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package Net::DNS::Nameserver;

# $Id: Nameserver.pm 1692 2018-07-06 08:55:39Z willem $
our $VERSION = (qw$LastChangedRevision: 1692 $)[1];

=head1 NAME

Net::DNS::Nameserver - DNS server class


    use Net::DNS::Nameserver;

    my $nameserver = new Net::DNS::Nameserver(
	LocalAddr	=> ['::1' , ''],
	ZoneFile	=> "filename"

    my $nameserver = new Net::DNS::Nameserver(
	LocalAddr	=> '',
	LocalPort	=> 5353,
	ReplyHandler	=> \&reply_handler


Net::DNS::Nameserver offers a simple mechanism for instantiation of
customised DNS server objects intended to provide test responses to
queries emanating from a client resolver.

It is not, nor will it ever be, a general-purpose DNS nameserver

See L</EXAMPLE> for an example.


use constant USE_SOCKET_IP => defined eval 'use IO::Socket::IP 0.32; 1;';

use strict;
use warnings;
use integer;
use Carp;
use Net::DNS;
use Net::DNS::ZoneFile;

use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;

use constant FORCE_IPv4 => 0;

use constant DEFAULT_ADDR => qw(::1;
use constant DEFAULT_PORT => 53;

use constant STATE_ACCEPTED   => 1;
use constant STATE_GOT_LENGTH => 2;
use constant STATE_SENDING    => 3;

use constant PACKETSZ => 512;

# Constructor.

sub new {
	my ( $class, %self ) = @_;
	my $self = bless \%self, $class;
	if ( !exists $self{ReplyHandler} ) {
		if ( my $handler = UNIVERSAL::can( $class, "ReplyHandler" ) ) {
			$self{ReplyHandler} = sub { $handler->( $self, @_ ); };
	croak 'No reply handler!' unless ref( $self{ReplyHandler} ) eq "CODE";

	$self->ReadZoneFile( $self{ZoneFile} ) if exists $self{ZoneFile};

	# local server addresses must also be accepted by a resolver
	my $LocalAddr = $self{LocalAddr} || [DEFAULT_ADDR];
	my $resolver = new Net::DNS::Resolver( nameservers => $LocalAddr );
	$resolver->force_v4(1) if FORCE_IPv4;
	my @localaddresses = $resolver->nameservers;

	my $port = $self{LocalPort} || DEFAULT_PORT;
	$self{Truncate}	   = 1	 unless defined( $self{Truncate} );
	$self{IdleTimeout} = 120 unless defined( $self{IdleTimeout} );

	my @sock_tcp;						# All the TCP sockets we will listen to.
	my @sock_udp;						# All the UDP sockets we will listen to.

	# while we are here, print incomplete lines as they come along.
	local $| = 1 if $self{Verbose};

	foreach my $addr (@localaddresses) {

		# Create the TCP socket.

		print "\nCreating TCP socket $addr#$port - " if $self{Verbose};

		my $sock_tcp = inet_new(
			LocalAddr => $addr,
			LocalPort => $port,
			Listen	  => 64,
			Proto	  => "tcp",
			Reuse	  => 1,
			Blocking  => 0,
		if ($sock_tcp) {
			push @sock_tcp, $sock_tcp;
			print "done.\n" if $self{Verbose};
		} else {
			carp "Couldn't create TCP socket: $!";

		# Create the UDP Socket.

		print "Creating UDP socket $addr#$port - " if $self{Verbose};

		my $sock_udp = inet_new(
			LocalAddr => $addr,
			LocalPort => $port,
			Proto	  => "udp",

		if ($sock_udp) {
			push @sock_udp, $sock_udp;
			print "done.\n" if $self{Verbose};
		} else {
			carp "Couldn't create UDP socket: $!";


	# Create the Select object.

	my $select = $self{select} = new IO::Select;


	return undef unless $select->count;

	# Return the object.

	return $self;

# ReadZoneFile - Read zone file used by default reply handler

sub ReadZoneFile {
	my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
	my $zonefile = new Net::DNS::ZoneFile($file);

	my $RRhash = $self->{RRhash} = {};
	my $RRlist = [];
	while ( my $rr = $zonefile->read ) {
		my ($leaf) = $rr->{owner}->label;
		push @{$RRhash->{lc $leaf}}, $rr;

