Direktori : /home/opti/optisoftcom-new/perl5/lib/perl5/MongoDB/ |
Current File : /home/opti/optisoftcom-new/perl5/lib/perl5/MongoDB/_Link.pm |
# Copyright 2014 - present MongoDB, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Some portions of this code were copied and adapted from the Perl module # HTTP::Tiny, which is copyright Christian Hansen, David Golden and other # contributors and used with permission under the terms of the Artistic License use v5.8.0; use strict; use warnings; package MongoDB::_Link; use version; our $VERSION = 'v2.0.2'; use Moo; use Errno qw[EINTR EPIPE]; use IO::Socket qw[SOCK_STREAM]; use Scalar::Util qw/refaddr/; use Socket qw/SOL_SOCKET SO_KEEPALIVE SO_RCVBUF IPPROTO_TCP TCP_NODELAY AF_INET/; use Time::HiRes qw/time/; use MongoDB::Error; use MongoDB::_Constants; use MongoDB::_Protocol; use MongoDB::_Types qw( Boolish HostAddress NonNegNum Numish ServerDesc ); use Types::Standard qw( HashRef Maybe Str Undef ); use namespace::clean; my $SOCKET_CLASS = eval { require IO::Socket::IP; IO::Socket::IP->VERSION(0.32) } ? 'IO::Socket::IP' : 'IO::Socket::INET'; has address => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, isa => HostAddress, ); has connect_timeout => ( is => 'ro', default => 20, isa => Numish, ); has socket_timeout => ( is => 'ro', default => 30, isa => Numish|Undef, ); has with_ssl => ( is => 'ro', isa => Boolish, ); has SSL_options => ( is => 'ro', default => sub { {} }, isa => HashRef, ); has server => ( is => 'rwp', init_arg => undef, isa => Maybe[ServerDesc], ); has host => ( is => 'lazy', init_arg => undef, isa => Str, ); sub _build_host { my ($self) = @_; my ($host, $port) = split /:/, $self->address; return $host; } my @is_master_fields= qw( min_wire_version max_wire_version max_message_size_bytes max_write_batch_size max_bson_object_size ); for my $f ( @is_master_fields ) { has $f => ( is => 'rwp', init_arg => undef, isa => Maybe[NonNegNum], ); } # wire version >= 2 has supports_write_commands => ( is => 'rwp', init_arg => undef, isa => Boolish, ); # wire version >= 3 has supports_list_commands => ( is => 'rwp', init_arg => undef, isa => Boolish, ); has supports_scram_sha1 => ( is => 'rwp', init_arg => undef, isa => Boolish, ); # wire version >= 4 has supports_document_validation => ( is => 'rwp', init_arg => undef, isa => Boolish, ); has supports_explain_command => ( is => 'rwp', init_arg => undef, isa => Boolish, ); has supports_query_commands => ( is => 'rwp', init_arg => undef, isa => Boolish, ); has supports_find_modify_write_concern => ( is => 'rwp', init_arg => undef, isa => Boolish, ); has supports_fsync_command => ( is => 'rwp', init_arg => undef, isa => Boolish, ); has supports_read_concern => ( is => 'rwp', init_arg => undef, isa => Boolish, ); # wire version >= 5 has supports_collation => ( is => 'rwp', init_arg => undef, isa => Boolish, ); has supports_helper_write_concern => ( is => 'rwp', init_arg => undef, isa => Boolish, ); has supports_x509_user_from_cert => ( is => 'rwp', init_arg => undef, isa => Boolish, ); # for caching wire version >=6 has supports_arrayFilters => ( is => 'rwp', init_arg => undef, isa => Boolish, ); has supports_clusterTime => ( is => 'rwp', init_arg => undef, isa => Boolish, ); has supports_db_aggregation => ( is => 'rwp', init_arg => undef, isa => Boolish, ); has supports_retryWrites => ( is => 'rwp', init_arg => undef, isa => Boolish, ); has supports_4_0_changestreams => ( is => 'rwp', init_arg => undef, isa => Boolish, ); my @connection_state_fields = qw( fh connected rcvbuf last_used fdset is_ssl ); for my $f ( @connection_state_fields ) { has $f => ( is => 'rwp', clearer => "_clear_$f", init_arg => undef, ); } around BUILDARGS => sub { my $orig = shift; my $class = shift; my $hr = $class->$orig(@_); # shortcut on missing required field return $hr unless exists $hr->{address}; ($hr->{host}, $hr->{port}) = split /:/, $hr->{address}; return $hr; }; sub connect { @_ == 1 || MongoDB::UsageError->throw( q/Usage: $handle->connect()/ . "\n" ); my ($self) = @_; if ( $self->with_ssl ) { $self->_assert_ssl; # XXX possibly make SOCKET_CLASS an instance variable and set it here to IO::Socket::SSL } my ($host, $port) = split /:/, $self->address; # PERL-715: For 'localhost' where MongoDB is only listening on IPv4 and # getaddrinfo returns an IPv6 address before an IPv4 address, some # operating systems tickle a bug in IO::Socket::IP that causes # connection attempts to fail before trying the IPv4 address. As a # workaround, we always force 'localhost' to use IPv4. my $fh = $SOCKET_CLASS->new( PeerHost => $host, PeerPort => $port, ( lc($host) eq 'localhost' ? ( Family => AF_INET ) : () ), Proto => 'tcp', Type => SOCK_STREAM, Timeout => $self->connect_timeout >= 0 ? $self->connect_timeout : undef, ) or MongoDB::NetworkError->throw(qq/Could not connect to '@{[$self->address]}': $@\n/); unless ( binmode($fh) ) { undef $fh; MongoDB::InternalError->throw(qq/Could not binmode() socket: '$!'\n/); } unless ( defined( $fh->setsockopt( IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, 1 ) ) ) { undef $fh; MongoDB::InternalError->throw(qq/Could not set TCP_NODELAY on socket: '$!'\n/); } unless ( defined( $fh->setsockopt( SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, 1 ) ) ) { undef $fh; MongoDB::InternalError->throw(qq/Could not set SO_KEEPALIVE on socket: '$!'\n/); } $self->_set_fh($fh); $self->_set_connected(1); my $fd = fileno $fh; unless ( defined $fd && $fd >= 0 ) { $self->_close; MongoDB::InternalError->throw(qq/select(2): 'Bad file descriptor'\n/); } vec( my $fdset = '', $fd, 1 ) = 1; $self->_set_fdset( $fdset ); $self->start_ssl($host) if $self->with_ssl; $self->_set_last_used( time ); $self->_set_rcvbuf( $fh->sockopt(SO_RCVBUF) ); # Default max msg size is 2 * max BSON object size (DRIVERS-1) $self->_set_max_message_size_bytes( 2 * MAX_BSON_OBJECT_SIZE ); return $self; } sub set_metadata { my ( $self, $server ) = @_; $self->_set_server($server); $self->_set_min_wire_version( $server->is_master->{minWireVersion} || "0" ); $self->_set_max_wire_version( $server->is_master->{maxWireVersion} || "0" ); $self->_set_max_bson_object_size( $server->is_master->{maxBsonObjectSize} || MAX_BSON_OBJECT_SIZE ); $self->_set_max_write_batch_size( $server->is_master->{maxWriteBatchSize} || MAX_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE ); # Default is 2 * max BSON object size (DRIVERS-1) $self->_set_max_message_size_bytes( $server->is_master->{maxMessageSizeBytes} || 2 * $self->max_bson_object_size ); if ( $self->accepts_wire_version(2) ) { $self->_set_supports_write_commands(1); } if ( $self->accepts_wire_version(3) ) { $self->_set_supports_list_commands(1); $self->_set_supports_scram_sha1(1); } if ( $self->accepts_wire_version(4) ) { $self->_set_supports_document_validation(1); $self->_set_supports_explain_command(1); $self->_set_supports_query_commands(1); $self->_set_supports_find_modify_write_concern(1); $self->_set_supports_fsync_command(1); $self->_set_supports_read_concern(1); } if ( $self->accepts_wire_version(5) ) { $self->_set_supports_collation(1); $self->_set_supports_helper_write_concern(1); $self->_set_supports_x509_user_from_cert(1); } if ( $self->accepts_wire_version(6) ) { $self->_set_supports_arrayFilters(1); $self->_set_supports_clusterTime(1); $self->_set_supports_db_aggregation(1); $self->_set_supports_retryWrites( defined( $server->logical_session_timeout_minutes ) && ( $server->type ne 'Standalone' ) ? 