Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/@hapi/boom/lib/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/@hapi/boom/lib/index.js |
'use strict'; const Hoek = require('@hapi/hoek'); const internals = { codes: new Map([ [100, 'Continue'], [101, 'Switching Protocols'], [102, 'Processing'], [200, 'OK'], [201, 'Created'], [202, 'Accepted'], [203, 'Non-Authoritative Information'], [204, 'No Content'], [205, 'Reset Content'], [206, 'Partial Content'], [207, 'Multi-Status'], [300, 'Multiple Choices'], [301, 'Moved Permanently'], [302, 'Moved Temporarily'], [303, 'See Other'], [304, 'Not Modified'], [305, 'Use Proxy'], [307, 'Temporary Redirect'], [400, 'Bad Request'], [401, 'Unauthorized'], [402, 'Payment Required'], [403, 'Forbidden'], [404, 'Not Found'], [405, 'Method Not Allowed'], [406, 'Not Acceptable'], [407, 'Proxy Authentication Required'], [408, 'Request Time-out'], [409, 'Conflict'], [410, 'Gone'], [411, 'Length Required'], [412, 'Precondition Failed'], [413, 'Request Entity Too Large'], [414, 'Request-URI Too Large'], [415, 'Unsupported Media Type'], [416, 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable'], [417, 'Expectation Failed'], [418, 'I\'m a teapot'], [422, 'Unprocessable Entity'], [423, 'Locked'], [424, 'Failed Dependency'], [425, 'Unordered Collection'], [426, 'Upgrade Required'], [428, 'Precondition Required'], [429, 'Too Many Requests'], [431, 'Request Header Fields Too Large'], [451, 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons'], [500, 'Internal Server Error'], [501, 'Not Implemented'], [502, 'Bad Gateway'], [503, 'Service Unavailable'], [504, 'Gateway Time-out'], [505, 'HTTP Version Not Supported'], [506, 'Variant Also Negotiates'], [507, 'Insufficient Storage'], [509, 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded'], [510, 'Not Extended'], [511, 'Network Authentication Required'] ]) }; module.exports = internals.Boom = class extends Error { constructor(message, options = {}) { if (message instanceof Error) { return internals.Boom.boomify(Hoek.clone(message), options); } const { statusCode = 500, data = null, ctor = internals.Boom } = options; const error = new Error(message ? message : undefined); // Avoids settings null message Error.captureStackTrace(error, ctor); // Filter the stack to our external API error.data = data; const boom = internals.initialize(error, statusCode); Object.defineProperty(boom, 'typeof', { value: ctor }); if (options.decorate) { Object.assign(boom, options.decorate); } return boom; } static [Symbol.hasInstance](instance) { return internals.Boom.isBoom(instance); } static isBoom(err) { return err instanceof Error && !!err.isBoom; } static boomify(err, options) { Hoek.assert(err instanceof Error, 'Cannot wrap non-Error object'); options = options || {}; if (options.data !== undefined) { err.data = options.data; } if (options.decorate) { Object.assign(err, options.decorate); } if (!err.isBoom) { return internals.initialize(err, options.statusCode || 500, options.message); } if (options.override === false || // Defaults to true !options.statusCode && !options.message) { return err; } return internals.initialize(err, options.statusCode || err.output.statusCode, options.message); } // 4xx Client Errors static badRequest(message, data) { return new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 400, data, ctor: internals.Boom.badRequest }); } static unauthorized(message, scheme, attributes) { // Or (message, wwwAuthenticate[]) const err = new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 401, ctor: internals.Boom.unauthorized }); // function (message) if (!scheme) { return err; } // function (message, wwwAuthenticate[]) if (typeof scheme !== 'string') { err.output.headers['WWW-Authenticate'] = scheme.join(', '); return err; } // function (message, scheme, attributes) let wwwAuthenticate = `${scheme} `; if (attributes || message) { err.output.payload.attributes = {}; } if (attributes) { if (typeof attributes === 'string') { wwwAuthenticate += Hoek.escapeHeaderAttribute(attributes); err.output.payload.attributes = attributes; } else { wwwAuthenticate += Object.keys(attributes).map((name) => { let value = attributes[name]; if (value === null || value === undefined) { value = ''; } err.output.payload.attributes[name] = value; return `${name}="${Hoek.escapeHeaderAttribute(value.toString())}"`; }) .join(', '); } } if (message) { if (attributes) { wwwAuthenticate += ', '; } wwwAuthenticate += `error="${Hoek.escapeHeaderAttribute(message)}"`; err.output.payload.attributes.error = message; } else { err.isMissing = true; } err.output.headers['WWW-Authenticate'] = wwwAuthenticate; return err; } static paymentRequired(message, data) { return new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 402, data, ctor: internals.Boom.paymentRequired }); } static forbidden(message, data) { return new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 403, data, ctor: internals.Boom.forbidden }); } static notFound(message, data) { return new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 404, data, ctor: internals.Boom.notFound }); } static methodNotAllowed(message, data, allow) { const err = new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 405, data, ctor: internals.Boom.methodNotAllowed }); if (typeof allow === 'string') { allow = [allow]; } if (Array.isArray(allow)) { err.output.headers.Allow = allow.join(', '); } return err; } static notAcceptable(message, data) { return new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 406, data, ctor: internals.Boom.notAcceptable }); } static proxyAuthRequired(message, data) { return new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 407, data, ctor: internals.Boom.proxyAuthRequired }); } static clientTimeout(message, data) { return new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 408, data, ctor: internals.Boom.clientTimeout }); } static conflict(message, data) { return new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 409, data, ctor: internals.Boom.conflict }); } static resourceGone(message, data) { return new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 410, data, ctor: internals.Boom.resourceGone }); } static lengthRequired(message, data) { return new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 411, data, ctor: internals.Boom.lengthRequired }); } static preconditionFailed(message, data) { return new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 412, data, ctor: internals.Boom.preconditionFailed }); } static entityTooLarge(message, data) { return new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 413, data, ctor: internals.Boom.entityTooLarge }); } static uriTooLong(message, data) { return new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 414, data, ctor: internals.Boom.uriTooLong }); } static unsupportedMediaType(message, data) { return new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 415, data, ctor: internals.Boom.unsupportedMediaType }); } static rangeNotSatisfiable(message, data) { return new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 416, data, ctor: internals.Boom.rangeNotSatisfiable }); } static expectationFailed(message, data) { return new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 417, data, ctor: internals.Boom.expectationFailed }); } static teapot(message, data) { return new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 418, data, ctor: internals.Boom.teapot }); } static badData(message, data) { return new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 422, data, ctor: internals.Boom.badData }); } static locked(message, data) { return new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 423, data, ctor: internals.Boom.locked }); } static failedDependency(message, data) { return new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 424, data, ctor: internals.Boom.failedDependency }); } static preconditionRequired(message, data) { return new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 428, data, ctor: internals.Boom.preconditionRequired }); } static tooManyRequests(message, data) { return new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 429, data, ctor: internals.Boom.tooManyRequests }); } static illegal(message, data) { return new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode: 451, data, ctor: internals.Boom.illegal }); } // 5xx Server Errors static internal(message, data, statusCode = 500) { return internals.serverError(message, data, statusCode, internals.Boom.internal); } static notImplemented(message, data) { return internals.serverError(message, data, 501, internals.Boom.notImplemented); } static badGateway(message, data) { return internals.serverError(message, data, 502, internals.Boom.badGateway); } static serverUnavailable(message, data) { return internals.serverError(message, data, 503, internals.Boom.serverUnavailable); } static gatewayTimeout(message, data) { return internals.serverError(message, data, 504, internals.Boom.gatewayTimeout); } static badImplementation(message, data) { const err = internals.serverError(message, data, 500, internals.Boom.badImplementation); err.isDeveloperError = true; return err; } }; internals.Boom.default = internals.Boom; // Support ES6 module import internals.initialize = function (err, statusCode, message) { const numberCode = parseInt(statusCode, 10); Hoek.assert(!isNaN(numberCode) && numberCode >= 400, 'First argument must be a number (400+):', statusCode); err.isBoom = true; err.isServer = numberCode >= 500; if (!err.hasOwnProperty('data')) { err.data = null; } err.output = { statusCode: numberCode, payload: {}, headers: {} }; Object.defineProperty(err, 'reformat', { value: internals.reformat }); if (!message && !err.message) { err.reformat(); message = err.output.payload.error; } if (message) { const props = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(err, 'message') || Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(err), 'message'); Hoek.assert(props.configurable && !props.get, 'The error is not compatible with boom'); err.message = message + (err.message ? ': ' + err.message : ''); err.output.payload.message = err.message; } err.reformat(); return err; }; internals.reformat = function (debug = false) { this.output.payload.statusCode = this.output.statusCode; this.output.payload.error = internals.codes.get(this.output.statusCode) || 'Unknown'; if (this.output.statusCode === 500 && debug !== true) { this.output.payload.message = 'An internal server error occurred'; // Hide actual error from user } else if (this.message) { this.output.payload.message = this.message; } }; internals.serverError = function (message, data, statusCode, ctor) { if (data instanceof Error && !data.isBoom) { return internals.Boom.boomify(data, { statusCode, message }); } return new internals.Boom(message, { statusCode, data, ctor }); };