		# Warning: Nasty trick abusing SOA to reference zone RR list
		if ( $rr->type eq 'SOA' ) { $RRlist = $rr->{RRlist} = [] }
		else			  { push @$RRlist, $rr }

# ReplyHandler - Default reply handler serving RRs from zone file

sub ReplyHandler {
	my ( $self, $qname, $qclass, $qtype, $peerhost, $query, $conn ) = @_;
	my $opcode = $query->header->opcode;
	my $rcode  = 'NOERROR';
	my @ans;

	my $lcase = lc $qname;					# assume $qclass always 'IN'
	my ( $leaf, @tail ) = split /\./, $lcase;
	my $RRhash = $self->{RRhash};
	my $RRlist = $RRhash->{$leaf} || [];			# hash, then linear search
	my @match  = grep lc( $_->owner ) eq $lcase, @$RRlist;

	if ( $qtype eq 'AXFR' ) {
		my ($soa) = grep $_->type eq 'SOA', @match;
		if ($soa) { push @ans, $soa, @{$soa->{RRlist}}, $soa }
		else	  { $rcode = 'NOTAUTH' }

	} else {
		unless ( scalar(@match) ) {
			my $wildcard = join '.', '*', @tail;
			my $wildlist = $RRhash->{'*'} || [];
			foreach ( grep lc( $_->owner ) eq $wildcard, @$wildlist ) {
				my $clone = bless {%$_}, ref($_);
				push @match, $clone;
			$rcode = 'NXDOMAIN' unless @match;
		@ans = grep $_->type eq $qtype, @match;

	return ( $rcode, \@ans, [], [], {aa => 1}, {} );

# inet_new - Calls the constructor in the correct module for making sockets.

sub inet_new {
	return new IO::Socket::IP(@_) if USE_SOCKET_IP;
	return new IO::Socket::INET(@_) unless USE_SOCKET_IP;

# make_reply - Make a reply packet.

sub make_reply {
	my ( $self, $query, $peerhost, $conn ) = @_;

	unless ($query) {
		print "ERROR: invalid packet\n" if $self->{Verbose};
		my $empty = new Net::DNS::Packet();		# create empty reply packet
		my $reply = $empty->reply();
		return $reply;

	if ( $query->header->qr() ) {
		print "ERROR: invalid packet (qr set), dropping\n" if $self->{Verbose};

	my $reply  = $query->reply();
	my $header = $reply->header;
	my $headermask;
	my $optionmask;

	my $opcode  = $query->header->opcode;
	my $qdcount = $query->header->qdcount;

	unless ($qdcount) {

	} elsif ( $qdcount > 1 ) {
		print "ERROR: qdcount $qdcount unsupported\n" if $self->{Verbose};

	} else {
		my ($qr)   = $query->question;
		my $qname  = $qr->qname;
		my $qtype  = $qr->qtype;
		my $qclass = $qr->qclass;

		my $id = $query->header->id;
		print "query $id : $qname $qclass $qtype\n" if $self->{Verbose};

		my ( $rcode, $ans, $auth, $add );
		my @arglist = ( $qname, $qclass, $qtype, $peerhost, $query, $conn );

		if ( $opcode eq "QUERY" ) {
			( $rcode, $ans, $auth, $add, $headermask, $optionmask ) =

		} elsif ( $opcode eq "NOTIFY" ) {		#RFC1996
			if ( ref $self->{NotifyHandler} eq "CODE" ) {
				( $rcode, $ans, $auth, $add, $headermask, $optionmask ) =
			} else {
				$rcode = "NOTIMP";

		} elsif ( $opcode eq "UPDATE" ) {		#RFC2136
			if ( ref $self->{UpdateHandler} eq "CODE" ) {
				( $rcode, $ans, $auth, $add, $headermask, $optionmask ) =
			} else {
				$rcode = "NOTIMP";

		} else {
			print "ERROR: opcode $opcode unsupported\n" if $self->{Verbose};
			$rcode = "FORMERR";

		if ( !defined($rcode) ) {
			print "remaining silent\n" if $self->{Verbose};
			return undef;


		$reply->{answer}     = [@$ans]	if $ans;
		$reply->{authority}  = [@$auth] if $auth;
		$reply->{additional} = [@$add]	if $add;

	while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each %{$headermask || {}} ) {

	while ( my ( $option, $value ) = each %{$optionmask || {}} ) {
		$reply->edns->option( $option, $value );

