Direktori : /home/opti/optisoftcom-new/perl5/lib/perl5/Sub/ |
Current File : /home/opti/optisoftcom-new/perl5/lib/perl5/Sub/Quote.pm |
package Sub::Quote; sub _clean_eval { eval $_[0] } use strict; use warnings; use Sub::Defer qw(defer_sub); use Scalar::Util qw(weaken); use Exporter qw(import); use Carp qw(croak); BEGIN { our @CARP_NOT = qw(Sub::Defer) } use B (); BEGIN { *_HAVE_IS_UTF8 = defined &utf8::is_utf8 ? sub(){1} : sub(){0}; *_HAVE_PERLSTRING = defined &B::perlstring ? sub(){1} : sub(){0}; } our $VERSION = '2.005001'; $VERSION = eval $VERSION; our @EXPORT = qw(quote_sub unquote_sub quoted_from_sub qsub); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(quotify capture_unroll inlinify sanitize_identifier); our %QUOTED; sub quotify { my $value = $_[0]; no warnings 'numeric'; ! defined $value ? 'undef()' # numeric detection : (!(_HAVE_IS_UTF8 && utf8::is_utf8($value)) && length( (my $dummy = '') & $value ) && 0 + $value eq $value && $value * 0 == 0 ) ? $value : _HAVE_PERLSTRING ? B::perlstring($value) : qq["\Q$value\E"]; } sub sanitize_identifier { my $name = shift; $name =~ s/([_\W])/sprintf('_%x', ord($1))/ge; $name; } sub capture_unroll { my ($from, $captures, $indent) = @_; join( '', map { /^([\@\%\$])/ or croak "capture key should start with \@, \% or \$: $_"; (' ' x $indent).qq{my ${_} = ${1}{${from}->{${\quotify $_}}};\n}; } keys %$captures ); } sub inlinify { my ($code, $args, $extra, $local) = @_; my $do = 'do { '.($extra||''); if ($code =~ s/^(\s*package\s+([a-zA-Z0-9:]+);)//) { $do .= $1; } if ($code =~ s{ \A((?:\#\ BEGIN\ quote_sub\ PRELUDE\n.*?\#\ END\ quote_sub\ PRELUDE\n)?\s*) (^\s*) my \s* \(([^)]+)\) \s* = \s* \@_; }{}xms) { my ($pre, $indent, $code_args) = ($1, $2, $3); $do .= $pre; if ($code_args ne $args) { $do .= $indent . 'my ('.$code_args.') = ('.$args.'); '; } } elsif ($local || $args ne '@_') { $do .= ($local ? 'local ' : '').'@_ = ('.$args.'); '; } $do.$code.' }'; } sub quote_sub { # HOLY DWIMMERY, BATMAN! # $name => $code => \%captures => \%options # $name => $code => \%captures # $name => $code # $code => \%captures => \%options # $code my $options = (ref($_[-1]) eq 'HASH' and ref($_[-2]) eq 'HASH') ? pop : {}; my $captures = ref($_[-1]) eq 'HASH' ? pop : undef; undef($captures) if $captures && !keys %$captures; my $code = pop; my $name = $_[0]; if ($name) { my $subname = $name; my $package = $subname =~ s/(.*)::// ? $1 : caller; $name = join '::', $package, $subname; croak qq{package name "$package" too long!} if length $package > 252; croak qq{package name "$package" is not valid!} unless $package =~ /^[^\d\W]\w*(?:::\w+)*$/; croak qq{sub name "$subname" too long!} if length $subname > 252; croak qq{sub name "$subname" is not valid!} unless $subname =~ /^[^\d\W]\w*$/; } my @caller = caller(0); my ($attributes, $file, $line) = @{$options}{qw(attributes file line)}; if ($attributes) { /\A\w+(?:\(.*\))?\z/s || croak "invalid attribute $_" for @$attributes; } my $quoted_info = { name => $name, code => $code, captures => $captures, package => (exists $options->{package} ? $options->{package} : $caller[0]), hints => (exists $options->{hints} ? $options->{hints} : $caller[8]), warning_bits => (exists $options->{warning_bits} ? $options->{warning_bits} : $caller[9]), hintshash => (exists $options->{hintshash} ? $options->{hintshash} : $caller[10]), ($attributes ? (attributes => $attributes) : ()), ($file ? (file => $file) : ()), ($line ? (line => $line) : ()), }; my $unquoted; weaken($quoted_info->{unquoted} = \$unquoted); if ($options->{no_defer}) { my $fake = \my $var; local $QUOTED{$fake} = $quoted_info; my $sub = unquote_sub($fake); Sub::Defer::_install_coderef($name, $sub) if $name && !