Direktori : /home/opti/optisoftcom-new/perl5/lib/perl5/MongoDB/Op/ |
Current File : /home/opti/optisoftcom-new/perl5/lib/perl5/MongoDB/Op/_Query.pm |
# Copyright 2014 - present MongoDB, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. use strict; use warnings; package MongoDB::Op::_Query; # Encapsulate a query operation; returns a MongoDB::QueryResult object use version; our $VERSION = 'v2.0.2'; use boolean; use Moo; use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/; use List::Util qw/min/; use MongoDB::QueryResult; use MongoDB::QueryResult::Filtered; use MongoDB::_Constants; use MongoDB::_Protocol; use MongoDB::_Types qw( Document CursorType IxHash to_IxHash ); use Types::Standard qw( CodeRef HashRef InstanceOf Maybe Num Str ); use namespace::clean; has client => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, isa => InstanceOf ['MongoDB::MongoClient'], ); #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Attributes based on the CRUD API spec: filter and options #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# has filter => ( is => 'ro', isa => Document, required => 1, ); # XXX The provided 'options' field *MUST* be the output of the class method # 'precondition_options'. Normally, we'd do this in a BUILD method, but in # order to allow the use of the private constructor for speed, we push # responsibility for conditioning the options to the calling site. has options => ( is => 'ro', isa => HashRef, required => 1, ); # Not a MongoDB query attribute; this is used during construction of a # result object has post_filter => ( is => 'ro', predicate => 'has_post_filter', isa => Maybe [CodeRef], ); with $_ for qw( MongoDB::Role::_PrivateConstructor MongoDB::Role::_CollectionOp MongoDB::Role::_ReadOp MongoDB::Role::_CommandCursorOp MongoDB::Role::_OpReplyParser MongoDB::Role::_ReadPrefModifier ); sub execute { my ( $self, $link, $topology ) = @_; if ( defined $self->{options}{collation} and !$link->supports_collation ) { MongoDB::UsageError->throw( "MongoDB host '" . $link->address . "' doesn't support collation" ); } my $res = $link->supports_query_commands ? $self->_command_query( $link, $topology ) : $self->_legacy_query( $link, $topology ); return $res; } sub _command_query { my ( $self, $link, $topology ) = @_; my $op = MongoDB::Op::_Command->_new( db_name => $self->db_name, query => $self->_as_command, query_flags => {}, read_preference => $self->read_preference, bson_codec => $self->bson_codec, session => $self->session, monitoring_callback => $self->monitoring_callback, ); my $res = $op->execute( $link, $topology ); return $self->_build_result_from_cursor($res); } sub _legacy_query { my ( $self, $link, $topology ) = @_; my $opts = $self->{options}; my $query_flags = { tailable => ( $opts->{cursorType} =~ /^tailable/ ? 1 : 0 ), await_data => $opts->{cursorType} eq 'tailable_await', immortal => $opts->{noCursorTimeout}, partial => $opts->{allowPartialResults}, }; my $query = $self->_as_query_document($opts); my $full_name = $self->full_name; # rules for calculating initial batch size my $limit = $opts->{limit} // 0; my $batch_size = $opts->{batchSize} // 0; my $n_to_return = $limit == 0 ? $batch_size : $batch_size == 0 ? $limit : $limit < 0 ? $limit : min( $limit, $batch_size ); my $proj = $opts->{projection} ? $self->bson_codec->encode_one( $opts->{projection} ) : undef; # $query is passed as a reference because it *may* be replaced $self->_apply_read_prefs( $link, $topology, $query_flags, \$query ); my $filter = $self->bson_codec->encode_one($query); my ( $op_bson, $request_id ) = MongoDB::_Protocol::write_query( $full_name, $filter, $proj, $opts->{skip}, $n_to_return, $query_flags ); my $result = $self->_query_and_receive( $link, $op_bson, $request_id, $self->bson_codec ); my $class = $self->has_post_filter ? "MongoDB::QueryResult::Filtered" : "MongoDB::QueryResult"; return $class->_new( _client => $self->client, _address => $link->address, _full_name => $full_name, _bson_codec => $self->bson_codec, _batch_size => $n_to_return, _cursor_at => 0, _limit => $limit, _cursor_id => $result->{cursor_id}, _cursor_start => $result->{starting_from}, _cursor_flags => $result->{flags} || {}, _cursor_num => $result->{number_returned}, _docs => $result->{docs}, _post_filter => $self->post_filter, ); } # awful hack: avoid calling into boolean to get true/false my $TRUE = boolean::true(); my $FALSE = boolean::false(); sub _as_query_document { my ($self, $opts) = @_; # Reconstruct query modifiers style from options. However, we only # apply $maxTimeMS if we're not running a command via OP_QUERY against # the '$cmd' collection. For commands, we expect maxTimeMS to be in # the command itself. my $query = { ( defined $opts->{comment} ? ( '$comment' => $opts->{comment} ) : () ), ( defined $opts->{hint} ? ( '$hint' => $opts->{hint} ) : () ), ( defined $opts->{max} ? ( '$max' => $opts->{max} ) : () ), ( defined $opts->{min} ? ( '$min' => $opts->{min} ) : () ), ( defined $opts->{sort} ? ( '$orderby' => $opts->{sort} ) : () ), ( defined $opts->{maxScan} ? ( '$maxScan' => $opts->{maxScan} ) : () ), ( defined $opts->{returnKey} ? ( '$returnKey' => $opts->{returnKey} ) : () ), ( defined $opts->{showRecordId} ? ( '$showDiskLoc' => $opts->{showRecordId} ) : () ), ( defined $opts->{snapshot} ? ( '$snapshot' => $opts->{snapshot} ) : () ), ( ( defined $opts->{maxTimeMS} && $self->coll_name !~ /\A\$cmd/ ) ? ( '$maxTimeMS' => $opts->{maxTimeMS} ) : () ), # Not a user-provided option: this is only set by MongoDB::Op::_Explain # for legacy $explain support ( defined $opts->{explain} ? ( '$explain' => $TRUE ) : () ), ( '$query' => ( $self->filter || {} ) ), }; # if no modifers were added and there is no 'query' key in '$query' # we remove the extra layer; this is necessary as some special # command queries will choke on '$query' # (see https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-14294) $query = $query->{'$query'} if keys %$query == 1 && !( ( ref( $query->{'$query'} ) eq 'Tie::IxHash' ) ? $query->{'$query'}->EXISTS('query') : exists $query->{'$query'}{query} ); return $query; } my %options_to_prune = map { $_ => 1 } qw/limit batchSize cursorType maxAwaitTimeMS modifiers/; sub _as_command { my ($self) = @_; my $opts = $self->{options}; my $limit = $opts->{limit} // 0; my $batch_size = $opts->{batchSize} // 0; my $single_batch = $limit < 0 || $batch_size < 0; # find command always takes positive limit and batch size, so normalize # them based on rules in the "find, getmore, kill cursor" spec: # https://github.com/mongodb/specifications/blob/master/source/find_getmore_killcursors_commands.rst $limit = abs($limit); $batch_size = $limit if $single_batch; my $tailable = $opts->{cursorType} =~ /^tailable/ ? $TRUE : $FALSE; my $await_data = $opts->{cursorType} eq 'tailable_await' ? $TRUE : $FALSE; return [ # Always send these options find => $self->{coll_name}, filter => $self->{filter}, tailable => $tailable, awaitData => $await_data, singleBatch => ( $single_batch ? $TRUE : $FALSE ), @{ $self->{read_concern}->as_args( $self->session ) }, ( $limit ? ( limit => $limit ) : () ), ( $batch_size ? ( batchSize => $batch_size ) : () ), # Merge in any server options, but cursorType and maxAwaitTimeMS aren't # actually a server option, so we remove it during the merge. Also # remove limit and batchSize as those may have been modified ( map { $_ => $opts->{$_} } grep { !exists $options_to_prune{$_} } keys %$opts ) ]; } # precondition_options is a class method that, given query options, # combines keys from the deprecated 'modifiers' option with the correct # precedence. It provides defaults and and coerces values if needed. # # It returns a hash reference with extracted and coerced options. sub precondition_options { my ( $class, $opts ) = @_; $opts //= {}; my $mods = $opts->{modifiers} // {}; my %merged = ( # # Keys always included in commands or used in calcuations need a # default value if not provided. # # integer ( skip => $opts->{skip} // 0 ), # boolean ( allowPartialResults => ( $opts->{allowPartialResults} ? $TRUE : $FALSE ) ), # boolean ( noCursorTimeout => ( $opts->{noCursorTimeout} ? $TRUE : $FALSE ) ), # integer ( batchSize => $opts->{batchSize} // 0 ), # integer ( limit => $opts->{limit} // 0 ), # string ( cursorType => $opts->{cursorType} // 'non_tailable' ), # # These are optional keys that should be included only if defined. # # integer ( defined $opts->{maxAwaitTimeMS} ? ( maxAwaitTimeMS => $opts->{maxAwaitTimeMS} ) : () ), # hashref ( defined $opts->{projection} ? ( projection => $opts->{projection} ) : () ), # hashref ( defined $opts->{collation} ? ( collation => $opts->{collation} ) : () ), # # These keys have equivalents in the 'modifiers' option: if an options # key exists it takes precedence over a modifiers key, but undefined # values disable the option in both cases. # # string ( ( exists $opts->{comment} ) ? ( ( defined $opts->{comment} ) ? ( comment => $opts->{comment} ) : () ) : ( ( defined $mods->{'$comment'} ) ? ( comment => $mods->{'$comment'} ) : () ) ), # string or ordered document ( ( exists $opts->{hint} ) ? ( ( defined $opts->{hint} ) ? ( hint => $opts->{hint} ) : () ) : ( ( defined $mods->{'$hint'} ) ? ( hint => $mods->{'$hint'} ) : () ) ), # ordered document ( ( exists $opts->{max} ) ? ( ( defined $opts->{max} ) ? ( max => $opts->{max} ) : () ) : ( ( defined $mods->{'$max'} ) ? ( max => $mods->{'$max'} ) : () ) ), # ordered document ( ( exists $opts->{min} ) ? ( ( defined $opts->{min} ) ? ( min => $opts->{min} ) : () ) : ( ( defined $mods->{'$min'} ) ? ( min => $mods->{'$min'} ) : () ) ), # integer ( ( exists $opts->{maxScan} ) ? ( ( defined $opts->{maxScan} ) ? ( maxScan => $opts->{maxScan} ) : () ) : ( ( defined $mods->{'$maxScan'} ) ? ( maxScan => $mods->{'$maxScan'} ) : () ) ), # integer ( ( exists $opts->{maxTimeMS} ) ? ( ( defined $opts->{maxTimeMS} ) ? ( maxTimeMS => $opts->{maxTimeMS} ) : () ) : ( ( defined $mods->{'$maxTimeMS'} ) ? ( maxTimeMS => $mods->{'$maxTimeMS'} ) : () ) ), # ordered document ( ( exists $opts->{sort} ) ? ( ( defined $opts->{sort} ) ? ( sort => $opts->{sort} ) : () ) : ( ( defined $mods->{'$orderby'} ) ? ( sort => $mods->{'$orderby'} ) : () ) ), # boolean ( ( exists $opts->{returnKey} ) ? ( ( defined $opts->{returnKey} ) ? ( returnKey => $opts->{returnKey} ) : () ) : ( ( defined $mods->{'$returnKey'} ) ? ( returnKey => $mods->{'$returnKey'} ) : () ) ), # boolean ( ( exists $opts->{showRecordId} ) ? ( ( defined $opts->{showRecordId} ) ? ( showRecordId => $opts->{showRecordId} ) : () ) : ( ( defined $mods->{'$showDiskLoc'} ) ? ( showRecordId => $mods->{'$showDiskLoc'} ) : () ) ), # boolean ( ( exists $opts->{snapshot} ) ? ( ( defined $opts->{snapshot} ) ? ( snapshot => $opts->{snapshot} ) : () ) : ( ( defined $mods->{'$snapshot'} ) ? ( snapshot => $mods->{'$snapshot'} ) : () ) ), ); # coercions to IxHash: unrolled for efficiency $merged{sort} = to_IxHash( $merged{sort} ) if exists $merged{sort}; $merged{max} = to_IxHash( $merged{max} ) if exists $merged{max}; $merged{min} = to_IxHash( $merged{min} ) if exists $merged{min}; # optional coercion to IxHash if hint is a reference type $merged{hint} = to_IxHash( $merged{hint} ) if ref $merged{hint}; # coercions to boolean (if not already coerced): unrolled for efficiency $merged{returnKey} = ( $merged{returnKey} ? $TRUE : $FALSE ) if exists $merged{returnKey}; $merged{showRecordId} = ( $merged{showRecordId} ? $TRUE : $FALSE ) if exists $merged{showRecordId}; $merged{snapshot} = ( $merged{snapshot} ? $TRUE : $FALSE ) if exists $merged{snapshot}; return \%merged; } # Setters are provided to support the MongoDB::Cursor interface that modifies # options prior to execution. These methods preserve the rules for each key # that are used in precondition_options. Specifically, if passed *undef*, # the options are cleared, except for options that must have a default. # setters for boolean options for my $key ( qw/returnKey showRecordId snapshot/ ) { no strict 'refs'; my $method = "set_$key"; *{$method} = sub { my ($self,$value) = @_; if ( defined $value ) { $self->{options}{$key} = $value ? $TRUE : $FALSE; } else { delete $self->{options}{$key}; } } } # setters for scalar & hashref options for my $key ( qw/collation comment maxAwaitTimeMS maxScan maxTimeMS projection/ ) { no strict 'refs'; my $method = "set_$key"; *{$method} = sub { my ($self,$value) = @_; if ( defined $value ) { $self->{options}{$key} = $value; } else { delete $self->{options}{$key}; } } } # setters for ordered document options for my $key ( qw/max min sort/ ) { no strict 'refs'; my $method = "set_$key"; *{$method} = sub { my ($self,$value) = @_; if ( defined $value ) { $self->{options}{$key} = to_IxHash($value); } else { delete $self->{options}{$key}; } } } # setter for hint, which is an ordered document *or* scalar sub set_hint { my ($self,$value) = @_; if ( defined $value ) { $self->{options}{hint} = ref $value ? to_IxHash($value) : $value; } else { delete $self->{options}{hint}; } } # setters with default of 0 for my $key ( qw/batchSize limit skip/ ) { no strict 'refs'; my $method = "set_$key"; *{$method} = sub { my ($self,$value) = @_; $self->{options}{$key} = $value // 0; } } # setters with default of $FALSE for my $key ( qw/allowPartialResults noCursorTimeout/ ) { no strict 'refs'; my $method = "set_$key"; *{$method} = sub { my ($self,$value) = @_; $self->{options}{$key} = $value ? $TRUE : $FALSE; } } # cursorType has a specific default value sub set_cursorType { my ($self,$value) = @_; $self->{options}{cursorType} = $value // 'non_tailable'; } sub has_hint { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{options}{hint}; } 1;