	$header->print if $self->{Verbose} && ( $headermask || $optionmask );

	return $reply;

# readfromtcp - read from a TCP client

sub readfromtcp {
	my ( $self, $sock ) = @_;
	return -1 unless defined $self->{_tcp}{$sock};
	my $peer = $self->{_tcp}{$sock}{peer};
	my $buf;
	my $charsread = $sock->sysread( $buf, 16384 );
	$self->{_tcp}{$sock}{inbuffer} .= $buf;
	$self->{_tcp}{$sock}{timeout} = time() + $self->{IdleTimeout};	  # Reset idle timer
	print "Received $charsread octets from $peer\n" if $self->{Verbose};

	if ( $charsread == 0 ) {				# 0 octets means socket has closed
		print "Connection to $peer closed or lost.\n" if $self->{Verbose};
		delete $self->{_tcp}{$sock};
		return $charsread;
	return $charsread;

# tcp_connection - Handle a TCP connection.

sub tcp_connection {
	my ( $self, $sock ) = @_;

	if ( not $self->{_tcp}{$sock} ) {

		# We go here if we are called with a listener socket.
		my $client = $sock->accept;
		if ( not defined $client ) {
			print "TCP connection closed by peer before we could accept it.\n" if $self->{Verbose};
			return 0;
		my $peerport = $client->peerport;
		my $peerhost = $client->peerhost;

		print "TCP connection from $peerhost:$peerport\n" if $self->{Verbose};
		$self->{_tcp}{$client}{peer}	= "tcp:" . $peerhost . ":" . $peerport;
		$self->{_tcp}{$client}{state}	= STATE_ACCEPTED;
		$self->{_tcp}{$client}{socket}	= $client;
		$self->{_tcp}{$client}{timeout} = time() + $self->{IdleTimeout};

		# After we accepted we will look at the socket again
		# to see if there is any data there. ---Olaf
	} else {

		# We go here if we are called with a client socket
		my $peer = $self->{_tcp}{$sock}{peer};

		if ( $self->{_tcp}{$sock}{state} == STATE_ACCEPTED ) {
			if ( not $self->{_tcp}{$sock}{inbuffer} =~ s/^(..)//s ) {
				return;				# Still not 2 octets ready
			my $msglen = unpack( "n", $1 );
			print "$peer said his query contains $msglen octets\n" if $self->{Verbose};
			$self->{_tcp}{$sock}{state}	  = STATE_GOT_LENGTH;
			$self->{_tcp}{$sock}{querylength} = $msglen;

		# Not elsif, because we might already have all the data
		if ( $self->{_tcp}{$sock}{state} == STATE_GOT_LENGTH ) {

			# return if not all data has been received yet.
			return if $self->{_tcp}{$sock}{querylength} > length $self->{_tcp}{$sock}{inbuffer};

			my $qbuf = substr( $self->{_tcp}{$sock}{inbuffer}, 0, $self->{_tcp}{$sock}{querylength} );
			substr( $self->{_tcp}{$sock}{inbuffer}, 0, $self->{_tcp}{$sock}{querylength} ) = "";
			my $query = new Net::DNS::Packet( \$qbuf );
			if ( my $err = $@ ) {
				print "Error decoding query packet: $err\n" if $self->{Verbose};
				undef $query;			# force FORMERR reply
			my $conn = {
				sockhost => $sock->sockhost,
				sockport => $sock->sockport,
				peerhost => $sock->peerhost,
				peerport => $sock->peerport
			my $reply = $self->make_reply( $query, $sock->peerhost, $conn );
			if ( not defined $reply ) {
				print "I couldn't create a reply for $peer. Closing socket.\n"
						if $self->{Verbose};
				delete $self->{_tcp}{$sock};
			my $reply_data = $reply->data(65535);	# limit to one TCP envelope
			warn "multi-packet TCP response not implemented" if $reply->header->tc;
			my $len = length $reply_data;
			$self->{_tcp}{$sock}{outbuffer} = pack( 'n a*', $len, $reply_data );
			print "Queued TCP response (2 + $len octets) to $peer\n"
					if $self->{Verbose};

