Direktori : /home/opti/optisoftcom-new/perl5/lib/perl5/MongoDB/GridFSBucket/ |
Current File : /home/opti/optisoftcom-new/perl5/lib/perl5/MongoDB/GridFSBucket/DownloadStream.pm |
# Copyright 2015 - present MongoDB, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. use strict; use warnings; package MongoDB::GridFSBucket::DownloadStream; # ABSTRACT: File handle abstraction for downloading use version; our $VERSION = 'v2.0.2'; use Moo; use Types::Standard qw( Str Maybe HashRef InstanceOf FileHandle ); use MongoDB::_Types qw( Boolish NonNegNum ); use List::Util qw(max min); use namespace::clean -except => 'meta'; #pod =attr file_doc #pod #pod The file document for the file to be downloaded. #pod #pod Valid file documents typically include the following fields: #pod #pod =for :list #pod * _id – a unique ID for this document, typically a L<BSON::OID> object. #pod Legacy GridFS files may store this value as a different type. #pod * length – the length of this stored file, in bytes #pod * chunkSize – the size, in bytes, of each full data chunk of this file. #pod * uploadDate – the date and time this file was added to GridFS, stored as a #pod BSON datetime value and inflated per the bucket's #pod L<bson_codec|MongoDB::GridFSBucket/bson_codec> attribute. #pod * filename – the name of this stored file; this does not need to be unique #pod * metadata – any additional application-specific data #pod * md5 – DEPRECATED #pod * contentType – DEPRECATED #pod * aliases – DEPRECATED #pod #pod =cut has file_doc => ( is => 'ro', isa => HashRef, required => 1, ); has _buffer => ( is => 'rwp', isa => Str, ); has _chunk_n => ( is => 'rwp', isa => NonNegNum, default => 0, ); has _result => ( is => 'ro', isa => Maybe [ InstanceOf ['MongoDB::QueryResult'] ], required => 1, ); # Currently this is always 0, but may be used to add # optional rewinding in the future. has _offset => ( is => 'rwp', isa => NonNegNum, default => 0, ); has _closed => ( is => 'rwp', isa => Boolish, default => 0, ); #pod =method fh #pod #pod my $fh = $downloadstream->fh; #pod while ( <$fh> ) { #pod say($_); #pod } #pod #pod Returns a new Perl file handle tied to this instance of DownloadStream that #pod can be operated on with the built-in functions C<read>, C<readline>, #pod C<getc>, C<eof>, C<fileno> and C<close>. #pod #pod B<Important notes>: #pod #pod Allowing one of these tied filehandles to fall out of scope will NOT cause #pod close to be called. This is due to the way tied file handles are #pod implemented in Perl. For close to be called implicitly, all tied #pod filehandles and the original object must go out of scope. #pod #pod Each file handle retrieved this way is tied back to the same object, so #pod calling close on multiple tied file handles and/or the original object will #pod have the same effect as calling close on the original object multiple #pod times. #pod #pod =cut sub fh { my ($self) = @_; my $fh = IO::Handle->new(); tie *$fh, 'MongoDB::GridFSBucket::DownloadStream', $self; return $fh; } sub _get_next_chunk { my ($self) = @_; return unless $self->_result && $self->_result->has_next; my $chunk = $self->_result->next; if ( $chunk->{'n'} != $self->_chunk_n ) { MongoDB::GridFSError->throw( sprintf( 'ChunkIsMissing: expected chunk %d but got chunk %d', $self->_chunk_n, $chunk->{'n'}, ) ); } my $last_chunk_n = int( $self->file_doc->{'length'} / $self->file_doc->{'chunkSize'} ); my $expected_size = $chunk->{'n'} == $last_chunk_n ? $self->file_doc->{'length'} % $self->file_doc->{'chunkSize'} : $self->file_doc->{'chunkSize'}; if ( length $chunk->{'data'} != $expected_size ) { MongoDB::GridFSError->throw( sprintf( "ChunkIsWrongSize: chunk %d from file with id %s has incorrect size %d, expected %d", $self->_chunk_n, $self->file_doc->{_id}, length $chunk->{'data'}, $expected_size, ) ); } $self->{_chunk_n} += 1; $self->{_buffer} .