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#  Copyright 2014 - present MongoDB, Inc.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

# PODNAME: MongoDB::Upgrading
# ABSTRACT: Deprecations and behavior changes from v1 to v2

# vim: set ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 et tw=75:



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

MongoDB::Upgrading - Deprecations and behavior changes from v1 to v2

=head1 VERSION

version v2.0.2


The v2 driver represents an evolutionary rather than revolutionary release,
but with enough differences to justify a major version bump.

The most significant change in v2 is a switch away from the embedded BSON
encoder/decoder to an external library, L<BSON> and an optional
optimization addon, L<BSON::XS>.  Many applications will continue to work
unmodified, but some may need changes.

This document is intended to help developers update their code to take into
account API changes from the v1 driver to the v2 driver.


API Changes are never something to do lightly.  Changes in the v2 driver
were deemed necessary to achieve certain goals, all of which echo themes of
the v1 driver release:

=over 4

=item *

consistency – particularly with regards to Perl <-> BSON data conversion, the v2 driver provides a complete, consistently-designed set of BSON type wrappers, and significantly improved round-trip capabilities.

=item *

server compatibility – as the MongoDB server deprecates or removes functionality, the driver must be updated to match so that users don't develop apps around features that are going away.

=item *

portability – the switch to an external library that has both pure-Perl and XS optimized versions allows the MongoDB driver to support environments without a C compiler available.



=head2 Installing v2 over v1

Because the v2 driver is pure-Perl capable (see below), its Perl
installation directory is different.  If upgrading, you need to be
sure that the old version doesn't shadow the new one.

That's easy with C<cpanm>:

    cpanm --uninst-shadows MongoDB

For the traditional CPAN client, you'll need to configure the
C<make_install_arg> config argument like this:

    $ perl -MCPAN -e shell
    cpan> o conf make_install_arg UNINST=1
    cpan> o conf commit
    cpan> install MongoDB

=head2 BSON library

The MongoDB driver uses a newer version of the L<BSON> library.
Previously, L<BSON> was already required for L<BSON::Decimal128>, so this
is a version bump rather than an entirely new dependency.

=head2 Minimum Perl version

The MongoDB driver now requires Perl v5.10.1 or later.  This provides
better pure-Perl support, several core dependencies, and many fewer bugs
involving Unicode and threads.  While threads are discouraged, threads
under Perl v5.8 were so broken that driver tests were regularly failing.

=head2 Pure-perl capable

The MongoDB driver can now be installed without needing a compiler.  If a
compiler is detected, additional XS-based dependencies will be added to the
prerequisites list for improved performance.  You can also specify
C<PUREPERL_ONLY=1> as a C<Makefile.PL> argument to disable compiler


For detailed information on handling MongoDB data types in Perl, see
L<MongoDB::DataTypes>.  The following sections provide an overview of major
changes from past versions.

=head2 MongoDB::BSON is removed

Code that customized behavior by instantiating this class will need to
use L<BSON> instead.  Options are generally similar, though L<BSON>
provides much more flexibility.

=head2 New type wrapper classes

The L<BSON> module provides a complete set of classes mapping to every BSON
type.  When decoding, these types will be returned for types that don't map
by default to Perl types.

Code that uses C<ref> to check documents returned from the database for
legacy types (e.g.  L<MongoDB::BSON::Regexp>) will need to be updated for
the new type wrappers.

=head2 Legacy type wrappers

All the legacy type wrappers have been updated to be subclasses of their
corresponding L<BSON> library equivalents.  For example,
L<MongoDB::BSON::Regexp> is a subclass of L<BSON::Regex>.  Most of them are
empty subclasses -- the BSON-library versions provide the same API -- but
some have some additional constructor argument behaviors for backwards

The L<BSON> library knows how to encode legacy types, so code that uses
legacy types for encoding values should be able to work without

The legacy type wrappers will be removed in a future major version release
of the driver.

=head2 Default date type decoding

The legacy driver defaulted to decoding the BSON date type as a L<DateTime>
object.  Unfortunately, that type is very heavy-weight and slow to
construct; it's a poor choice as a default as it inflicts that cost whether
or not users ultimately need or want objects of that type.

The previously-deprecated  C<dt_type> configuration argument has been
removed from L<MongoDB::MongoClient> and the default date type of the
L<BSON> library is L<BSON::Time>, which is extremely lightweight and
provides convenience methods to convert to various popular time classes.
It also works well with L<Time::HiRes> for recording datetimes with
millisecond precision.

Code that relied on date types being L<DateTime> objects will need to
convert via the C<as_datetime> method of L<BSON::Time>.

=head2 More consistent string/number heuristics

Depending on their history of use, non-reference Perl scalars may have both
string and number representations internally and the MongoDB driver wasn't
always clear on how it treated them. Moreover, this treatment could vary
slightly by Perl version.  The heuristics are now standardized as follows:

=over 4

=item *

If the value has a valid double representation, it will be encoded to BSON as a double.