			# We are done.
			$self->{_tcp}{$sock}{state} = STATE_SENDING;

# udp_connection - Handle a UDP connection.

sub udp_connection {
	my ( $self, $sock ) = @_;

	my $buf = "";

	$sock->recv( $buf, PACKETSZ );
	my ( $peerhost, $peerport, $sockhost ) = ( $sock->peerhost, $sock->peerport, $sock->sockhost );
	unless ( defined $peerhost && defined $peerport ) {
		print "the Peer host and sock host appear to be undefined: bailing out of handling the UDP connection"
				if $self->{Verbose};

	print "UDP connection from $peerhost:$peerport to $sockhost\n" if $self->{Verbose};

	my $query = new Net::DNS::Packet( \$buf );
	if ( my $err = $@ ) {
		print "Error decoding query packet: $err\n" if $self->{Verbose};
		undef $query;					# force FORMERR reply
	my $conn = {
		sockhost => $sock->sockhost,
		sockport => $sock->sockport,
		peerhost => $sock->peerhost,
		peerport => $sock->peerport
	my $reply = $self->make_reply( $query, $peerhost, $conn ) || return;

	my $max_len = ( $query && $self->{Truncate} ) ? $query->edns->size : undef;
	if ( $self->{Verbose} ) {
		local $| = 1;
		print "Maximum UDP size advertised by $peerhost#$peerport: $max_len\n" if $max_len;
		print "Writing response - ";
		print $sock->send( $reply->data($max_len) ) ? "done" : "failed: $!", "\n";

	} else {
		$sock->send( $reply->data($max_len) );

sub get_open_tcp {
	my $self = shift;
	return keys %{$self->{_tcp}};

# loop_once - Just check "once" on sockets already set up

# This function might not actually return immediately. If an AXFR request is
# coming in which will generate a huge reply, we will not relinquish control
# until our outbuffers are empty.

#  NB  this method may be subject to change and is therefore left 'undocumented'

sub loop_once {
	my ( $self, $timeout ) = @_;

	print ";loop_once called with timeout: " . ( defined($timeout) ? $timeout : "undefined" ) . "\n"
			if $self->{Verbose} && $self->{Verbose} > 4;
	foreach my $sock ( keys %{$self->{_tcp}} ) {

		# There is TCP traffic to handle
		$timeout = 0.1 if $self->{_tcp}{$sock}{outbuffer};
	my @ready = $self->{select}->can_read($timeout);

	foreach my $sock (@ready) {
		my $protonum = $sock->protocol;

		# This is a weird and nasty hack. Although not incorrect,
		# I just don't know why ->protocol won't tell me the protocol
		# on a connected socket. --robert
		$protonum = getprotobyname('tcp') if not defined $protonum and $self->{_tcp}{$sock};

		my $proto = getprotobynumber($protonum);
		if ( !$proto ) {
			print "ERROR: connection with unknown protocol\n"
					if $self->{Verbose};
		} elsif ( lc($proto) eq "tcp" ) {

					&& $self->tcp_connection($sock);
		} elsif ( lc($proto) eq "udp" ) {
		} else {
			print "ERROR: connection with unsupported protocol $proto\n"
					if $self->{Verbose};
	my $now = time();

	# Lets check if any of our TCP clients has pending actions.
	# (outbuffer, timeout)
	foreach my $s ( keys %{$self->{_tcp}} ) {
		my $sock = $self->{_tcp}{$s}{socket};
		if ( $self->{_tcp}{$s}{outbuffer} ) {

			# If we have buffered output, then send as much as the OS will accept
			# and wait with the rest
			my $len = length $self->{_tcp}{$s}{outbuffer};
			my $charssent = $sock->syswrite( $self->{_tcp}{$s}{outbuffer} ) || 0;
			print "Sent $charssent of $len octets to ", $self->{_tcp}{$s}{peer}, ".\n"
					if $self->{Verbose};
			substr( $self->{_tcp}{$s}{outbuffer}, 0, $charssent ) = "";
			if ( length $self->{_tcp}{$s}{outbuffer} == 0 ) {
				delete $self->{_tcp}{$s}{outbuffer};
				$self->{_tcp}{$s}{state} = STATE_ACCEPTED;
				if ( length $self->{_tcp}{$s}{inbuffer} >= 2 ) {

					# See if the client has send us enough data to process the
					# next query.
					# We do this here, because we only want to process (and buffer!!)
					# a single query at a time, per client. If we allowed a STATE_SENDING
					# client to have new requests processed. We could be easilier
					# victims of DoS (client sending lots of queries and never reading
					# from it's socket).
					# Note that this does not disable serialisation on part of the
					# client. The split second it should take for us to lookup the
					# next query, is likely faster than the time it takes to
					# send the response... well, unless it's a lot of tiny queries,
					# in which case we will be generating an entire TCP packet per
					# reply. --robert
					$self->tcp_connection( $self->{_tcp}{$s}{socket} );
			$self->{_tcp}{$s}{timeout} = time() + $self->{IdleTimeout};
		} else {

			# Get rid of idle clients.
			my $timeout = $self->{_tcp}{$s}{timeout};
			if ( $timeout - $now < 0 ) {
				print $self->{_tcp}{$s}{peer}, " has been idle for too long and will be disconnected.\n"
						if $self->{Verbose};
				delete $self->{_tcp}{$s};

# main_loop - Main nameserver loop.

sub main_loop {
	my $self = shift;

	while (1) {
		print "Waiting for connections...\n" if $self->{Verbose};

		# You really need an argument otherwise you'll be burning CPU.


=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

    $nameserver = new Net::DNS::Nameserver(
	LocalAddr	=> ['::1' , ''],
	ZoneFile	=> "filename"

    $nameserver = new Net::DNS::Nameserver(
	LocalAddr	=> '',
	LocalPort	=> 5353,
	ReplyHandler	=> \&reply_handler,
	Verbose		=> 1,
	Truncate	=> 0

Returns a Net::DNS::Nameserver object, or undef if the object
could not be created.

Each instance is configured using the following optional arguments:

    LocalAddr		IP address on which to listen	Defaults to loopback address
    LocalPort		Port on which to listen		Defaults to 53
    ZoneFile		Name of file containing RRs
			accessed using the default
			reply-handling subroutine
    ReplyHandler	Reference to customised
			reply-handling subroutine
    NotifyHandler	Reference to reply-handling
			subroutine for queries with
			opcode NOTIFY (RFC1996)
    UpdateHandler	Reference to reply-handling
			subroutine for queries with
			opcode UPDATE (RFC2136)
    Verbose		Report internal activity	Defaults to 0 (off)
    Truncate		Truncates UDP packets that
			are too big for the reply	Defaults to 1 (on)
    IdleTimeout		TCP clients are disconnected
			if they are idle longer than
			this duration			Defaults to 120 (secs)

The LocalAddr attribute may alternatively be specified as a list of IP
addresses to listen to.
If the IO::Socket::IP library package is available on the system
this may also include IPv6 addresses.

The ReplyHandler subroutine is passed the query name, query class,
query type and optionally an argument containing the peerhost, the
incoming query, and the name of the incoming socket (sockethost). It
must either return the response code and references to the answer,
authority, and additional sections of the response, or undef to leave
the query unanswered.  Common response codes are:

    NOERROR	No error
    FORMERR	Format error
    SERVFAIL	Server failure
    NXDOMAIN	Non-existent domain (name doesn't exist)
    NOTIMP	Not implemented
    REFUSED	Query refused

For advanced usage it may also contain a headermask containing an
hashref with the settings for the C<aa>, C<ra>, and C<ad>
header bits. The argument is of the form
C<< { ad => 1, aa => 0, ra => 1 } >>.

EDNS options may be specified in a similar manner using optionmask
C<< { $optioncode => $value, $optionname => $value } >>.

See RFC 1035 and the IANA dns-parameters file for more information:


The nameserver will listen for both UDP and TCP connections.  On
Unix-like systems, the program will probably have to run as root
to listen on the default port, 53.	A non-privileged user should
be able to listen on ports 1024 and higher.

UDP reply truncation functionality was introduced in VERSION 830.
The size limit is determined by the EDNS0 size advertised in the query,
otherwise 512 is used.
If you want to do packet truncation yourself you should set C<Truncate>
to 0 and truncate the reply packet in the code of the ReplyHandler.

See L</EXAMPLE> for an example.

=head2 main_loop


Start accepting queries. Calling main_loop never returns.

