors.
 * @param value A JavaScript value, usually an object or array, to be converted.
 * @param replacer The JSON.stringify() `replacer` argument.
 * @param space Adds indentation, white space, and line break characters to the return-value JSON text to make it easier to read.
 * @return The JSON string. If the operation fails, an error string value is returned (no exception thrown).
export function stringify(value: any, replacer?: any, space?: string | number): string;

 * Returns a Promise that resolves after the requested timeout.
 * @param timeout - The number of milliseconds to wait before resolving the Promise.
 * @return A Promise.
export function wait(timeout?: number): Promise<void>;

 * Returns a Promise that never resolves.
export function block(): Promise<void>;

export namespace ts {

     * Defines a type that can must be one of T or U but not both.
    type XOR<T, U> = (T | U) extends object ? (internals.Without<T, U> & U) | (internals.Without<U, T> & T) : T | U;

declare namespace internals {

    type Without<T, U> = { [P in Exclude<keyof T, keyof U>]?: never };

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0