Direktori : /home/opti/optisoftcom-new/perl5/lib/perl5/BSON/ |
Current File : /home/opti/optisoftcom-new/perl5/lib/perl5/BSON/Int32.pm |
use 5.010001; use strict; use warnings; package BSON::Int32; # ABSTRACT: BSON type wrapper for Int32 use version; our $VERSION = 'v1.10.2'; use Carp; use Moo; #pod =attr value #pod #pod A numeric scalar. It will be coerced to an integer. The default is 0. #pod #pod =cut has 'value' => ( is => 'ro' ); use namespace::clean -except => 'meta'; my $max_int32 = 2147483647; my $min_int32 = -2147483648; sub BUILD { my $self = shift; # coerce to IV internally $self->{value} = defined( $self->{value} ) ? int( $self->{value} ) : 0; if ( $self->{value} > $max_int32 || $self->{value} < $min_int32 ) { croak("The value '$self->{value}' can't fit in a signed Int32"); } } #pod =method TO_JSON #pod #pod Returns the value as an integer. #pod #pod If the C<BSON_EXTJSON> environment variable is true and the #pod C<BSON_EXTJSON_RELAXED> environment variable is false, returns a hashref #pod compatible with #pod MongoDB's L<extended JSON|https://github.com/mongodb/specifications/blob/master/source/extended-json.rst> #pod format, which represents it as a document as follows: #pod #pod {"$numberInt" : "42"} #pod #pod =cut sub TO_JSON { return int($_[0]->{value}) if ! $ENV{BSON_EXTJSON} || $ENV{BSON_EXTJSON_RELAXED}; return { '$numberInt' => "$_[0]->{value}" }; } use overload ( # Unary q{""} => sub { "$_[0]->{value}" }, q{0+} => sub { $_[0]->{value} }, q{~} => sub { ~( $_[0]->{value} ) }, # Binary ( map { $_ => eval "sub { return \$_[0]->{value} $_ \$_[1] }" } qw( + * ) ), ## no critic ( map { $_ => eval ## no critic "sub { return \$_[2] ? \$_[1] $_ \$_[0]->{value} : \$_[0]->{value} $_ \$_[1] }" } qw( - / % ** << >> x <=> cmp & | ^ ) ), ( map { $_ => eval "sub { return $_(\$_[0]->{value}) }" } ## no critic qw( cos sin exp log sqrt int ) ), q{atan2} => sub { return $_[2] ? atan2( $_[1], $_[0]->{value} ) : atan2( $_[0]->{value}, $_[1] ); }, # Special fallback => 1, ); 1; =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME BSON::Int32 - BSON type wrapper for Int32 =head1 VERSION version v1.10.2 =head1 SYNOPSIS use BSON::Types ':all'; bson_int32( $number ); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides a BSON type wrapper for a numeric value that would be represented in BSON as a 32-bit integer. If the value won't fit in a 32-bit integer, an error will be thrown. =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 value A numeric scalar. It will be coerced to an integer. The default is 0. =head1 METHODS =head2 TO_JSON Returns the value as an integer. If the C<BSON_EXTJSON> environment variable is true and the C<BSON_EXTJSON_RELAXED> environment variable is false, returns a hashref compatible with MongoDB's L<extended JSON|https://github.com/mongodb/specifications/blob/master/source/extended-json.rst> format, which represents it as a document as follows: {"$numberInt" : "42"} =for Pod::Coverage BUILD =head1 OVERLOADING The numification operator, C<0+> is overloaded to return the C<value>, the full "minimal set" of overloaded operations is provided (per L<overload> documentation) and fallback overloading is enabled. =head1 AUTHORS =over 4 =item * David Golden <david@mongodb.com> =item * Stefan G. <minimalist@lavabit.com> =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2018 by Stefan G. and MongoDB, Inc. This is free software, licensed under: The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004 =cut __END__ # vim: set ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 et tw=75: