Direktori : /home/opti/optisoftcom-new/perl5/lib/perl5/MongoDB/Op/ |
Current File : /home/opti/optisoftcom-new/perl5/lib/perl5/MongoDB/Op/_Update.pm |
# Copyright 2014 - present MongoDB, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. use strict; use warnings; package MongoDB::Op::_Update; # Encapsulate an update operation; returns a MongoDB::UpdateResult use version; our $VERSION = 'v2.0.2'; use Moo; use MongoDB::UpdateResult; use MongoDB::_Protocol; use MongoDB::_Types qw( Boolish Document ); use Types::Standard qw( Maybe ArrayRef ); use Tie::IxHash; use boolean; use namespace::clean; has filter => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, isa => Document, ); has update => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, ); has is_replace => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, isa => Boolish, ); has multi => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, isa => Boolish, ); has upsert => ( is => 'ro', ); has collation => ( is => 'ro', isa => Maybe( [Document] ), ); has arrayFilters => ( is => 'ro', isa => Maybe( [ArrayRef[Document]] ), ); with $_ for qw( MongoDB::Role::_PrivateConstructor MongoDB::Role::_CollectionOp MongoDB::Role::_SingleBatchDocWrite MongoDB::Role::_UpdatePreEncoder MongoDB::Role::_BypassValidation ); # cached my ($true, $false) = (true, false); sub execute { my ( $self, $link ) = @_; if ( defined $self->collation ) { MongoDB::UsageError->throw( "MongoDB host '" . $link->address . "' doesn't support collation" ) if !$link->supports_collation; MongoDB::UsageError->throw( "Unacknowledged updates that specify a collation are not allowed") if !$self->write_concern->is_acknowledged; } if ( defined $self->arrayFilters ) { MongoDB::UsageError->throw( "MongoDB host '" . $link->address . "' doesn't support arrayFilters" ) if !$link->supports_arrayFilters; MongoDB::UsageError->throw( "Unacknowledged updates that specify arrayFilters are not allowed") if !$self->write_concern->is_acknowledged; } my $orig_op = { q => ( ref( $self->filter ) eq 'ARRAY' ? { @{ $self->filter } } : $self->filter ), u => $self->_pre_encode_update( $link->max_bson_object_size, $self->update, $self->is_replace ), multi => $self->multi ? $true : $false, upsert => $self->upsert ? $true : $false, ( defined $self->collation ? ( collation => $self->collation ) : () ), ( defined $self->arrayFilters ? ( arrayFilters => $self->arrayFilters ) : () ), }; return $self->_send_legacy_op_noreply( $link, MongoDB::_Protocol::write_update( $self->full_name, $self->bson_codec->encode_one( $orig_op->{q}, { invalid_chars => '' } ), $self->_pre_encode_update( $link->max_bson_object_size, $orig_op->{u}, $self->is_replace )->{bson}, { upsert => $orig_op->{upsert}, multi => $orig_op->{multi}, }, ), $orig_op, "MongoDB::UpdateResult", "update", ) if !$self->write_concern->is_acknowledged; return $self->_send_write_command( $link, $self->_maybe_bypass( $link->supports_document_validation, [ update => $self->coll_name, updates => [ { %$orig_op, u => $self->_pre_encode_update( $link->max_bson_object_size, $orig_op->{u}, $self->is_replace ), } ], @{ $self->write_concern->as_args }, ], ), $orig_op, "MongoDB::UpdateResult" )->assert if $link->supports_write_commands; return $self->_send_legacy_op_with_gle( $link, MongoDB::_Protocol::write_update( $self->full_name, $self->bson_codec->encode_one( $orig_op->{q}, { invalid_chars => '' } ), $self->_pre_encode_update( $link->max_bson_object_size, $orig_op->{u}, $self->is_replace )->{bson}, { upsert => $orig_op->{upsert}, multi => $orig_op->{multi}, }, ), $orig_op, "MongoDB::UpdateResult", "update", )->assert; } sub _parse_cmd { my ( $self, $res ) = @_; return ( matched_count => ($res->{n} || 0) - @{ $res->{upserted} || [] }, modified_count => $res->{nModified}, upserted_id => $res->{upserted} ? $res->{upserted}[0]{_id} : undef, ); } sub _parse_gle { my ( $self, $res, $orig_doc ) = @_; # For 2.4 and earlier, 'upserted' has _id only if the _id is an OID. # Otherwise, we have to pick it out of the update document or query # document when we see updateExisting is false but the number of docs # affected is 1 my $upserted = $res->{upserted}; if (! defined( $upserted ) && exists( $res->{updatedExisting} ) && !$res->{updatedExisting} && $res->{n} == 1 ) { $upserted = $self->_find_id( $orig_doc->{u} ); $upserted = $self->_find_id( $orig_doc->{q} ) unless defined $upserted; } return ( matched_count => ($upserted ? 0 : $res->{n} || 0), modified_count => undef, upserted_id => $upserted, ); } sub _find_id { my ($self, $doc) = @_; if (ref($doc) eq "BSON::Raw") { $doc = $self->bson_codec->decode_one($doc); } my $type = ref($doc); return ( $type eq 'HASH' ? $doc->{_id} : $type eq 'ARRAY' ? do { my $i; for ( $i = 0; $i < @$doc; $i++ ) { last if $doc->[$i] eq '_id' } $i < $#$doc ? $doc->[ $i + 1 ] : undef; } : $type eq 'Tie::IxHash' ? $doc->FETCH('_id') : $doc->{_id} # hashlike? ); } 1;