1 : 0 ); } if ( $self->accepts_wire_version(7) ) { $self->_set_supports_4_0_changestreams(1); } return; } sub accepts_wire_version { my ( $self, $version ) = @_; my $min = $self->min_wire_version || 0; my $max = $self->max_wire_version || 0; return $version >= $min && $version <= $max; } sub start_ssl { my ( $self, $host ) = @_; my $ssl_args = $self->_ssl_args($host); IO::Socket::SSL->start_SSL( $self->fh, %$ssl_args, SSL_create_ctx_callback => sub { my $ctx = shift; Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_mode( $ctx, Net::SSLeay::MODE_AUTO_RETRY() ); }, ); unless ( ref( $self->fh ) eq 'IO::Socket::SSL' ) { my $ssl_err = IO::Socket::SSL->errstr; $self->_close; MongoDB::HandshakeError->throw(qq/SSL connection failed for $host: $ssl_err\n/); } } sub client_certificate_subject { my ($self) = @_; return "" unless $self->fh && $self->fh->isa("IO::Socket::SSL"); my $client_cert = $self->fh->sock_certificate() or return ""; my $subject_raw = Net::SSLeay::X509_get_subject_name($client_cert) or return ""; my $subject = Net::SSLeay::X509_NAME_print_ex( $subject_raw, Net::SSLeay::XN_FLAG_RFC2253() ); return $subject; } sub close { my ($self) = @_; $self->_close or MongoDB::NetworkError->throw(qq/Error closing socket: '$!'\n/); } # this is a quiet close so preexisting network errors can be thrown sub _close { my ($self) = @_; $self->_clear_connected; my $ok = 1; if ( $self->fh ) { $ok = CORE::close( $self->fh ); $self->_clear_fh; } return $ok; } sub is_connected { my ($self) = @_; return $self->connected && $self->fh; } sub write { my ( $self, $buf, $write_opt ) = @_; $write_opt ||= {}; if ( !$write_opt->{disable_compression} && $self->server && $self->server->compressor ) { $buf = MongoDB::_Protocol::compress( $buf, $self->server->compressor, ); } my ( $len, $off, $pending, $nfound, $r ) = ( length($buf), 0 ); MongoDB::ProtocolError->throw( qq/Message of size $len exceeds maximum of / . $self->{max_message_size_bytes} ) if $len > $self->max_message_size_bytes; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; while () { # do timeout ( $pending, $nfound ) = ( $self->socket_timeout, 0 ); TIMEOUT: while () { if ( -1 == ( $nfound = select( undef, $self->fdset, undef, $pending ) ) ) { unless ( $! == EINTR ) { $self->_close; MongoDB::NetworkError->throw(qq/select(2): '$!'\n/); } # to avoid overhead tracking monotonic clock times; assume # interrupts occur on average halfway through the timeout period # and restart with half the original time $pending = int( $pending / 2 ); redo TIMEOUT; } last TIMEOUT; } unless ($nfound) { $self->_close; MongoDB::NetworkTimeout->throw( qq/Timed out while waiting for socket to become ready for writing\n/); } # do write if ( defined( $r = syswrite( $self->fh, $buf, $len, $off ) ) ) { ( $len -= $r ), ( $off += $r ); last unless $len > 0; } elsif ( $! == EPIPE ) { $self->_close; MongoDB::NetworkError->throw(qq/Socket closed by remote server: $!\n/); } elsif ( $! != EINTR ) { if ( $self->fh->can('errstr') ) { my $err = $self->fh->errstr(); $self->_close; MongoDB::NetworkError->throw(qq/Could not write to SSL socket: '$err'\n /); } else { $self->_close; MongoDB::NetworkError->throw(qq/Could not write to socket: '$!'\n/); } } } $self->_set_last_used(time); return; } sub read { my ($self) = @_; # len of undef triggers first pass through loop my ( $msg, $len, $pending, $nfound, $r ) = ( '', undef ); while () { # do timeout ( $pending, $nfound ) = ( $self->socket_timeout, 0 ); TIMEOUT: while () { # no need to select if SSL and has pending data from a frame if ( $self->with_ssl ) { ( $nfound = 1 ), last TIMEOUT if $self->fh->pending; } if ( -1 == ( $nfound = select( $self->fdset, undef, undef, $pending ) ) ) { unless ( $! == EINTR ) { $self->_close; MongoDB::NetworkError->throw(qq/select(2): '$!'