= $chunk->{data}->{data}; } sub _ensure_buffer { my ($self) = @_; if ( $self->{_buffer} ) { return length $self->{_buffer} } $self->_get_next_chunk; return length $self->{_buffer}; } sub _readline_scalar { my ($self) = @_; # Special case for "slurp" mode if ( !defined($/) ) { return $self->_read_all; } return unless $self->_ensure_buffer; my $newline_index; while ( ( $newline_index = index $self->{_buffer}, $/ ) < 0 ) { last unless $self->_get_next_chunk; } my $substr_len = $newline_index < 0 ? length $self->{_buffer} : $newline_index + 1; return substr $self->{_buffer}, $self->_offset, $substr_len, ''; } sub _read_all { my ($self) = @_; if ( $self->_closed ) { warnings::warnif( 'closed', 'read called on a closed MongoDB::GridFSBucket::DownloadStream' ); return; } return unless $self->_result; my $chunk_size = $self->file_doc->{'chunkSize'}; my $length = $self->file_doc->{'length'}; my $last_chunk_n = int( $length / $chunk_size ); my $last_chunk_size = $length % $chunk_size; my @chunks = $self->_result->all; for (my $i = 0; $i < @chunks; $i++ ) { my $n = $chunks[$i]{n}; if ( $n != $i ) { MongoDB::GridFSError->throw( sprintf( 'ChunkIsMissing: expected chunk %d but got chunk %d', $i, $n) ); } my $expected_size = ($n == $last_chunk_n ? $last_chunk_size : $chunk_size); if ( length $chunks[$i]{data}{data} != $expected_size ) { MongoDB::GridFSError->throw( sprintf( "ChunkIsWrongSize: chunk %d of %d from file with id %s has incorrect size %d, expected %d", $n, $last_chunk_n, $self->file_doc->{_id}, length $chunks[$i]{data}{data}, $expected_size, ) ); } } return join( "", map { $_->{data}{data} } @chunks ); } #pod =method close #pod #pod $stream->close #pod #pod Works like the builtin C<close>. #pod #pod B<Important notes:> #pod #pod =for :list #pod * Calling close will also cause any tied file handles created for the #pod stream to also close. #pod * C<close> will be automatically called when a stream object is destroyed. #pod * Calling C<close> repeatedly will warn. #pod #pod =cut sub close { my ($self) = @_; if ( $self->_closed ) { warn 'Attempted to close an already closed MongoDB::GridFSBucket::DownloadStream'; return; } $self->_set__closed(1); $self->{_result} = undef; $self->{_buffer} = undef; $self->_set__chunk_n(0); return 1; } #pod =method eof #pod #pod if ( $stream->eof() ) { ... } #pod #pod Works like the builtin C<eof>. #pod #pod =cut sub eof { my ($self) = @_; return 1 if $self->_closed || !$self->_ensure_buffer; return; } #pod =method fileno #pod #pod if ( $stream->fileno() ) { ... } #pod #pod Works like the builtin C<fileno>, but it returns -1 if the stream is open #pod and undef if closed. #pod #pod =cut sub fileno { my ($self) = @_; return if $self->_closed; return -1; } #pod =method getc #pod #pod $char = $stream->getc(); #pod #pod Works like the builtin C<getc>. #pod #pod =cut sub getc { my ($self) = @_; my $char; $self->read( $char, 1 ); return $char; } #pod =method read #pod #pod $data = $stream->read($buf, $length, $offset) #pod #pod Works like the builtin C<read>. #pod #pod =cut sub read { my $self = shift; if ( $self->_closed ) { warnings::warnif( 'closed', 'read called on a closed MongoDB::GridFSBucket::DownloadStream' ); return; } my $buffref = \$_[0]; my ( undef, $len, $offset ) = @_; if ( $len < 0 ) { MongoDB::UsageError->throw( 'Negative length passed to MongoDB::GridFSBucket::DownloadStream->read'); } my $bufflen = length $$buffref; $offset ||= 0; $bufflen ||= 0; $$buffref ||= ''; $offset = max( 0, $bufflen + $offset ) if $offset < 0; if ( $offset > $bufflen ) { $$buffref .= ( "\0" x ( $offset - $bufflen ) ); } else { substr $$buffref, $offset, $bufflen - $offset, ''; } return 0 unless $self->_ensure_buffer; while ( length $self->{_buffer} < $len ) { last unless $self->_get_next_chunk } my $read_len = min( length $self->{_buffer}, $len ); $$buffref .= substr $self->{_buffer}, $self->_offset, $read_len, ''; return $read_len; } #pod =method readline #pod #pod $line = $stream->readline(); #pod @lines = $stream->readline(); #pod #pod Works like the builtin C<readline>. #pod #pod =cut sub readline { my ($self) = @_; if ( $self->_closed ) { warnings::warnif( 'closed', 'readline called on a closed MongoDB::GridFSBucket::DownloadStream' ); return; } return $self->_readline_scalar unless wantarray; my @result = (); while ( my $line = $self->_readline_scalar ) { push @result, $line; } return @result; } sub DEMOLISH { my ($self) = @_; $self->close unless $self->_closed; } # Magic tie methods sub TIEHANDLE { my ( $class, $self ) = @_; return $self; } sub BINMODE { my ( $self, $mode ) = @_; if ( !