=head2 loop_once

    $ns->loop_once( [TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS] );

Start accepting queries, but returns. If called without a parameter, the
call will not return until a request has been received (and replied to).
Otherwise, the parameter specifies the maximum time to wait for a request.
A zero timeout forces an immediate return if there is nothing to do.

Handling a request and replying obviously depends on the speed of
ReplyHandler. Assuming a fast ReplyHandler, loop_once should spend just a
fraction of a second, if called with a timeout value of 0.0 seconds. One
exception is when an AXFR has requested a huge amount of data that the OS
is not ready to receive in full. In that case, it will remain in a loop
(while servicing new requests) until the reply has been sent.

In case loop_once accepted a TCP connection it will immediately check if
there is data to be read from the socket. If not it will return and you
will have to call loop_once() again to check if there is any data waiting
on the socket to be processed. In most cases you will have to count on
calling "loop_once" twice.

A code fragment like:

    while( $ns->get_open_tcp() ){

Would wait for 10 seconds for the initial connection and would then
process all TCP sockets until none is left.

=head2 get_open_tcp

In scalar context returns the number of TCP connections for which state
is maintained. In array context it returns IO::Socket objects, these could
be useful for troubleshooting but be careful using them.

=head1 EXAMPLE

The following example will listen on port 5353 and respond to all queries
for A records with the IP address	 All other queries will be
answered with NXDOMAIN.	 Authority and additional sections are left empty.
The $peerhost variable catches the IP address of the peer host, so that
additional filtering on its basis may be applied.


    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Net::DNS::Nameserver;

    sub reply_handler {
	my ( $qname, $qclass, $qtype, $peerhost, $query, $conn ) = @_;
	my ( $rcode, @ans, @auth, @add );

	print "Received query from $peerhost to " . $conn->{sockhost} . "\n";

	if ( $qtype eq "A" && $qname eq "foo.example.com" ) {
		my ( $ttl, $rdata ) = ( 3600, "" );
		my $rr = new Net::DNS::RR("$qname $ttl $qclass $qtype $rdata");
		push @ans, $rr;
		$rcode = "NOERROR";
	} elsif ( $qname eq "foo.example.com" ) {
		$rcode = "NOERROR";

	} else {
		$rcode = "NXDOMAIN";

	# mark the answer as authoritative (by setting the 'aa' flag)
	my $headermask = {aa => 1};

	# specify EDNS options	{ option => value }
	my $optionmask = {};

	return ( $rcode, \@ans, \@auth, \@add, $headermask, $optionmask );

    my $ns = new Net::DNS::Nameserver(
	LocalPort    => 5353,
	ReplyHandler => \&reply_handler,
	Verbose	     => 1
	) || die "couldn't create nameserver object\n";


=head1 BUGS

Limitations in perl 5.8.6 makes it impossible to guarantee that
replies to UDP queries from Net::DNS::Nameserver are sent from the
IP-address they were received on. This is a problem for machines with
multiple IP-addresses and causes violation of RFC2181 section 4.
Thus a UDP socket created listening to INADDR_ANY (all available
IP-addresses) will reply not necessarily with the source address being
the one to which the request was sent, but rather with the address that
the operating system chooses. This is also often called "the closest
address". This should really only be a problem on a server which has
more than one IP-address (besides localhost - any experience with IPv6
complications here, would be nice). If this is a problem for you, a
work-around would be to not listen to INADDR_ANY but to specify each
address that you want this module to listen on. A separate set of
sockets will then be created for each IP-address.


Copyright (c)2000 Michael Fuhr.

Portions Copyright (c)2002-2004 Chris Reinhardt.

Portions Copyright (c)2005 Robert Martin-Legene.

Portions Copyright (c)2005-2009 O.M, Kolkman, RIPE NCC.

Portions Copyright (c)2017 Dick Franks.

All rights reserved.

=head1 LICENSE

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
documentation, and that the name of the author not be used in advertising
or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific
prior written permission.


=head1 SEE ALSO

L<perl>, L<Net::DNS>, L<Net::DNS::Resolver>, L<Net::DNS::Packet>,
L<Net::DNS::Update>, L<Net::DNS::Header>, L<Net::DNS::Question>,
L<Net::DNS::RR>, RFC 1035


Zerion Mini Shell 1.0