$options->{no_install}; return $sub; } else { my $deferred = defer_sub( ($options->{no_install} ? undef : $name), sub { $unquoted if 0; unquote_sub($quoted_info->{deferred}); }, { ($attributes ? ( attributes => $attributes ) : ()), ($name ? () : ( package => $quoted_info->{package} )), }, ); weaken($quoted_info->{deferred} = $deferred); weaken($QUOTED{$deferred} = $quoted_info); return $deferred; } } sub _context { my $info = shift; $info->{context} ||= do { my ($package, $hints, $warning_bits, $hintshash, $file, $line) = @{$info}{qw(package hints warning_bits hintshash file line)}; $line ||= 1 if $file; my $line_mark = ''; if ($line) { $line_mark = "#line ".($line-1); if ($file) { $line_mark .= qq{ "$file"}; } $line_mark .= "\n"; } $info->{context} ="# BEGIN quote_sub PRELUDE\n" ."package $package;\n" ."BEGIN {\n" ." \$^H = ".quotify($hints).";\n" ." \${^WARNING_BITS} = ".quotify($warning_bits).";\n" ." \%^H = (\n" . join('', map " ".quotify($_)." => ".quotify($hintshash->{$_}).",\n", keys %$hintshash) ." );\n" ."}\n" .$line_mark ."# END quote_sub PRELUDE\n"; }; } sub quoted_from_sub { my ($sub) = @_; my $quoted_info = $QUOTED{$sub||''} or return undef; my ($name, $code, $captures, $unquoted, $deferred) = @{$quoted_info}{qw(name code captures unquoted deferred)}; $code = _context($quoted_info) . $code; $unquoted &&= $$unquoted; if (($deferred && $deferred eq $sub) || ($unquoted && $unquoted eq $sub)) { return [ $name, $code, $captures, $unquoted, $deferred ]; } return undef; } sub unquote_sub { my ($sub) = @_; my $quoted_info = $QUOTED{$sub} or return undef; my $unquoted = $quoted_info->{unquoted}; unless ($unquoted && $$unquoted) { my ($name, $code, $captures, $package, $attributes) = @{$quoted_info}{qw(name code captures package attributes)}; ($package, $name) = $name =~ /(.*)::(.*)/ if $name; my %captures = $captures ? %$captures : (); $captures{'$_UNQUOTED'} = \$unquoted; $captures{'$_QUOTED'} = \$quoted_info; my $make_sub = "{\n" . capture_unroll("\$_[1]", \%captures, 2) . " package ${package};\n" . ( $name # disable the 'variable $x will not stay shared' warning since # we're not letting it escape from this scope anyway so there's # nothing trying to share it ? " no warnings 'closure';\n sub ${name} " : " \$\$_UNQUOTED = sub " ) . ($attributes ? join('', map ":$_ ", @$attributes) : '') . "{\n" . " (\$_QUOTED,\$_UNQUOTED) if 0;\n" . _context($quoted_info) . $code . " }".($name ? "\n \$\$_UNQUOTED = \\&${name}" : '') . ";\n" . "}\n" . "1;\n"; $ENV{SUB_QUOTE_DEBUG} && warn $make_sub; { no strict 'refs'; local *{"${package}::${name}"} if $name; my ($success, $e); { local $@; $success = _clean_eval($make_sub, \%captures); $e = $@; } unless ($success) { my $space = length($make_sub =~ tr/\n//); my $line = 0; $make_sub =~ s/^/sprintf "%${space}d: ", ++$line/emg; croak "Eval went very, very wrong:\n\n${make_sub}\n\n$e"; } weaken($QUOTED{$$unquoted} = $quoted_info); } } $$unquoted; } sub qsub ($) { goto "e_sub; } sub CLONE { my @quoted = map { defined $_ ? ( $_->{unquoted} && ${$_->{unquoted}} ? (${ $_->{unquoted} } => $_) : (), $_->{deferred} ? ($_->{deferred} => $_) : (), ) : () } values %QUOTED; %QUOTED = @quoted; weaken($_) for values %QUOTED; } 1; __END__ =encoding utf-8 =head1 NAME Sub::Quote - Efficient generation of subroutines via string eval =head1 SYNOPSIS package Silly; use Sub::Quote qw(quote_sub unquote_sub quoted_from_sub); quote_sub 'Silly::kitty', q{ print "meow" }; quote_sub 'Silly::doggy', q{ print "woof" }; my $sound = 0; quote_sub 'Silly::dagron', q{ print ++$sound % 2 ? 