=item *

Otherwise, if the value has a valid integer interpretation, it will be encoded as either Int32 or Int64; the smallest type that the value fits will be used; a value that overflows will error.

=item *

Otherwise, the value will be encoded as a UTF-8 string.


The L<BSON> library provides the C<prefer_numeric> attribute to more
aggressively coerce number-like strings that don't already have a numeric
representation into a numeric form.

This is essentially the same as the legacy heuristic but some edge cases
have been made consistent.

=head2 Type helper functions

To make it easy to use type wrappers (and to avoid unintentionally using a
deprecated one), the L<BSON::Types> module has a standard
set of type helper functions:

    use BSON::Types ':all';

    $int32    = bson_int32(42);
    $time     = bson_time(); # now
    $ordered  = bson_doc( first => "John", last => "Doe );


=head2 run_command requires an ordered document

The MongoDB database uses the first key of the document provided to
C<run_command> as the name of the command.  Due to Perl's hash order
randomization, use of a hash reference with more than one key as an
argument to C<run_command> is not reliable.  This restriction is now
enforced.  The argument must be a L<BSON::Doc> object, a L<Tie::IxHash>
object, an array reference with an even number of keys, or a hash reference
with a single key.


=head2 Count method on collections

The C<count> method is deprecated.

The reasons for this change are as follows:

=over 4

=item *

The performance and correctness characteristics of the C<count> method could vary widely depending on whether or not a predicate is used.

=item *

The C<count> method could be incorrect on sharded clusters during document migration between shards.


Many users are unaware of these considerations in the use of C<count>.  As
any change to C<count> could surprise users with unexpected differences in
either performance or correctness, the C<count> method has been replaced
with two new API methods, which more directly convey performance and
correctness expectations:

=over 4

=item *

C<estimated_document_count> takes no predicate; it does not work in transactions; performance is O(1).

=item *

C<count_documents> takes a predicate (even if "empty", meaning count all documents); in can be used with or without transactions; performance is O(N) in the worst case.


B<NOTE>: When upgrading from the deprecated C<count> method, some legacy
operators are not supported and must be replaced:

    | Legacy      | Modern Replacement             |
    | $where      | $expr (Requires MongoDB 3.6+)  |
    | $near       | $geoWithin with $center        |
    | $nearSphere | $geoWithin with $centerSphere  |

=head2 Authentication

The MONGODB-CR authentication mechanism was deprecated in MongoDB server
3.6 and removed in MongoDB server 4.0.  The Perl driver is deprecating
MONGODB-CR, but will not remove it until it no longer supports older

=head2 Query options

The following query options are deprecated:

=over 4

=item *

maxScan -- deprecated in MongoDB server 4.0

=item *

modifiers -- the old C<$> prefixed modifiers have been replaced with explicit, equivalent options for C<find>

=item *

snapshot -- deprecated in MongoDB server 4.0


=head2 MD5 checksum for GridFS files

The C<md5> field of GridFS documents is deprecated.  Use of a checksum like
MD5 has been redundant since MongoDB added write concern and MD5 itself is
no longer considered a secure digest function.  A future release will
remove the use of MD5 entirely.  In the meantime, users can disable MD5
digesting with the C<disable_md5> option in L<MongoDB::GridFSBucket>.

Users who wish to continue storing a digest are encouraged to compute their
own digest using a function of their choice and store it under a
user-defined key in the C<metadata> field of the file document.

=head2 Classes

These classes are superseded by type wrappers from L<BSON>, as described

=over 4

=item *


=item *


=item *


=item *


=item *


=item *




Features deprecated in the v1 release have now been removed.  Additionally,
C<MongoDB::BSON> has been removed in favor of L<BSON>, as described

=head2 Configuration options

=over 4

=item *


=item *


=item *


=item *


=item *


=item *


=item *



=head2 Classes

=over 4

=item *


=item *


=item *



=head2 Functions/Methods

=over 4

=item *

From C<MongoDB> - C<force_double>, C<force_int>

=item *

From C<MongoDB::BulkWrite> and C<MongoDB::BulkWriteView> - C<insert>, C<update>, C<remove>, C<remove_one>

=item *

From C<MongoDB::Collection> - C<insert>, C<batch_insert>, C<remove>, C<update>, C<save>, C<query>, C<find_and_modify>, C<get_collection>, C<ensure_index>, C<drop_indexes>, C<drop_index>, C<get_index>, C<validate>

=item *

From C<MongoDB::Database> - C<eval>, C<last_error>, C<get_gridfs>

=item *

From C<MongoDB::CommandResult> - C<result>

=item *

From C<MongoDB::Cursor> - C<slave_okay>, C<count>


=head1 AUTHORS

=over 4

=item *

David Golden <david@mongodb.com>

=item *

Rassi <rassi@mongodb.com>

=item *

Mike Friedman <friedo@friedo.com>

=item *

Kristina Chodorow <k.chodorow@gmail.com>

=item *

Florian Ragwitz <rafl@debian.org>



This software is Copyright (c) 2018 by MongoDB, Inc.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004


Zerion Mini Shell 1.0