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Current File : /home/opti/optisoftcom-new/perl/usr/lib/perl5/MongoDB/ClientSession.pm |
# Copyright 2018 - present MongoDB, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. use strict; use warnings; package MongoDB::ClientSession; # ABSTRACT: MongoDB session and transaction management use version; our $VERSION = 'v2.0.2'; use MongoDB::Error; use Moo; use MongoDB::_Constants; use MongoDB::_Types qw( Document BSONTimestamp TransactionState Boolish ); use Types::Standard qw( Maybe HashRef InstanceOf ); use MongoDB::_TransactionOptions; use namespace::clean -except => 'meta'; #pod =attr client #pod #pod The client this session was created using. Sessions may only be used #pod with the client that created them. #pod #pod =cut has client => ( is => 'ro', isa => InstanceOf['MongoDB::MongoClient'], required => 1, ); #pod =attr cluster_time #pod #pod Stores the last received C<$clusterTime> for the client session. This is an #pod opaque value, to set it use the L<advance_cluster_time> function. #pod #pod =cut has cluster_time => ( is => 'rwp', isa => Maybe[Document], init_arg => undef, default => undef, ); #pod =attr options #pod #pod Options provided for this particular session. Available options include: #pod #pod =for :list #pod * C<causalConsistency> - If true, will enable causalConsistency for #pod this session. For more information, see L<MongoDB documentation on Causal #pod Consistency|https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/read-isolation-consistency-recency/#causal-consistency>. #pod Note that causalConsistency does not apply for unacknowledged writes. #pod Defaults to true. #pod * C<defaultTransactionOptions> - Options to use by default for transactions #pod created with this session. If when creating a transaction, none or only some of #pod the transaction options are defined, these options will be used as a fallback. #pod Defaults to inheriting from the parent client. See L</start_transaction> for #pod available options. #pod #pod =cut has options => ( is => 'ro', isa => HashRef, required => 1, # Shallow copy to prevent action at a distance. # Upgrade to use Storable::dclone if a more complex option is required coerce => sub { # Will cause the isa requirement to fire return unless defined( $_[0] ) && ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH'; $_[0] = { causalConsistency => defined $_[0]->{causalConsistency} ? $_[0]->{causalConsistency} : 1, defaultTransactionOptions => { %{ $_[0]->{defaultTransactionOptions} || {} } }, }; }, ); has _server_session => ( is => 'ro', isa => InstanceOf['MongoDB::_ServerSession'], init_arg => 'server_session', required => 1, clearer => '__clear_server_session', ); has _current_transaction_options => ( is => 'rwp', isa => InstanceOf[ 'MongoDB::_TransactionOptions' ], handles => { _get_transaction_write_concern => 'write_concern', _get_transaction_read_concern => 'read_concern', _get_transaction_read_preference => 'read_preference', }, ); has _transaction_state => ( is => 'rwp', isa => TransactionState, default => 'none', ); # Flag used to say we are still in a transaction has _active_transaction => ( is => 'rwp', isa => Boolish, default => 0, ); # Flag used to say whether any operations have been performed on the # transaction has _has_transaction_operations => ( is => 'rwp', isa => Boolish, default => 0, ); #pod =attr operation_time #pod #pod The last operation time. This is updated when an operation is performed during #pod this session, or when L</advance_operation_time> is called. Used for causal #pod consistency. #pod #pod =cut has operation_time => ( is => 'rwp', isa => Maybe[BSONTimestamp], init_arg => undef, default => undef, ); #pod =method session_id #pod #pod The session id for this particular session. This should be considered #pod an opaque value. If C<end_session> has been called, this returns C<undef>. #pod #pod =cut sub session_id { my ($self) = @_; return defined $self->_server_session ? $self->_server_session->session_id : undef; } #pod =method get_latest_cluster_time #pod #pod my $cluster_time = $session->get_latest_cluster_time; #pod #pod Returns the latest cluster time, when compared with this session's recorded #pod cluster time and the main client cluster time. If neither is defined, returns #pod undef. #pod #pod =cut sub get_latest_cluster_time { my ( $self ) = @_; # default