$mode || $mode eq ':raw' ) { return 1; } $! = "binmode for " . __PACKAGE__ . " only supports :raw mode."; return } { no warnings 'once'; *READ = \&read; *READLINE = \&readline; *CLOSE = \&close; *GETC = \&getc; *EOF = \&eof; *FILENO = \&fileno; } my @unimplemented = qw( PRINT PRINTF SEEK TELL WRITE ); for my $u (@unimplemented) { no strict 'refs'; my $l = $u eq 'WRITE' ? 'syswrite' : lc($u); *{$u} = sub { MongoDB::UsageError->throw( "$l() not available on " . __PACKAGE__ ); }; } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME MongoDB::GridFSBucket::DownloadStream - File handle abstraction for downloading =head1 VERSION version v2.0.2 =head1 SYNOPSIS # OO API $stream = $bucket->open_download_stream($file_id) while ( my $line = $stream->readline ) { ... } # Tied-handle API $fh = $stream->fh; while ( my $line = <$fh> ) { ... } =head1 DESCRIPTION This class provides a file abstraction for downloading. You can stream data from an object of this class using method calls or a tied-handle interface. =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 file_doc The file document for the file to be downloaded. Valid file documents typically include the following fields: =over 4 =item * _id – a unique ID for this document, typically a L<BSON::OID> object. Legacy GridFS files may store this value as a different type. =item * length – the length of this stored file, in bytes =item * chunkSize – the size, in bytes, of each full data chunk of this file. =item * uploadDate – the date and time this file was added to GridFS, stored as a BSON datetime value and inflated per the bucket's L<bson_codec|MongoDB::GridFSBucket/bson_codec> attribute. =item * filename – the name of this stored file; this does not need to be unique =item * metadata – any additional application-specific data =item * md5 – DEPRECATED =item * contentType – DEPRECATED =item * aliases – DEPRECATED =back =head1 METHODS =head2 fh my $fh = $downloadstream->fh; while ( <$fh> ) { say($_); } Returns a new Perl file handle tied to this instance of DownloadStream that can be operated on with the built-in functions C<read>, C<readline>, C<getc>, C<eof>, C<fileno> and C<close>. B<Important notes>: Allowing one of these tied filehandles to fall out of scope will NOT cause close to be called. This is due to the way tied file handles are implemented in Perl. For close to be called implicitly, all tied filehandles and the original object must go out of scope. Each file handle retrieved this way is tied back to the same object, so calling close on multiple tied file handles and/or the original object will have the same effect as calling close on the original object multiple times. =head2 close $stream->close Works like the builtin C<close>. B<Important notes:> =over 4 =item * Calling close will also cause any tied file handles created for the stream to also close. =item * C<close> will be automatically called when a stream object is destroyed. =item * Calling C<close> repeatedly will warn. =back =head2 eof if ( $stream->eof() ) { ... } Works like the builtin C<eof>. =head2 fileno if ( $stream->fileno() ) { ... } Works like the builtin C<fileno>, but it returns -1 if the stream is open and undef if closed. =head2 getc $char = $stream->getc(); Works like the builtin C<getc>. =head2 read $data = $stream->read($buf, $length, $offset) Works like the builtin C<read>. =head2 readline $line = $stream->readline(); @lines = $stream->readline(); Works like the builtin C<readline>. =head1 AUTHORS =over 4 =item * David Golden <david@mongodb.com> =item * Rassi <rassi@mongodb.com> =item * Mike Friedman <friedo@friedo.com> =item * Kristina Chodorow <k.chodorow@gmail.com> =item * Florian Ragwitz <rafl@debian.org> =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2018 by MongoDB, Inc. This is free software, licensed under: The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004 =cut