\n/); } # to avoid overhead tracking monotonic clock times; assume # interrupts occur on average halfway through the timeout period # and restart with half the original time $pending = int( $pending / 2 ); redo TIMEOUT; } last TIMEOUT; } unless ($nfound) { $self->_close; MongoDB::NetworkTimeout->throw( q/Timed out while waiting for socket to become ready for reading/ . "\n" ); } # read up to SO_RCVBUF if we can if ( defined( $r = sysread( $self->fh, $msg, $self->rcvbuf, length $msg ) ) ) { # because select said we're ready to read, if we read 0 then # we got EOF before the full message if ( !$r ) { $self->_close; MongoDB::NetworkError->throw(qq/Unexpected end of stream\n/); } } elsif ( $! != EINTR ) { if ( $self->fh->can('errstr') ) { my $err = $self->fh->errstr(); $self->_close; MongoDB::NetworkError->throw(qq/Could not read from SSL socket: '$err'\n /); } else { $self->_close; MongoDB::NetworkError->throw(qq/Could not read from socket: '$!'\n/); } } if ( !defined $len ) { next if length($msg) < 4; $len = unpack( P_INT32, $msg ); MongoDB::ProtocolError->throw( qq/Server reply of size $len exceeds maximum of / . $self->{max_message_size_bytes} ) if $len > $self->max_message_size_bytes; } last unless length($msg) < $len; } $self->_set_last_used(time); return $msg; } sub _assert_ssl { # Need IO::Socket::SSL 1.42 for SSL_create_ctx_callback MongoDB::UsageError->throw(qq/IO::Socket::SSL 1.42 must be installed for SSL support\n/) unless eval { require IO::Socket::SSL; IO::Socket::SSL->VERSION(1.42) }; # Need Net::SSLeay 1.49 for MODE_AUTO_RETRY MongoDB::UsageError->throw(qq/Net::SSLeay 1.49 must be installed for SSL support\n/) unless eval { require Net::SSLeay; Net::SSLeay->VERSION(1.49) }; } # Try to find a CA bundle to validate the SSL cert, # prefer Mozilla::CA or fallback to a system file sub _find_CA_file { my $self = shift(); return $self->SSL_options->{SSL_ca_file} if $self->SSL_options->{SSL_ca_file} and -e $self->SSL_options->{SSL_ca_file}; return Mozilla::CA::SSL_ca_file() if eval { require Mozilla::CA }; # cert list copied from golang src/crypto/x509/root_unix.go foreach my $ca_bundle ( "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt", # Debian/Ubuntu/Gentoo etc. "/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt", # Fedora/RHEL "/etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pem", # OpenSUSE "/etc/openssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt", # NetBSD "/etc/ssl/cert.pem", # OpenBSD "/usr/local/share/certs/ca-root-nss.crt", # FreeBSD/DragonFly "/etc/pki/tls/cacert.pem", # OpenELEC "/etc/certs/ca-certificates.crt", # Solaris 11.2+ ) { return $ca_bundle if -e $ca_bundle; } MongoDB::UsageError->throw( qq/Couldn't find a CA bundle with which to verify the SSL certificate.\n/ . qq/Try installing Mozilla::CA from CPAN\n/); } sub _ssl_args { my ( $self, $host ) = @_; my %ssl_args; # This test reimplements IO::Socket::SSL::can_client_sni(), which wasn't # added until IO::Socket::SSL 1.84 if ( Net::SSLeay::OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER() >= 0x01000000 ) { $ssl_args{SSL_hostname} = $host, # Sane SNI support } $ssl_args{SSL_verifycn_scheme} = 'http'; # enable CN validation $ssl_args{SSL_verifycn_name} = $host; # set validation hostname $ssl_args{SSL_verify_mode} = 0x01; # enable cert validation $ssl_args{SSL_ca_file} = $self->_find_CA_file; # user options override default settings for my $k ( keys %{ $self->SSL_options } ) { $ssl_args{$k} = $self->SSL_options->{$k} if $k =~ m/^SSL_/; } return \%ssl_args; } 1; # vim: ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 et: