Direktori : /home/opti/optisoftcom-new/perl5/lib/perl5/MongoDB/Op/ |
Current File : /home/opti/optisoftcom-new/perl5/lib/perl5/MongoDB/Op/_BulkWrite.pm |
# Copyright 2014 - present MongoDB, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. use strict; use warnings; package MongoDB::Op::_BulkWrite; # Encapsulate a multi-document multi-operation write; returns a # MongoDB::BulkWriteResult object use version; our $VERSION = 'v2.0.2'; use Moo; use MongoDB::Error; use MongoDB::BulkWriteResult; use MongoDB::UnacknowledgedResult; use MongoDB::Op::_InsertOne; use MongoDB::Op::_Update; use MongoDB::Op::_Delete; use MongoDB::_Protocol; use MongoDB::_Constants; use MongoDB::_Types qw( Boolish ); use Types::Standard qw( ArrayRef InstanceOf ); use Safe::Isa; use Try::Tiny; use boolean; use namespace::clean; has queue => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, isa => ArrayRef, ); has ordered => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, isa => Boolish, ); has client => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, isa => InstanceOf['MongoDB::MongoClient'], ); has _retryable => ( is => 'rw', isa => Boolish, default => 1, ); with $_ for qw( MongoDB::Role::_PrivateConstructor MongoDB::Role::_CollectionOp MongoDB::Role::_WriteOp MongoDB::Role::_UpdatePreEncoder MongoDB::Role::_InsertPreEncoder MongoDB::Role::_BypassValidation ); sub _is_retryable { my $self = shift; return $self->write_concern->is_acknowledged && $self->_retryable; } sub has_collation { my $self = shift; return !!grep { my ( $type, $doc ) = @$_; ( $type eq "update" || $type eq "delete" ) && defined $doc->{collation}; } @{ $self->queue }; } sub execute { my ( $self, $link ) = @_; Carp::confess("NO LINK") unless $link; if ( $self->has_collation ) { MongoDB::UsageError->throw( "MongoDB host '" . $link->address . "' doesn't support collation" ) if !$link->supports_collation; MongoDB::UsageError->throw( "Unacknowledged bulk writes that specify a collation are not allowed") if !$self->write_concern->is_acknowledged; } my $use_write_cmd = $link->supports_write_commands; # If using legacy write ops, then there will never be a valid modified_count # result so we set that to undef in the constructor; otherwise, we set it # to 0 so that results accumulate normally. If a mongos on a mixed topology # later fails to set it, results merging will handle it in that case. # If unacknowledged, we have to accumulate a result to get bulk semantics # right and just throw it away later. my $result = MongoDB::BulkWriteResult->_new( modified_count => ( $use_write_cmd ? 0 : undef ), write_errors => [], write_concern_errors => [], op_count => 0, batch_count => 0, inserted_count => 0, upserted_count => 0, matched_count => 0, deleted_count => 0, upserted => [], inserted => [], ); my @batches = $self->ordered ? $self->_batch_ordered( $link, $self->queue ) : $self->_batch_unordered( $link, $self->queue ); for my $batch (@batches) { if ($use_write_cmd) { $self->_execute_write_command_batch( $link, $batch, $result ); } else { $self->_execute_legacy_batch( $link, $batch, $result ); } } return MongoDB::UnacknowledgedResult->_new( write_errors => [], write_concern_errors => [], ) if !$self->write_concern->is_acknowledged; # only reach here with an error for unordered bulk ops $result->assert_no_write_error; # write concern errors are thrown only for the entire batch $result->assert_no_write_concern_error; return $result; } my %OP_MAP = ( insert => [ insert => 'documents' ], update => [ update => 'updates' ], delete => [ delete => 'deletes' ], ); # _execute_write_command_batch may split batches if they are too large and # execute them separately sub _execute_write_command_batch { my ( $self, $link, $batch, $result ) = @_; my ( $type, $docs ) = @$batch; my ( $cmd, $op_key ) = @{ $OP_MAP{$type} }; my $boolean_ordered = boolean( $self->ordered ); my ( $db_name, $coll_name, $wc ) = map { $self->$_ } qw/db_name coll_name write_concern/; my @left_to_send = ($docs); my $max_bson_size = $link->max_bson_object_size; my $supports_document_validation = $link->supports_document_validation; while (@left_to_send) { my $chunk = shift @left_to_send; # for update/insert, pre-encode docs as they need custom BSON handling # that can't be applied to an entire write command at once if ( $cmd eq 'update' ) { # take array of hash, validate and encode each update doc; since this # might be called more than once if chunks are getting split, check if # the update doc is already encoded; this also removes the 'is_replace' # field that needs to not be in the command sent to the server for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#$chunk; $i++ ) { next if ref( $chunk->[$i]{u} ) eq 'BSON::Raw'; my $is_replace = delete $chunk->[$i]{is_replace}; $chunk->[$i]{u} = $self->_pre_encode_update( $max_bson_size, $chunk->[$i]{u}, $is_replace ); } } elsif ( $cmd eq 'insert' ) { # take array of docs, encode each one while saving original or generated _id # field; since this might be called more than once if chunks are getting # split, check if the doc is already encoded for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#$chunk; $i++ ) { unless ( ref( $chunk->[$i] ) eq 'BSON::Raw' ) { $chunk->[$i] = $self->_pre_encode_insert( $max_bson_size, $chunk->[$i], '.' ); }; } } my $cmd_doc = [ $cmd => $coll_name, $op_key => $chunk, ordered => $boolean_ordered, @{ $wc->as_args }, ]; if ( $cmd eq 'insert' || $cmd eq 'update' ) { $cmd_doc = $self->_maybe_bypass( $supports_document_validation, $cmd_doc ); } my $op = MongoDB::Op::_Command->_new( db_name => $db_name, query => $cmd_doc, query_flags => {}, bson_codec => $self->bson_codec, session => $self->session, retryable_write => $self->retryable_write, monitoring_callback => $self->monitoring_callback, ); my $cmd_result = eval { $self->_is_retryable ? $self->client->send_retryable_write_op( $op ) : $self->client->send_write_op( $op ); }; if ( my $error = $@ ) { # This error never touches the database!.... so is before any retryable writes errors etc. if ( $error->$_isa("MongoDB::_CommandSizeError") ) { if ( @$chunk == 1 ) { MongoDB::DocumentError->throw( message => "document too large", document => $chunk->[0], ); } else { unshift @left_to_send, $self->_split_chunk( $chunk, $error->size ); } } elsif ( $error->$_can( 'result' ) ) { # We are already going to explode from something here, but # BulkWriteResult has the correct parsing method to allow us to # check for write errors, as they have a higher priority than # write concern errors. MongoDB::BulkWriteResult->_parse_cmd_result( op => $type, op_count => scalar @$chunk, result => $error->result, cmd_doc => $cmd_doc, )->assert_no_write_error; # Explode with original error die $error; } else { die $error; } } redo unless $cmd_result; # restart after a chunk split my $r = MongoDB::BulkWriteResult->_parse_cmd_result( op => $type, op_count => scalar @$chunk, result => $cmd_result, cmd_doc => $cmd_doc, ); # append corresponding ops to errors if ( $r->count_write_errors ) { for my $error ( @{ $r->write_errors } ) { $error->{op} = $chunk->[ $error->{index} ]; } } $result->_merge_result($r); $result->assert_no_write_error if $boolean_ordered; } return; } sub _split_chunk { my ( $self, $chunk, $size ) = @_; my $avg_cmd_size = $size / @$chunk; my $new_cmds_per_chunk = int( MAX_BSON_WIRE_SIZE / $avg_cmd_size ); my @split_chunks; while (@$chunk) { push @split_chunks, [ splice( @$chunk, 0, $new_cmds_per_chunk ) ]; } return @split_chunks; } sub _batch_ordered { my ( $self, $link, $queue ) = @_; my @batches; my $last_type = ''; my $count = 0; my $max_batch_count = $link->max_write_batch_size; for my $op (@$queue) { my ( $type, $doc ) = @$op; if ( $type ne $last_type || $count == $max_batch_count ) { push @batches, [ $type => [$doc] ]; $last_type = $type; $count = 1; } else { push @{ $batches[-1][-1] }, $doc; $count++; } } return @batches; } sub _batch_unordered { my ( $self, $link, $queue ) = @_; my %batches = map { ; $_ => [ [] ] } keys %OP_MAP; my $max_batch_count = $link->max_write_batch_size; for my $op (@$queue) { my ( $type, $doc ) = @$op; if ( @{ $batches{$type}[-1] } == $max_batch_count ) { push @{ $batches{$type} }, [$doc]; } else { push @{ $batches{$type}[-1] }, $doc; } } # insert/update/delete are guaranteed to be in random order on Perl 5.18+ my @batches; for my $type ( grep { scalar @{ $batches{$_}[-1] } } keys %batches ) { push @batches, map { [ $type => $_ ] } @{ $batches{$type} }; } return @batches; } sub _execute_legacy_batch { my ( $self, $link, $batch, $result ) = @_; my ( $type, $docs ) = @$batch; my $ordered = $self->ordered; # if write concern is not safe, we have to proxy with a safe one so that # we can interrupt ordered bulks, even while ignoring the actual error my $wc = $self->write_concern; my $w_0 = !$wc->is_acknowledged; if ($w_0) { my $wc_args = $wc->as_args(); my $wcs = scalar @$wc_args ? $wc->as_args()->[1] : {}; $wcs->{w} = 1; $wc = MongoDB::WriteConcern->new($wcs); } # XXX successive inserts ought to get batched up, up to the max size for # batch, but we have no feedback on max size to know how many to put # together. I wonder if send_insert should return a list of write results, # or if it should just strip out however many docs it can from an arrayref # and leave the rest, and then this code can iterate. for my $doc (@$docs) { my $op; if ( $type eq 'insert' ) { $op = MongoDB::Op::_InsertOne->_new( db_name => $self->db_name, coll_name => $self->coll_name, full_name => $self->db_name . "." . $self->coll_name, document => $doc, write_concern => $wc, bson_codec => $self->bson_codec, monitoring_callback => $self->monitoring_callback, ); } elsif ( $type eq 'update' ) { $op = MongoDB::Op::_Update->_new( db_name => $self->db_name, coll_name => $self->coll_name, full_name => $self->db_name . "." . $self->coll_name, filter => $doc->{q}, update => $doc->{u}, multi => $doc->{multi}, upsert => $doc->{upsert}, write_concern => $wc, is_replace => $doc->{is_replace}, bson_codec => $self->bson_codec, monitoring_callback => $self->monitoring_callback, ); } elsif ( $type eq 'delete' ) { $op = MongoDB::Op::_Delete->_new( db_name => $self->db_name, coll_name => $self->coll_name, full_name => $self->db_name . "." . $self->coll_name, filter => $doc->{q}, just_one => !!$doc->{limit}, write_concern => $wc, bson_codec => $self->bson_codec, monitoring_callback => $self->monitoring_callback, ); } my $op_result = try { $op->execute($link); } catch { if ( $_->$_isa("MongoDB::DatabaseError") && $_->result->does("MongoDB::Role::_WriteResult") ) { return $_->result; } die $_ unless $w_0 && /exceeds maximum size/; return undef; ## no critic: this makes op_result undef }; my $gle_result = $op_result ? MongoDB::BulkWriteResult->_parse_write_op($op_result) : undef; # Even for {w:0}, if the batch is ordered we have to break on the first # error, but we don't throw the error to the user. if ($w_0) { last if $ordered && ( !$gle_result || $gle_result->count_write_errors ); } else { $result->_merge_result($gle_result); $result->assert_no_write_error if $ordered; } } return; } 1;