to the client cluster time - may still be undef if ( ! defined $self->cluster_time ) { return $self->client->_cluster_time; } if ( defined $self->client->_cluster_time ) { # Both must be defined here so can just compare if ( $self->cluster_time->{'clusterTime'} > $self->client->_cluster_time->{'clusterTime'} ) { return $self->cluster_time; } else { return $self->client->_cluster_time; } } # Could happen that this cluster_time is updated manually before the client return $self->cluster_time; } #pod =method advance_cluster_time #pod #pod $session->advance_cluster_time( $cluster_time ); #pod #pod Update the C<$clusterTime> for this session. Stores the value in #pod L</cluster_time>. If the cluster time provided is more recent than the sessions #pod current cluster time, then the session will be updated to this provided value. #pod #pod Setting the C<$clusterTime> with a manually crafted value may cause a server #pod error. It is recommended to only use C<$clusterTime> values retrieved from #pod database calls. #pod #pod =cut sub advance_cluster_time { my ( $self, $cluster_time ) = @_; return unless $cluster_time && exists $cluster_time->{clusterTime} && ref($cluster_time->{clusterTime}) eq 'BSON::Timestamp'; # Only update the cluster time if it is more recent than the current entry if ( ! defined $self->cluster_time ) { $self->_set_cluster_time( $cluster_time ); } else { if ( $cluster_time->{'clusterTime'} > $self->cluster_time->{'clusterTime'} ) { $self->_set_cluster_time( $cluster_time ); } } return; } #pod =method advance_operation_time #pod #pod $session->advance_operation_time( $operation_time ); #pod #pod Update the L</operation_time> for this session. If the value provided is more #pod recent than the sessions current operation time, then the session will be #pod updated to this provided value. #pod #pod Setting C<operation_time> with a manually crafted value may cause a server #pod error. It is recommended to only use an C<operation_time> retrieved from #pod another session or directly from a database call. #pod #pod =cut sub advance_operation_time { my ( $self, $operation_time ) = @_; # Just dont update operation_time if they've denied this, as it'l stop # everywhere else that updates based on this value from the session return unless $self->options->{causalConsistency}; if ( !defined( $self->operation_time ) || ( $operation_time > $self->operation_time ) ) { $self->_set_operation_time( $operation_time ); } return; } # Returns 1 if the session is in one of the specified transaction states. # Returns a false value if not in any of the states defined as an argument. sub _in_transaction_state { my ( $self, @states ) = @_; return 1 if scalar ( grep { $_ eq $self->_transaction_state } @states ); return; } #pod =method start_transaction #pod #pod $session->start_transaction; #pod $session->start_transaction( $options ); #pod #pod Start a transaction in this session. If a transaction is already in #pod progress or if the driver can detect that the client is connected to a #pod topology that does not support transactions, this method will throw an #pod error. #pod #pod A hash reference of options may be provided. Valid keys include: #pod #pod =for :list #pod * C<readConcern> - The read concern to use for the first command in this #pod transaction. If not defined here or in the C<defaultTransactionOptions> in #pod L</options>, will inherit from the parent client. #pod * C<writeConcern> - The write concern to use for committing or aborting this #pod transaction. As per C<readConcern>, if not defined here then the value defined #pod in C<defaultTransactionOptions> will be used, or the parent client if not #pod defined. #pod * C<readPreference> - The read preference to use for all read operations in #pod this transaction. If not defined, then will inherit from #pod C<defaultTransactionOptions> or from the parent client. This value will #pod override all other read preferences set in any subsequent commands inside this #pod transaction. #pod #pod =cut sub start_transaction { my ( $self, $opts ) = @_; MongoDB::UsageError->throw("Transaction already in progress") if $self->_in_transaction_state( TXN_STARTING, TXN_IN_PROGRESS ); MongoDB::ConfigurationError->throw("Transactions are unsupported on this deployment") unless $self->client->_topology->_supports_transactions; $opts ||= {}; my $trans_opts = MongoDB::_TransactionOptions->new( client => $self->client, options => $opts, default_options => $self->options->{defaultTransactionOptions}, ); $self->_set__current_transaction_options( $trans_opts ); $self->_set__transaction_state( TXN_STARTING ); $self->_increment_transaction_id; $self->_set__active_transaction( 1 ); $self->_set__has_transaction_operations( 0 ); return; } sub _increment_transaction_id { my $self = shift; return if $self->_active_transaction; $self->_server_session->transaction_id->binc(); } #pod =method commit_transaction #pod #pod $session->commit_transaction; #pod #pod Commit the current transaction. This will use the writeConcern set on this #pod transaction. #pod #pod If called when no transaction is in progress, then this method will throw #pod an error. #pod #pod If the commit operation encounters an error, an error is thrown. If the #pod error is a transient commit error, the error object will have a label #pod containing "UnknownTransactionCommitResult" as an element and the commit #pod operation can be retried. This can be checked via the C<has_error_label>: #pod #pod LOOP: { #pod eval { #pod $session->commit_transaction; #pod }; #pod if ( my $error = $@ ) { #pod if ( $error->has_error_label("UnknownTransactionCommitResult") ) { #pod redo LOOP; #pod } #pod else { #pod die $error; #pod } #pod } #pod } #pod #pod =cut sub commit_transaction { my $self = shift; MongoDB::UsageError->throw("No transaction started") if $self->_in_transaction_state( TXN_NONE ); # Error message tweaked to use our function names MongoDB::UsageError->throw("Cannot call commit_transaction after calling abort_transaction") if $self->_in_transaction_state( TXN_ABORTED ); # Commit can be called multiple times - even if the transaction completes # correctly. Setting this here makes sure we dont increment transaction id # until after another command has been called using this session $self->_set__active_transaction( 1 ); eval { $self->_send_end_transaction_command( TXN_COMMITTED, [ commitTransaction => 1 ] ); }; if ( my $err = $@ ) { # catch and re-throw after retryable errors my $err_code_name; my $err_code; if ( $err->can('result') ) { if ( $err->result->can('output') ) { $err_code_name = $err->result->output->{codeName}; $err_code = $err->result->output->{code}; $err_code_name ||= $err->result->output->{writeConcernError} ? $err->result->output->{writeConcernError}->{codeName} : ''; # Empty string just in case $err_code ||= $err->result->output->{writeConcernError} ? $err->result->output->{writeConcernError}->{code} : 0; # just in case } } # If its a write concern error, retrying a commit would still error unless ( ( defined( $err_code_name ) && grep { $_ eq $err_code_name } qw/ CannotSatisfyWriteConcern UnsatisfiableWriteConcern UnknownReplWriteConcern NoSuchTransaction / ) # Spec tests include code numbers only with no codeName || ( defined ( $err_code ) && grep { $_ == $err_code } 100, # UnsatisfiableWriteConcern/CannotSatisfyWriteConcern 79, # UnknownReplWriteConcern 251, # NoSuchTransaction ) ) { push @{ $err->error_labels }, 'UnknownTransactionCommitResult'; } die $err; } return; } #pod =method abort_transaction #pod #pod $session->abort_transaction; #pod #pod Aborts the current transaction. If no transaction is in progress, then this #pod method will throw an error. Otherwise, this method will suppress all other #pod errors (including network and database errors). #pod #pod =cut sub abort_transaction { my $self = shift; MongoDB::UsageError->throw("No transaction started") if $self->_in_transaction_state( TXN_NONE ); # Error message tweaked to use our function names MongoDB::UsageError->throw("Cannot call abort_transaction after calling commit_transaction") if $self->_in_transaction_state( TXN_COMMITTED ); # Error message tweaked to use our function names MongoDB::UsageError->throw("Cannot call abort_transaction twice") if $self->_in_transaction_state( TXN_ABORTED ); eval { $self->_send_end_transaction_command( TXN_ABORTED, [ abortTransaction => 1 ] ); }; # Ignore all errors thrown by abortTransaction return; } sub _send_end_transaction_command { my ( $self, $end_state, $command ) = @_; $self->_set__transaction_state( $end_state ); # Only need to send commit command if the transaction actually sent anything if ( $self->_has_transaction_operations ) { my $op = MongoDB::Op::_Command->_new( db_name => 'admin', query => $command, query_flags => {}, bson_codec => $self->client->bson_codec, session => $self, monitoring_callback => $self->client->monitoring_callback, ); my $result = $self->client->send_retryable_write_op( $op, 'force' ); $result->assert_no_write_concern_error; } # If the commit/abort succeeded, we are no longer in an active transaction $self->_set__active_transaction( 0 ); } # For applying connection errors etc sub _maybe_apply_error_labels { my ( $self, $err ) = @_; if ( $self->_in_transaction_state( TXN_STARTING, TXN_IN_PROGRESS ) ) { push @{ $err->error_labels }, 'TransientTransactionError'; } return; } #pod =method end_session #pod #pod $session->end_session; #pod #pod Close this particular session and release the session ID for reuse or #pod recycling. If a transaction is in progress, it will be aborted. Has no #pod effect after calling for the first time. #pod #pod This will be called automatically by the object destructor. #pod #pod =cut sub end_session { my ( $self ) = @_; if ( $self->_in_transaction_state ( TXN_IN_PROGRESS ) ) { # Ignore all errors eval { $self->abort_transaction }; } if ( defined $self->_server_session ) { $self->client->_server_session_pool->retire_server_session( $self->_server_session ); $self->__clear_server_session; } } sub DEMOLISH { my ( $self, $in_global_destruction ) = @_; # Implicit end of session in scope $self->end_session; } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME MongoDB::ClientSession - MongoDB session and transaction management =head1 VERSION version v2.0.2 =head1 SYNOPSIS my $session = $client->start_session( $options ); # use session in operations my $result = $collection->find( { id => 1 }, { session => $session } ); # use sessions for transactions $session->start_transaction; ... if ( $ok ) { $session->commit_transaction; } else { $session->abort_transaction; } =head1 DESCRIPTION This class encapsulates an active session for use with the current client. Sessions support is new with MongoDB 3.6, and can be used in replica set and sharded MongoDB clusters. =head2 Explicit and Implicit Sessions If you specifically apply a session to an operation, then the operation will be performed with that session id. If you do not provide a session for an operation, and the server supports sessions, then an implicit session will be created and used for this operation. The only exception to this is for unacknowledged writes - the driver will not provide an implicit session for this, and if you provide a session then the driver will raise an error. =head2 Cursors During cursors, if a session is not provided then an implicit session will be created which is then used for the lifetime of the cursor. If you provide a session, then note that ending the session and then continuing to use the cursor will raise an error. =head2 Thread Safety Sessions are NOT thread safe, and should only be used by one thread at a time. Using a session across multiple threads is unsupported and unexpected issues and errors may occur. Note that the driver does not check for multi-threaded use. =head2 Transactions A session may be associated with at most one open transaction (on MongoDB 4.0+). For detailed instructions on how to use transactions with drivers, see the MongoDB manual page: L<Transactions|https://docs.mongodb.com/master/core/transactions>. =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 client The client this session was created using. Sessions may only be used with the client that created them. =head2 cluster_time Stores the last received C<$clusterTime> for the client session. This is an opaque value, to set it use the L<advance_cluster_time> function. =head2 options Options provided for this particular session. Available options include: =over 4 =item * C<causalConsistency> - If true, will enable causalConsistency for this session. For more information, see L<MongoDB documentation on Causal Consistency|https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/read-isolation-consistency-recency/#causal-consistency>. Note that causalConsistency does not apply for unacknowledged writes. Defaults to true. =item * C<defaultTransactionOptions> - Options to use by default for transactions created with this session. If when creating a transaction, none or only some of the transaction options are defined, these options will be used as a fallback. Defaults to inheriting from the parent client. See L</start_transaction> for available options. =back =head2 operation_time The last operation time. This is updated when an operation is performed during this session, or when L</advance_operation_time> is called. Used for causal consistency. =head1 METHODS =head2 session_id The session id for this particular session. This should be considered an opaque value. If C<end_session> has been called, this returns C<undef>. =head2 get_latest_cluster_time my $cluster_time = $session->get_latest_cluster_time; Returns the latest cluster time, when compared with this session's recorded cluster time and the main client cluster time. If neither is defined, returns undef. =head2 advance_cluster_time $session->advance_cluster_time( $cluster_time ); Update the C<$clusterTime> for this session. Stores the value in L</cluster_time>. If the cluster time provided is more recent than the sessions current cluster time, then the session will be updated to this provided value. Setting the C<$clusterTime> with a manually crafted value may cause a server error. It is recommended to only use C<$clusterTime> values retrieved from database calls. =head2 advance_operation_time $session->advance_operation_time( $operation_time ); Update the L</operation_time> for this session. If the value provided is more recent than the sessions current operation time, then the session will be updated to this provided value. Setting C<operation_time> with a manually crafted value may cause a server error. It is recommended to only use an C<operation_time> retrieved from another session or directly from a database call. =head2 start_transaction $session->start_transaction; $session->start_transaction( $options ); Start a transaction in this session. If a transaction is already in progress or if the driver can detect that the client is connected to a topology that does not support transactions, this method will throw an error. A hash reference of options may be provided. Valid keys include: =over 4 =item * C<readConcern> - The read concern to use for the first command in this transaction. If not defined here or in the C<defaultTransactionOptions> in L</options>, will inherit from the parent client. =item * C<writeConcern> - The write concern to use for committing or aborting this transaction. As per C<readConcern>, if not defined here then the value defined in C<defaultTransactionOptions> will be used, or the parent client if not defined. =item * C<readPreference> - The read preference to use for all read operations in this transaction. If not defined, then will inherit from C<defaultTransactionOptions> or from the parent client. This value will override all other read preferences set in any subsequent commands inside this transaction. =back =head2 commit_transaction $session->commit_transaction; Commit the current transaction. This will use the writeConcern set on this transaction. If called when no transaction is in progress, then this method will throw an error. If the commit operation encounters an error, an error is thrown. If the error is a transient commit error, the error object will have a label containing "UnknownTransactionCommitResult" as an element and the commit operation can be retried. This can be checked via the C<has_error_label>: LOOP: { eval { $session->commit_transaction; }; if ( my $error = $@ ) { if ( $error->has_error_label("UnknownTransactionCommitResult") ) { redo LOOP; } else { die $error; } } } =head2 abort_transaction $session->abort_transaction; Aborts the current transaction. If no transaction is in progress, then this method will throw an error. Otherwise, this method will suppress all other errors (including network and database errors). =head2 end_session $session->end_session; Close this particular session and release the session ID for reuse or recycling. If a transaction is in progress, it will be aborted. Has no effect after calling for the first time. This will be called automatically by the object destructor. =head1 AUTHORS =over 4 =item * David Golden <david@mongodb.com> =item * Rassi <rassi@mongodb.com> =item * Mike Friedman <friedo@friedo.com> =item * Kristina Chodorow <k.chodorow@gmail.com> =item * Florian Ragwitz <rafl@debian.org> =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2018 by MongoDB, Inc. This is free software, licensed under: The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004 =cut