'burninate' : 'roar' }, { '$sound' => \$sound }; And elsewhere: Silly->kitty; # meow Silly->doggy; # woof Silly->dagron; # burninate Silly->dagron; # roar Silly->dagron; # burninate =head1 DESCRIPTION This package provides performant ways to generate subroutines from strings. =head1 SUBROUTINES =head2 quote_sub my $coderef = quote_sub 'Foo::bar', q{ print $x++ . "\n" }, { '$x' => \0 }; Arguments: ?$name, $code, ?\%captures, ?\%options C<$name> is the subroutine where the coderef will be installed. C<$code> is a string that will be turned into code. C<\%captures> is a hashref of variables that will be made available to the code. The keys should be the full name of the variable to be made available, including the sigil. The values should be references to the values. The variables will contain copies of the values. See the L</SYNOPSIS>'s C<Silly::dagron> for an example using captures. Exported by default. =head3 options =over 2 =item C<no_install> B<Boolean>. Set this option to not install the generated coderef into the passed subroutine name on undefer. =item C<no_defer> B<Boolean>. Prevents a Sub::Defer wrapper from being generated for the quoted sub. If the sub will most likely be called at some point, setting this is a good idea. For a sub that will most likely be inlined, it is not recommended. =item C<package> The package that the quoted sub will be evaluated in. If not specified, the package from sub calling C<quote_sub> will be used. =item C<hints> The value of L<< C<$^H> | perlvar/$^H >> to use for the code being evaluated. This captures the settings of the L<strict> pragma. If not specified, the value from the calling code will be used. =item C<warning_bits> The value of L<< C<${^WARNING_BITS}> | perlvar/${^WARNING_BITS} >> to use for the code being evaluated. This captures the L<warnings> set. If not specified, the warnings from the calling code will be used. =item C<%^H> The value of L<< C<%^H> | perlvar/%^H >> to use for the code being evaluated. This captures additional pragma settings. If not specified, the value from the calling code will be used if possible (on perl 5.10+). =item C<attributes> The L<perlsub/Subroutine Attributes> to apply to the sub generated. Should be specified as an array reference. The attributes will be applied to both the generated sub and the deferred wrapper, if one is used. =item C<file> The apparent filename to use for the code being evaluated. =item C<line> The apparent line number to use for the code being evaluated. =back =head2 unquote_sub my $coderef = unquote_sub $sub; Forcibly replace subroutine with actual code. If $sub is not a quoted sub, this is a no-op. Exported by default. =head2 quoted_from_sub my $data = quoted_from_sub $sub; my ($name, $code, $captures, $compiled_sub) = @$data; Returns original arguments to quote_sub, plus the compiled version if this sub has already been unquoted. Note that $sub can be either the original quoted version or the compiled version for convenience. Exported by default. =head2 inlinify my $prelude = capture_unroll '$captures', { '$x' => 1, '$y' => 2, }, 4; my $inlined_code = inlinify q{ my ($x, $y) = @_; print $x + $y . "\n"; }, '$x, $y', $prelude; Takes a string of code, a string of arguments, a string of code which acts as a "prelude", and a B<Boolean> representing whether or not to localize the arguments. =head2 quotify my $quoted_value = quotify $value; Quotes a single (non-reference) scalar value for use in a code string. Numbers aren't treated specially and will be quoted as strings, but undef will quoted as C<undef()>. =head2 capture_unroll my $prelude = capture_unroll '$captures', { '$x' => 1, '$y' => 2, }, 4; Arguments: $from, \%captures, $indent Generates a snippet of code which is suitable to be used as a prelude for L</inlinify>. C<$from> is a string will be used as a hashref in the resulting code. The keys of C<%captures> are the names of the variables and the values are ignored. C<$indent> is the number of spaces to indent the result by. =head2 qsub my $hash = { coderef => qsub q{ print "hello"; }, other => 5, }; Arguments: $code Works exactly like L</quote_sub>, but includes a prototype to only accept a single parameter. This makes it easier to include in hash structures or lists. Exported by default. =head2 sanitize_identifier my $var_name = '$variable_for_' . sanitize_identifier('@name'); quote_sub qq{ print \$${var_name} }, { $var_name => \$value }; Arguments: $identifier Sanitizes a value so that it can be used in an identifier. =head1 CAVEATS Much of this is just string-based code-generation, and as a result, a few caveats apply. =head2 return Calling C<return> from a quote_sub'ed sub will not likely do what you intend. Instead of returning from the code you defined in C<quote_sub>, it will return from the overall function it is composited into. So when you pass in: quote_sub q{ return 1 if $condition; $morecode } It might turn up in the intended context as follows: sub foo { <important code a> do { return 1 if $condition; $morecode }; <important code b> } Which will obviously return from foo, when all you meant to do was return from the code context in quote_sub and proceed with running important code b. =head2 pragmas C<Sub::Quote> preserves the environment of the code creating the quoted subs. This includes the package, strict, warnings, and any other lexical pragmas. This is done by prefixing the code with a block that sets up a matching environment. When inlining C<Sub::Quote> subs, care should be taken that user pragmas won't effect the rest of the code. =head1 SUPPORT Users' IRC: #moose on irc.perl.org =for :html L<(click for instant chatroom login)|http://chat.mibbit.com/#moose@irc.perl.org> Development and contribution IRC: #web-simple on irc.perl.org =for :html L<(click for instant chatroom login)|http://chat.mibbit.com/#web-simple@irc.perl.org> Bugtracker: L<https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=Sub-Quote> Git repository: L<git://github.com/moose/Sub-Quote.git> Git browser: L<https://github.com/moose/Sub-Quote> =head1 AUTHOR mst - Matt S. Trout (cpan:MSTROUT) <mst@shadowcat.co.uk> =head1 CONTRIBUTORS frew - Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt (cpan:FREW) <frioux@gmail.com> ribasushi - Peter Rabbitson (cpan:RIBASUSHI) <ribasushi@cpan.org> Mithaldu - Christian Walde (cpan:MITHALDU) <walde.christian@googlemail.com> tobyink - Toby Inkster (cpan:TOBYINK) <tobyink@cpan.org> haarg - Graham Knop (cpan:HAARG) <haarg@cpan.org> bluefeet - Aran Deltac (cpan:BLUEFEET) <bluefeet@gmail.com> ether - Karen Etheridge (cpan:ETHER) <ether@cpan.org> dolmen - Olivier Mengué (cpan:DOLMEN) <dolmen@cpan.org> alexbio - Alessandro Ghedini (cpan:ALEXBIO) <alexbio@cpan.org> getty - Torsten Raudssus (cpan:GETTY) <torsten@raudss.us> arcanez - Justin Hunter (cpan:ARCANEZ) <justin.d.hunter@gmail.com> kanashiro - Lucas Kanashiro (cpan:KANASHIRO) <kanashiro.duarte@gmail.com> djerius - Diab Jerius (cpan:DJERIUS) <djerius@cfa.harvard.edu> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2010-2016 the Sub::Quote L</AUTHOR> and L</CONTRIBUTORS> as listed above. =head1 LICENSE This library is free software and may be distributed under the same terms as perl itself. See L<http://dev.perl.org/licenses/>. =cut