Direktori : /home/opti/optisoftcom-new/perl/usr/lib/perl5/MongoDB/Op/ |
Current File : /home/opti/optisoftcom-new/perl/usr/lib/perl5/MongoDB/Op/_Aggregate.pm |
# Copyright 2015 - present MongoDB, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. use strict; use warnings; package MongoDB::Op::_Aggregate; # Encapsulate aggregate operation; return MongoDB::QueryResult use version; our $VERSION = 'v2.0.2'; use Moo; use MongoDB::Op::_Command; use MongoDB::_Types qw( ArrayOfHashRef Boolish ); use Types::Standard qw( HashRef InstanceOf Num ); use namespace::clean; has client => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, isa => InstanceOf ['MongoDB::MongoClient'], ); has pipeline => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, isa => ArrayOfHashRef, ); has options => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, isa => HashRef, ); has has_out => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, isa => Boolish, ); has maxAwaitTimeMS => ( is => 'rw', isa => Num, ); with $_ for qw( MongoDB::Role::_PrivateConstructor MongoDB::Role::_CollectionOp MongoDB::Role::_ReadOp MongoDB::Role::_WriteOp MongoDB::Role::_CommandCursorOp ); sub execute { my ( $self, $link, $topology ) = @_; my $options = $self->options; my $is_2_6 = $link->supports_write_commands; # maxTimeMS isn't available until 2.6 and the aggregate command # will reject it as unrecognized delete $options->{maxTimeMS} unless $is_2_6; # bypassDocumentValidation isn't available until 3.2 (wire version 4) delete $options->{bypassDocumentValidation} unless $link->supports_document_validation; if ( defined $options->{collation} and !$link->supports_collation ) { MongoDB::UsageError->throw( "MongoDB host '" . $link->address . "' doesn't support collation" ); } # If 'cursor' is explicitly false, we disable using cursors, even # for MongoDB 2.6+. This allows users operating with a 2.6+ mongos # and pre-2.6 mongod in shards to avoid fatal errors. This # workaround should be removed once MongoDB 2.4 is no longer supported. my $use_cursor = $is_2_6 && ( !exists( $options->{cursor} ) || $options->{cursor} ); # batchSize is not a command parameter itself like other options my $batchSize = delete $options->{batchSize}; # If we're doing cursors, we first respect an explicit batchSize option; # next we fallback to the legacy (deprecated) cursor option batchSize; finally we # just give an empty document. Other than batchSize we ignore any other # legacy cursor options. If we're not doing cursors, don't send any # cursor option at all, as servers will choke on it. if ($use_cursor) { if ( defined $batchSize ) { $options->{cursor} = { batchSize => $batchSize }; } elsif ( ref $options->{cursor} eq 'HASH' ) { $batchSize = $options->{cursor}{batchSize}; $options->{cursor} = defined($batchSize) ? { batchSize => $batchSize } : {}; } else { $options->{cursor} = {}; } } else { delete $options->{cursor}; } my $has_out = $self->has_out; if ( $self->coll_name eq 1 && ! $link->supports_db_aggregation ) { MongoDB::Error->throw( "Calling aggregate with a collection name of '1' is not supported on Wire Version < 6" ); } my @command = ( aggregate => $self->coll_name, pipeline => $self->pipeline, %$options, ( !$has_out && $link->supports_read_concern ? @{ $self->read_concern->as_args( $self->session) } : () ), ( $has_out && $link->supports_helper_write_concern ? @{ $self->write_concern->as_args } : () ), ); my $op = MongoDB::Op::_Command->_new( db_name => $self->db_name, query => Tie::IxHash->new(@command), query_flags => {}, bson_codec => $self->bson_codec, ( $has_out ? () : ( read_preference => $self->read_preference ) ), session => $self->session, monitoring_callback => $self->monitoring_callback, ); my $res = $op->execute( $link, $topology ); $res->assert_no_write_concern_error if $has_out; # For explain, we give the whole response as fields have changed in # different server versions if ( $options->{explain} ) { return MongoDB::QueryResult->_new( _client => $self->client, _address => $link->address, _full_name => '', _bson_codec => $self->bson_codec, _batch_size => 1, _cursor_at => 0, _limit => 0, _cursor_id => 0, _cursor_start => 0, _cursor_flags => {}, _cursor_num => 1, _docs => [ $res->output ], ); } # Fake up a single-batch cursor if we didn't get a cursor response. # We use the 'results' fields as the first (and only) batch if ( !$res->output->{cursor} ) { $res->output->{cursor} = { ns => '', id => 0, firstBatch => ( delete $res->output->{result} ) || [], }; } return $self->_build_result_from_cursor($res); } 1;